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Posts posted by Casiarius

  1. I am selling some things to finance my Imperial Guard habit. I'm starting with items that should be fairly self-explanatory without pictures, and I'll work my way down to assembled items and oddities. For the stuff that's new in the box and reasonably modern, I am looking for 75% of retail. I am in the Portland area and have been known to loiter around WOW on Tuesdays. I'd prefer in-person exchanges, but shipping can be figured out if needed.

    Edited 06/30/2014

    Things I would trade for:
    - Leman Russ turret weapons and sponsons (the fun ones, not heavy bolters)
    - Sentinel Plasma Cannons
    - Ministorum Priests
    - Sanctioned Psykers

    - Kasrkin

    - "Inquisitorial" Storm Troopers (with the bug-eyed gas masks)

    - Rhebok Tansports (Ramshackle Games Kickstarter)

    - "Other" Imperial Guard items?


    I've got:

    == Tau, Still in the Box ==
    Hammerhead Gunship
    XV25 Stealth Armour
    Kroot Carnivore Squad x2 (16 kroot per box)


    == Imperial Guard, Still in the Box ===

    Imperial Guard Chimera

    MkIX Chimera (the old kit which actually had the road wheels under the tracks)

    MkIV Demolisher (the old Leman Russ kit with all the road wheels under the tracks + metal weapons)

    Cadian Sentinel x3 (the old Sentinel kit with metal autocannon and metal armored cockpit)
    (Catachan Jungle Fighters x50, still on the sprues, though not actually in a box.)

    == Blister Packs == (From the era when Scouts were all metal but Marines had plastic arms)
    8001A Space Marines x2
    8002E Imperial Space Marine Scouts (Bolt pistol, CCW)
    8002G Marine Scout w/ Heavy Bolter
    8004E Space Marine w/ Heavy Bolter x2
    8004H Devastator w/ Multi-melta
    8007F Terminator w/ Heavy Flamer

    9504F Marine Scout Bikes (Three Scouts: bolter, shotgun, chainsword. Some bike stowage/packs. No actual bikes.)

    == Metal Space Marine Scouts == (Some primed or base coated, some bare)
    Sniper Rifle x12
    Bolter x4
    Sergeant w/ Bolt Pistol, CCW
    Bolt Pistol, CCW x3 (Old ones with mohawks and decorative Elizabethan sleeves.)

    If you're in to retro Scouts I have several of the old plastic mohawk and poofy sleeves guys.

  2. I have been complaining about the price of GW books and miniatures since 3rd Edition... and by the time I quit the hobby at the end of 4th Edition I had still managed to collect three armies, as well as the codicies for a few other armies I didn't even play. But nobody at GW twisted my arm and forced me to have three armies, most of what made the hobby so expensive was me.

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  3. Using 10 Veterans as nothing but a really big lascannon team does seem like a waste. There are BS 4 Veterans in there that could be carrying sniper rifles or grenade launchers. The blob has room for special weapons as well.
    The Platoon Command Squad can have a heavy weapon too, as long as it's just hiding in the rear.

    I am planning to use lascannon-armed Armored Sentinels in my own Guard force. They are still more expensive than Heavy Weapon Squads, but the price difference has narrowed. I think their greater durability, and their ability to move and fire, makes them worth the extra points.

    Since Pask and his squadron account for more than 25% of the points in your whole army, and a lot of its firepower, this seems like a great place for a Techpriest and some Servitors. In addition to their repair abilities, Power of the Machine Spirit can (if I'm understanding the rules correctly) allow a tank to fire its main gun at full BS even if the crew is shaken.

  4. Every few years one of my friends will get nostalgic about Magic and we'll play it like crazy for a few months. Most recently we played the Commander format (previously known as Elder Dragon Highlander or EDH). Since every deck has a permanent commander, they often have an interesting personality of their own. Since every card has to be unique, you get to see a lot of cards that are considered trash in normal decks.

