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Posts posted by Zorcon

  1. On 3/10/2017 at 9:29 AM, savion47 said:

    As an obvious example, someone with the auto-tie card in their deck has an advantage over someone who does not have the card in theirs; even if both coaches are drawing from the same deck. A coach who plays every game with a chance to draw the Auto-tie card has a distinct advantage over those who did not acquire the card.

    Isn't it equally a liability as his opponent can draw the Auto-tie card?

  2. There is also the Pre-order Promo Card: The Early Bird.

    As it stands, does everyone have all four main decks? I'm currently a Super league-er, and I don't think all those coaches do. Isn't there potential that someone will not have access to every regular (non-promo) card in every game they play? What if special play cards wind up becoming required, and both coaches forget to bring/don't have all the cards that game? Would these rules be the same across all 3 leagues?

    Sorry, asking more questions instead of answering yours. My gut is saying if league rules allow/require special play cards, focus more on banning specific cards you don't want in, then if everyone has access to all the cards. As long as any broken cards are removed, does it really matter if coaches are drawing from a slightly different pool of cards? Also going with the Variant Three- One Deck rules, will partially mitigate the access issue. 

  3. The pricing looks to to be based on the CRP, but I really like your suggested pricing alteration. Actually going off the CRP, wouldn't Random Events, Magic Mem, Heroic Feats be 1 pt each, and Misc May 4 pts?

    I read that sentence you quoted as a typo as well. But I thought they simply mentioned the wrong deck name (as Miscellaneous Mayhem used to be the Random Event deck).

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