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Posts posted by indytims

  1. Jessica Jones - Binge-watched this one last week, and enjoyed it for the most part. I don't think it was near as good as Daredevil, but it was definitely worth watching.  Best part for me was seeing a certain character from Daredevil show up for an episode or two, and drop a few hints about the Man Without Fear. It's really rounding up nicely to the point that Netflix -could- eventually pull off The Defenders, which I hope they do. But time will tell.


    David Tenant as Kilgrave... I just didn't really buy into it. Not just because he's forever 'Dr. Who' to me, but the character itself just didn't give me the impression that he was a real danger to Jessica. So much of what he did was predictable, TOO predictable.


    I did love Carrie Moss as the selfish high-end attorney, and hope she returns next season.


    Overall, not good enough for me to watch through again, but good enough to be on the lookout for season 2.



  2. I've kinda just given up on the books. I stopped reading his blog, I stopped looking and waiting and waiting and.... ugh.


    I am resigned to the fact that there might not even BE another book. I really have no idea if George -himself- has a clue where he's going with the series. He -says- he does, but I am finding that harder and harder to believe.


    Besides - the TV series is incredible - best show on TV the past few years (to me, at least). That makes is quite easy to just forget about the books entirely...


    At least until they come. ;)



  3. tumblr_m6q3ryuF5U1qh402go1_500.gif


    That day, Vader was amazed to discover that when Boba was saying “As you wish”, what he meant was, “I love you.”



    The best part is.... look at IG-88's face!!! Even he is like, "OH SNAP! Did Boba just say what I thought he said??????"

    • Like 1
  4. I like both of the new Achilles figs, especially the limited ed one. I dont see anything wrong with the pose, and the armor looks like it really could be arm 5 or 6 or whatever it is.


    The usarf stuff i love, but they are just repacks.


    The spektr is awesome.


    The tohaa dogs dont really do anything for me. I keep seeing tigers of dirz from rackham

    • Like 1
  5. I love the original trilogy, including Jedi, and I'd probably put Force Awakens at a solid #3 spot. So for reference:


    #1 Empire

    #2 New Hope

    #3 Force Awakens

    #4 Jedi

    [insert huge gap in quality]

    #5 Sith

    #6 Clones

    #7 Phantom Menace


    Mine is almost identical. For me, FA is #2, New Hope #3. But the rest is exactly the same.


    Despite how the wife and I sat together trying to nitpick FA, one this is for certain: the SW movie franchise has incredible legs, especially if the quality of the product remains this high - or higher. I remember when Lucas sold the rights to Disney for $4B, and some news outlets were saying Disney got ripped off... and immediately I thought, 'No freakin' way'. I always thought that if the SW IP was given to a production house that was big enough/savvy enough to know what to do with it, that there were literally -billions- of untapped dollars awaiting. I just think some 'industry' people simply do not have an accurate view of the SW property, or how big it really is. Personally, I think Disney got a -steal-, and in time, it will come to be known as one of the biggest blockbuster deals in movie history.


    Of course, for $4B, I don't think George got ripped off, either. At least, not presently.

  6. Star Wars: The Force Awakens - The wife and I saw this on opening night, then the following weekend, then on Christmas. That gave me three chances to nitpick it to death, and to come to terms with certain things that happened during the course of the movie.


    We both enjoyed it immensely, and it really gave us the 'feeling' we each had when seeing eps 4/5/6 for the first time. Yes, there are a few plot-holes, No, it's not perfect. Yes, they did 'borrow' from episode 4. But it's the most fun we've had at the theater in all of 2015. It's my 2nd favorite SW movie (after Empire, still) and we'll definitely be seeing it again.





    Daddy's Home - We saw this one when we were in the mood for a comedy. It definitely invoked its share of laughs, but there were many attempts that fell pretty short. I like that Wahlberg and Ferrell have good chemistry, but I didn't like how they portrayed his 'move wife' as being a bit too superficial. Ferrell's move 'boss' had some good lines, and the live-in handyman was kinda odd.


    Definitely not as good as 'Anchorman' or 'Talladega Nights', but to me it was definitely better than 'Get Hard'.



