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Posts posted by wildcat

  1. I have created my own chapter, iron heads, a later founding from the iron hands. I use bionic legs and the vanguard helmet from the skitarii line. The front torsos are the same as the marine from the vehicle kits. They are red for Mars. My own fluff is they are created as ad mech marine force. Engineered for those deployments that need a more surgical approach. Vehicles are black and red (flyers), or gun bolt silver and red.

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  2. I have always tried to go for a style/ themed army. So when I did Eldar, it was basically bikes, spiders,spears, vypers.

    I rarely ran vehicles with my tau, maybe played a devil fish once.


    I sold most of my stuff, and when I got back, I started with SW, and have tried to make my force fluffy, so death wolves etc. the painting guide had lots of fluff to read.


    I always wanted ad mech, so now I am focusing on that. I will do with them what I did with old tau, and focus on trying to run them with fluff type tactics, instead of what is powerful. This makes the game so much more fun, and requires me to fight more tactically.


    I like foot slogging, or mech infantry, but to,run them that way, using other vehicles to support them. I guess it must be from when I studied US army FM 7-7


    I like playing a fluff army, after reading a few 40k books, I like my force to operate like the stories, might not be competitive, but sure is fun. If I play against a cheese list, that is ok, I like the challenge.

  3. Each hit applies to one model. So d3 wounds to one guy if he fails whatever save he may have.

    That was my interpretation. However based on other models that generate more wounds on a roll of a six, those wounds are allocated to the pool.


    So i am shoot 5 d weapons against 10 guys, I score 5 hits, I then roll to see how many wound, I roll 2-5 for all of them. The I roll d3, let's say I get 3,3,2,1,1 that gives the wound pool 10 wounds. Then the 10 guys get to make there cover or invaluable saves.


    I think I confused myself, please feel free to set me correct.

  4. The doctrina imperative drops the +/- to the stat line of the models profile, characteristics (page 72 codex). The Cognis rule states that the snap fire rule, BRB (Page 32), which is at BS1, is now counted at BS2.

    Hopefully I explained this well.

  5. So basically people complained about wave serpant spam. GW listened, they nerfed it.


    Then they supper buffed every other unit instead


    Eldar strong


    Glad I sold my eldar bike army, it was so much fun to play. Did great in sixth and seventh editions. Now I am glad I will not be "that guy", though I do have three imperial Knights that spend most of there time on the self.


    glad I am not a big tournament player, with out having a plasma obliterator, with a space wolves battle leader holding the helm of durfast with its re role to hit and ignore cover, there is no way I can with stand the sheer amount of strength 6th shots.


    Wish GW would off not made the plasma obliterator so limited.

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