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Edosaurus Rex

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Posts posted by Edosaurus Rex

  1. At the rate GW has been releasing books, I haven't been able to keep up with purchasing the ones for all of my armies. Fortunately, you can usually find pdf versions online if you know where to look.

    I'm hoping that with the new edition they will do something similar to the AoS app and have all of the core rules be free (including stats for most units) and have specific army packages available for purchase with special formations and all of the lore for that faction (basically all of the info that would be in the corresponding army book).

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  2. Hi everyone!

    I'm going to be converting a Chaos Lord on a Juggernaut to use in my KDK list for OFCC this year, but I need a few bits for the project. Specifically, I'm looking for a set of legs from the Skullcrusher box as well as one of the cool helmeted heads (the bigger, the better). If you have something similar that might work (maybe Chaos Knight legs or something), let me know! The only bits I found on eBay ship from France so I thought I would see if anyone more local has what I'm looking for. 


    The bits will likely need to be shipped to me (I live in Maple Valley, WA), but they are small enough to fit in an envelope so shipping should be a breeze. I'm willing to send PayPal or mail some bits in return (I have a large variety, so just let me know what you are looking for).



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  3. This looks fun! I've never really played Kill Team before though, so a quick question or two on list building:


    Given the Kill Team detachment above, do we have to take minimum unit sizes for those FOC choices? For example, if I am playing KDK and want to bring a CSM squad, am I required to bring the minimum squad size of eight models and just have them all operate separately? Or could I just use one Troops choice on a CSM squad and only take four models from that unit so I then have more points left to use on, say, models from my Elites and Fast Attack choices?


    Also, if I am not required to take the minimum squad size, am I still allowed to have one model with a special weapon or whatnot in the unit (who will then operate separately)?



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  4. Personally, I typically don't have difficultly with finishing a 2k game in the time allotted unless my opponent is either late or just playing slowly. Most of the time at OFCC, I finish my games about thirty minutes early. However, I tend to play very quickly and I realize that this is not the case for everyone.


    While I would like to see the points level remain at 2k, I would not be opposed to lowering the level. I totally see the benefits of giving everyone some extra wiggle room on each round, especially because it allows for additional trips to the bar without slowing things down.


    If the points are to be set below 2000, I would recommend 1750 because I believe it is the best balance of creating a more time efficient game while still allowing players to take the units they love oh so very much.


    Reducing the points by 250 can significantly affect game time! Think about it: that's one less Bloodthirster, Land Raider, Terminator squad, or other point sink unit that you have to resolve shooting and combat with as well as one less unit that you have to kill. On the other hand, having the points level at 1750 means that players can take an extra Bloodthirster, Land Raider, etc. over a 1500 point list. So I believer you get the best of both worlds!


    Plus, that's one less Bloodthirster that I have to paint before July :P

  5. I find it interesting that in the CSM FAQ they specified that the mutations that Possessed get only last through the player turn, but they didn't mention it for the KDK book. I noticed a couple days ago that the KDK book states that the mutations last until the end of the game turn... so KDK Possessed are slightly better? Still terrible, but less so.

    • Like 2
  6. Hi everyone!


    I've finally gotten some motivation to paint up my Tomb Kings army and I need some more skeletons!


    I'm looking for archers, skeleton warriors, chariots, or horsemen. Actually if you have any Tomb Kings models lying around, let me know! They have always been my favorite army so I'd be happy to put any dust-collecting models to good use. I'm strongly considering taking this army to OFCC next year instead of playing 40k.


    I have an assortment of things to trade, so let me know what you are looking for! I have a huge High Elf collection, lots of Tau, Space Marines, Chaos Daemons, CSM, and an assortment of other things. If you have some Tomb Kings to trade, shoot me a PM and we can work something out (I can probably find any sort of model; I have a wide network of people to trade with).


    I also have a lot of MTG singles to trade as well as cash if it comes down to it and the price is right.



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  7. The only superheavy I played against this year was a Greater Brass Scorpion, and it rekt me. I had the tools to deal with it (theoretically at least), but my dice turned sour and I just wasn't able to get any good hits on it. Oh well, bad dice happen!


    Oh and the fact that he also had seven or eight Soulgrinders may have had something to do with my loss.

    • Like 2
  8. I say always take the Lord of Skulls when you can, it is just way too much fun to play with! Looking at the models you have, here's what I came up with:




    Chaos Lord on Juggernaut- 120

    Chaos Lord on Juggernaut- 120

    8 CSM- 185

    -Rhino, meltagun, combi-melta

    8 CSM- 185

    -Rhino, Meltagun, combi-melta

    8 Raptors- 207

    -Power fist, two meltaguns

    8 Raptors- 207

    -Power fist, two meltaguns

    Lord of Skulls- 888


    That puts you at 1912, which gives you some room to kit out your chaos lords how you like. Also, you can upgrade the meltaguns to plasma on a squad or two if you prefer. The idea is that the Chaos Lords run with the Raptors and you only give your opponent one round of shooting before you make it to their lines. It's not necessarily a great list but it would certainly be lots of fun to play! Also, I recommend that you swap out the gatling cannon on the Lord of Skulls for the skullhurler... it's an expensive upgrade at 60 points but I have generally found it to be worth it (especially if you don't have much else in your army).