    • Like 1
  7. Wife and I saw it last night, and we both came away pretty happy.


    Finn is definitely my fave character out of the new ones. He does have a bit of 'Han Solo' to him, but I enjoyed seeing his struggle with his own fear, and it's clear he's infatuated with Rey, which I thought was very cool, as well.


    Rey herself is pretty kick butt, and we liked her. I liked Poe a lot, too, but my better half thought he was trying 'too hard' to be charming. I don't think Poe had all that much screen-time, really, but I do hope he's back in the sequel.


    There will be a lot of debate about Han's fate, I think. I know Ford has said many, many times he wished Solo had died in the previous trilogy. I don't know if that's the reason they went the direction they did, but I have -very- mixed feelings about it. Regardless whether I thought it was a 'good idea' or not, his fate seemed to be glossed over afterward, which also bothered me. Yeah, Leia had a brief moment where she looked sad, and Chewie had a moment where he looked sad too. That was pretty much it. I kinda expected more of a reaction to it,.


    There were also some 'holes' created, which isn't uncommon in Abram's directed shows. At one point, Solo gives Finn grief because he works in sanitation and Finn explains he's just doing what he has to do to get the girl back, so then how did he know all the other details he -did- share? What did they do with Captain Phasma? If Kylo Ren 'sensed' the struggle in a stormtrooper's mind back at the first village, why did he just shrug it off and do nothing? Among other things.


    The wife and I had both predicted three main things as we discussed the movie to each other the past several months. 1) Han and/or Chewie would die. 2) Luke would see very, very minimal screen-time, perhaps coming in at the very end before the credits. Of course, he -thought- he'd at least SAY something. LOL! And 3) Ren would be the son of either Leia/Han, or Luke and someone else. So we almost hit the nail on the head exactly, and we were not disappointed.


    We both enjoyed the level of humor included. There are of course moments of comical relief in all the previous six movies, but this one had a bunch which we enjoyed.


    The wife and I are both wondering if Rey is Luke's daughter, and we'll get the 'I am your father' speech in episode eight. She heard Luke's lightsaber calling for her. She was dropped off on the planet to 'hide' her. Sure, maybe she's just some random force-sensitive kid, too. Next episode should be really interesting. :)


    Anyway, we both enjoyed it enough that we're going to see it again tomorrow. The first time was quite the emotional feeling for both of us (both big Star Wars fans, even of the prequels). So the second time maybe we'll 'see' stuff we missed the first time. :)



  8. Got tickets to see it Thursday night with my better half, then again on Saturday to see it with her family.


    I'm one of the 3 or 4 people on the planet who enjoyed Eps 1-3. No, not nearly as much as the original three movies of course, but I still enjoyed them. I assume this one will be good enough to be entertaining.

    • Like 1
  9. When my wife and I were dating, I warned her about my minis collection (which I had packed away in storage because I didn't have space in my apartment at the time to have it all out). She thought it was SO COOL when I explained how I collected and used my 'little army men', and couldn't wait to see them. We eventually married and I was given one of the spare bedrooms as a game room. I covered all the walls with bookshelves and brought out my minis, filling each shelf with my little lead/pewter/plastic/resin bundles of joy.


    When she finally saw it, her jaw dropped and she really couldn't speak for a few minutes. When she finally did, she just laughed and said, "You have a condition..." :)


    I just chuckled and said... "But wait... there's -more-."


    Now I wish I would have youtubed it because the look on her face/reaction was priceless.

    • Like 5
  10. There are plenty of dc fans like that too. It certainly goes both ways.


    It reminds me of coke vs pepsi or something. Very subjective and ultimately a personal choice. Both must be doing something right, or their sales certainly wouldnt be so high.


    I would be pretty shocked if b vs s didnt surpass man of steel. Not sure if it will reach avengers territory, but i would be shocked if it wasnt one of the years biggest blockbusters.

    • Like 2
  11. Yeah there has been some gnashing of teeth about a few items on the list. Coordinated button-pushing being one of them.


    The weirdest one to me so far are sappers. If you are a size 2 model and you jump in a foxhole, suddenly you are now size 3.... Hrrrrm?


    Still reading. I know some Auxilia fans are freaking out too.

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