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Everything posted by honkysquawk

  1. In my short tenure at Blood Bowl, I am really drawn to the player development angle. This is a fun element to me and even a rewarding one. I would like to see persistent teams supported as much as possible and to the degree that the community sees to be fit and fair. I would not at all be bothered to have a league fee for investment and prizes. 40mm pitches would be pretty bitchin On your comment about off-season games, are you imposing restrictions because you are proposing that stats and winnings from these games would apply to the persistent team? I presume that's the case, otherwise why mention it? If that is the case I would bow to the word of more experienced players on this. I would hope that there are enough players to support multiple divisions and the league will hopefully grow. I think by the upcoming season, Fitz and I will have an additional newbie ready to jump in. And just to take a moment to unabashedly suck-up, Shane you are doing this league commissioner thing really really well. Thanks for soliciting feedback. I know you may make decisions I don't individually love or that may be unpopular for the league, but I trust your decisions and look forward to more BB with you as commish. 'Squawk Out
  2. Hey Blood Bowl brothers I will be at the club this evening spectating. Any of you fine gentlemen available or interested in giving an Infinity orientation? I have no knowledge of Infinity, but I'd like to get some knowledge. Cheers Justin honkysquawk
  3. Can I pick which of Fitz's players should have skills removed?
  4. My opponent isn't available but I am coming to the club with Fitz Tuesday evening. Anyone wants an exhibition/practice match, I will have my Dark Elves with me. Cheers.
  5. I am in with my Dorchadas Dark Elves. I expect to hit my stride and start turning two and three turn touchdowns regularly.
  6. My first BB league, but not my first league. Seriously and sincerely: great job as commish!!!!
  7. It's honkysquawk here. I'm real and I'm spectacular. Friend and coworker of Fitz. You definitely want me and my Dark Elves in your league, it will elevate everyone else's stats. My normal-person name is Justin.
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