  5. So-far I haven't seen any new models that I simply can't live without. The Scions are great but I'm not sure how many $7 plastic infantry I really need. It seems like I am going to need a Hydra, but I really prefer the old Forge World version (currently sold out).


    What I am especially interested in is the changes to the point costs of some of the old units. Armored Sentinels are getting substantially cheaper, especially if armed with lascannons or plasma cannons. Grenadiers (Vets in carapace armor) are coming down in price, so a 10-man basic squad is roughly the same cost as a 5-man Scion squad. The Grenadiers are giving up their third special weapon slot but they still have a heavy weapon that Scions don't, and they're Troops.

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  6. Including both "Inquisitorial" Storm Troopers and Kasrkin, I have about 60 of them. Even so, the Storm Trooper codex would need to be made of 100% pure "awesome" for me to shell out $100 for new codices in one month.

    Plastic Storm Troopers have been rumored to be "coming soon" since I was playing in 4th Edition, and maybe before that. Now that they're here, I wish they had more of the high-tech look of Kasrkin. Well, they're rumored to have lots of interesting bits for conversions... I hope that includes helmets.

    I don't like the Taurox at all... but maybe I'll be able to pick up some Chimeras on the cheap once these ugly things are released.

  7. I'm just getting back IN to the hobby in this environment, so It's safe to say that it hasn't scared me away entirely. I like the variety of stuff that's available. In today's rich-but-unbalanced environment, you may need to negotiate to decide what's fair, but I'd rather have that than the opposite. For those who remember early 3rd Edition... a dry, sterile environment where nobody had fun special units or rules.


    Still, I would prefer to opt out of a lot of the superheavy madness. My ideal 40K game is a skirmish between infantry units, not a game of Epic played with 28mm miniatures. Dataslates can still have a big effect on small games though....

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  8. Are you lecturing me on grammar while using fragments like "Few things." as sentances? And after making a big deal of how incorrect WoW is, do you realize you committed the same error yourself a few sentances later? I hope we can just have fun gaming and not sweat the small stuff.

    Although money is a factor, and so is competitiveness, I intend to play the army that is the most "fun", even if it costs me money and gets wiped off the table on Turn 2 by Taudar. I am guessing the most fun and varied army will be Imperial Guard, but who knows what the new codex might bring?

    In terms of modeling, Guard are the army I most want to work on, since they are still in the middle of an unfinished makeover. I need to get some heads from Pig Iron, and I have a Leman Russ I chopped in half that needs work....

    I do intend to post an army list soon (Tau or IG) so I can get some 2014 advice for my 2008 army building skills. Is there any specific point value that people are generally playing with on the big back table at WOW? Or at Guardian?

    • Like 1
  9. I have loitered around WoW on a couple of recent Tuesdays (disreputable-looking character, grey beard, glasses). I haven't brought anything to play with, but I do intend to play some 40K "soon".

    I have modest collections of:

     - Salamanders (from 3rd Edition, esp. old metal Terminators on 25mm bases)

     - Imperial Guard (lots of Storm Troopers / Grenadiers)

     - Tau (actually my old Kroot Mercenaries force incl. 30+ Kroot Hounds and 9 Krootox)


    I am really trying to sell off a lot of my unused 40K stuff and play smaller games like Kill Team, though I could field 2000+ points of any of the above using unpainted minis and allies. I have downloaded a copy of Battle Scribe and pondered some Kroot-heavy Tau lists. Though, if I procrastinate long enough the Imperial Guard codex will be out, and that's the army I would prefer to play.


    There were no flyers or super-heavies when I played last. It looks like Tau can handle both with regular old battle suit models, which I have. I may need to buy some new Imperial Guard stuff to handle flyers. Since I just recently bought the 6th Edition rules and Codex: Tau, and will soon have to buy Codex: Imperial Guard and 7th Edition, I'm hoping to do this with a minimum of new miniatures purchases.

    So, is anyone currently playing Kill Team? Either the GW version or Heralds of Ruin? I have seen some discussion of it on the board here, but few specifics.

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