    • Like 2
  9. I focus more on Flesh Hounds and Mauler-Fiends, but this is in the same general conceptual space as the KDK list I took this year, and I had a lot of fun with that, despite my Kytan being total fail in multiple Games.

    I considered running more Flesh Hounds, but I've had a bunch of Bloodcrushers collecting dust for a while so I've been itching to see how they perform. If they are terrible then I will probably just swap them out for more hounds instead (especially since I can get 8 Hounds for the points cost of 3 Bloodcrushers).


    I think the list looks solid. I don't think it's top-tier competitive but it can definitely hold its own on tournament tables. Plus it looks fun to play!

    That's the exact level ofor list I was going for! I'm looking forward to testing it against you this weekend, hopefully it is as fun to play as I think it is while also being a good list.

  10. So if I learned one thing from this year's OFCC, it's that Space Marines are bloody boring to play! There just isn't enough assaulting. So back to Khorne I go! I've been wanting to try out more of a MSU approach to a KDK list for a while now, but any time I play them I just can't help but bring my Lord of Skulls which eats up half the points in my list so I am limited as to what else I can bring. The following list lets me bring out models that have been collecting dust for some time, as well as give me a good reason to convert a Chaos Lord on a Juggernaut. This isn't meant to be a super competitive list (obviously, I'm taking Possessed) but since I have yet to test out a list like this I wanted to get some feedback and see if I am just going to get molested in the butt if I put this on the table for a pick-up game. Here goes:



    Blood Host Detachment

    Gives me +1 Blood Tithe point every turn



    Units in this formation can benefit from a free Blood Tithe ability any time I spend Blood Tithe points.

    Chaos Lord- 183

    -Juggernaut of Khorne, Kor'lath, the Axe of Ruin, combi-bolter (I had 3 points to spend)

    8 Bloodletters- 80

    8 Bloodletters- 80

    8 Bloodletters- 80

    8 Bloodletters- 80

    8 Cultists- 58

    8 Cultists- 58

    8 Possessed- 240


    Brazen Onslaught

    If a unit in this formation is outnumbered in combat, it gets +1 Attack for that phase (check every turn).

    3 Chaos Terminators- 131

    -3 combi-meltas, chainfist, power axe, power maul

    3 Bloodcrushers-135

    3 Bloodcrushers- 135



    Flesh Hounds in this formation gain the Hammer of Wrath rule, and Bikes gain the Shred rule when resolving their Hammer of Wrath attacks.

    8 Flesh Hounds- 128

    3 Chaos Bikers- 101

    -2 meltaguns, Champion has meltabombs

    3 Chaos Bikers- 101

    -2 meltaguns, Champion has meltabombs


    War Engine

    Soul Grinder- 135


    Lord of Slaughter

    Bloodthirster of Insensate Rage- 275



    Total: 2,000




    Well, There you have it. The Chaos Lord will ride with the Flesh Hounds and hopefully eat a unit or three before gloriously dying and becoming a Bloodthirster. The bikes and Bloodthirster are on vehicle duty, but the Bloodthirster can divert to other targets depending on where i need the D. the Soul Grinder is there for a teensy bit of anti-air as well as a rear assault threat in case someone deep strikes into my deployment zone. The Terminators will deep strike and pop a vehicle in the butt before either dying or popping other vehicles in the butt with a chainfist. I will likely deep strike the Bloodletters, but that will depend on the mission (they are great for dropping down in later turns to grab objectives). Hopefully the Possessed will make it into combat; I think my opponent will have enough faster threats to shoot at before bothering with them. The Cultists are backfield objective grabbers (it's okay if they flee off the board, that just means more Blood Tithe points).


    Anyway, let me know what you think!

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  11. Whew, busy day, just got hope. Original post updated.

    Hello! So not sure if you are still interested in what I have left, but would possibly be interested in some HE stuff. Would mainly be interested in IoB plastics (besides the griffon guy) and some of the newer plastics (Phoenix Guard, White Lions, charitos), but will consider other stuff.

    I'm mostly interested in the Rhino, but I'll entertain the idea of Possessed as well. I already have the data cards and the codex, however.


    I do have some of the IoB plastics, including at least five Ellyrian Reavers, some of the Swordmasters, and I probably also have the Lothern Sea Guard. I'll double check when I get home from work! I also have more Repeater Bolt Throwers than I can conceivably use (two or three of each sculpt) as well as a surplus of character models if you are interested.

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