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Posts posted by KlawKnee

  1. I got some pick up games at mox, one even from ordo but it was effort. And they pretty much stopped carrying warhammer.


    Mugu in Everett had some players when it first came out, but i think they are too waac to handle no points so it fizzled, good discount but doesn't really restock. silver tower might have changed some of that.


    GW Lynwood has silver tower Sundays but i like mob, havnt visited kent one


    Heroic had players and decent stock (no discount like other two.. Key in todays world and no pattern from what i could tell.)


    Discordia is next on my list to visit

  2. Like the theme, id get other daemons to summon if youre using 3 greyseers because of the rule of one.. Herald and maybe a few beasts of nurgle; Since you can't summon more then one of the same type a turn. And the big point of summons being able to edit your force for the tactical advances.


    Speaking of Plague bearers and clanrats are batteline so ull need some of them to start with. Verminlord corruptor is also a wizard if you want a nurgle keyword and good command ability for..


    Clanrats (since you didn't mention them ;) serve two functions either as a large block with spears to combo with another unit or as a small line for space denial. Being so cheap both tactics have their advantage.. This works wonders because of their retreat and charge rule so youll recharge for cleanup crew or simply pull in more models. But you might like min squads then plague monks for their aggression and synergy. And of course Starter boxes. Heck if you went two verminlord corruptors you could use Monks as batteline in lower points and still summon daemons. Or maybe warpseer for the reroll save, 3 mortal wounds to flyers and being able to summon giant rats which there's a few on the monk sprues if i recall correctly.


    Plaguebearers are great tarpits not sure they have the damage output like the drones. And ive been favoring weapons teams over the fiends mostly cause of battleshock.. (And i dont like the model lol)

  3. In all my tzeentch i have only just started to collect pink horrors. Have maybe 26.. 5 of which are silver tower that i set a side to convert like the librarian


    Good thing rats made out like a bandit, And only have to wait for deathrunners which gives me time to get a verminlord or two.

  4. Most do, thats why open play is so inviting, i was thinking of having quite a few wizards and then 3 blue scribes


    Meanwhile my rats are collecting dust til the campaign book. Tho ive added 3 pairs of deathrunners and an abomination to their ranks

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