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Posts posted by Nathanvoodoo

  1. I work Sundays so I won't be able to attend those games... but I picked up the game today and managed to get some time in with it. We played quite a few games through before I think we actually figured out. Once we got the flow of the game figured out it seemed really quick and actually rather strategic. I'd like to get some more games in-

  2. I can't wait... but... I dunno bout carnifexes... the one I've run in several games now sure has been useless. Might as well paint a sign on them saying 'shoot me with your best guns asap' 


    Really hoping genestealers and gants get some love. Maybe put the points in line with the genestealers cults. Give them a trick or two more than just being kinda fast. Hormagants could be given something to make them worth using... Right now they are basically the most useless thing I can think of in the game.

  3. The wording is terrible but as I've understood it and seen it played you take the base unmodified strength of the model then apply the weapon profile then apply the modifications. So a (for example) Character space marine with a rule that gives him +1 strength on the charge who is using a power fist would go as such when he charges into the fight -

    strength 4(base strength) x2(power fist) +1(charge modification) =9

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