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Posts posted by Wellington99

  1. On 3/9/2017 at 5:08 PM, VonVilkee said:

    Sounds like imperial agents might be a good book for you. I wish I had my copy here at work... yes you can take a single inquisitor form the book as well,  he would be his own detachment and get a warlord trait! This specifically allows for multiple models with traits. They are high leadership and stubborn reducing the need for commissars. 

    Each faction in the book has its own detachment and there are a few formations as well. So if your area allows for lots of detachments you can make a battle forged army from tons of factions all under the banner of an army of the imperium. 

    That last part does sound really cool. I will admit I'm tempted to get a detachment of Crimson Fists to go along with my army and such. I'm going to a hobby shop next town over that I've only just found out about that apparently sells 40k stuff so I'm gonna take a look in there. Who knows? Maybe they have some old stuff they're selling on the cheap that I can cobble together into things.


    In terms of why Crimson Fists, well a friend of mine is heavily into the Imperial Fists, and I used to like the Dark Angles a lot. They were my favorite SM chapter, which to be fair wasn't saying much because I never got into Space Marines as much as others. Looked up others, found the Crimson Fists, and there I am.Not saying I'm gonna actually act on it, but then again about a week ago I didn't expect to have a load of Guard stuff dumped on me for free, so I'll see how tomorrow goes.


    One quick question I had was that of the Valkyrie. Should I go with a Valkyrie, or should I instead make it as a Vendetta? If I do that, I could easily put my Scion Command Squad in as the Scions have plasma and can be a quick striking force. I've also heard good things about the Vendetta.

  2. 4 minutes ago, paxmiles said:

    Down side, is that it means more book purchases, plus most events limit your number of detachments. The ITC, for example, has a current limit of 3 detachments. So depending on what AM units you want to bring, taking units from another codex may mean you can't take another formation. Not a big deal, just something to think about. 

    Well I don't plan on going to events any time soon. At least the place where I play at is pretty lax and should be able to run detachments easily

  3. 1 hour ago, VonVilkee said:

    Imperial agents has a specific detachment for a bunch of small factions take a slightly different one as as hq and optionally add squads of sanctioned psykers. Can't remember numbers.  They would function using the allies rules they would cause some transport issues (different faction, battle brother) but the astropath is an ic which is helpful... and harnesses better if close to the sanctioned psykers.

    So hopefully if I understand correctly, I can take a detachment of an Imperial Agent astropath with sanctioned psykers alongside my army which seems to be the better choice (with the exception of transports but not that big of a deal to me). Along the same lines, should I also see about taking an Inquisitor? I've seen it be suggested in other places as a good thing to take alongside Guard.

  4. 1 hour ago, Dusldorf said:

    If you're going to run an Astropath, consider taking one from the Imperial Agents dex. Whenever it successfully manifests a Telepathy power, you'll get to re-roll Reserve rolls the following turn.

    So take an Astropath from Imp Agents as part of a detachment of allies? Or am I thinking of something else, like Inquisition allies?

  5. The Commissar has been good thus far because of my squads being the target of Psychic Shriek (DA player with Librarian) and just in general my squad of literal red shirts getting gutpunched and wrecked. 


    Ive thought about the lascannon in with the CCS because I've seen a lot of Guards players do that.


    What are thoughts on the Hellhound variants? I've done some research of my own and it's said that the Bane Wolf is great vs MEQ what with its chem cannon

  6. Hmm ok. Not the cheating stuff of course but the other stuff'll be incredibly useful.


    I did finally get to use orders in a game I played last Saturday (rolled for Commissar and got one of the traits that gave him the ability to give orders. Used just a normal Commissar because still trying to work out the company Command Squad and I wanted as much things on the board as I could at that time for a 500 point game versus Orks). Unfortunately the squad I used it on got shot to hell so Rank Fire wasn't anywhere as good, but the potential is there for sure.


    Its been suggested to me to kit my CCS with an Astropath and HWT. What's the thoughts on this? And should I invest in a PCS (platoon command squad) to make a blob of infantry and attach a Commissar to them?

  7. Well great knews. Saturday Sean offloaded a bunch of Guard stuff on to me for me to add and assemble, and I should be set at least for a short while. 


    Thirty Guardsmen, two Chimeras, one Chimera with ten Catachans, three Catachan Sentinels, two Sentinels, a Valkyrie, a Leman Russ, a Leman Russ Vanquisher, a Basilisk (those three already mostly assembled and the normal Russ already painted), a Heavy Weapons Team, a Hellhound, and of course a Baneblade.


    I've also finished assembling and painting the rest of my Scions so I now have three full squads of 10 I can deploy.


    With this, I can certainly run the Recon company formation and go mechanized what with the other Russes, Chimeras, and such. Any good tips on how best to run this mechanized company?

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  8. 9 minutes ago, necrontyr said:

    Commissars and Command squads are your only option for an MT HQ. 

    Yes you absolutely can do this. Only issue is make sure there are no hellguns in the squad,as a AM Command Squad can't use them. Stats are the same otherwise, other than the Commander. You can always just take a Commissar or Lord Commissar too. You are not required to take a command squad.

    Well my command squad is kitted with four plasma so no worries there.

    So I'm not required to take a command squad for the Scions, I can give them a Commissar/Lord Commissar and use the Command Squad for the AM Command Squad just giving them the AM stats which are pretty much the same. I think I have that right.

  9. Unfortunately I didn't get to a point where I could get a steam tank. I'll see about nabbing some pictures of them once I get it sorted.


    Good news is though one of the players at the local store who's been around for a long while did some spring cleaning and apparently has some stuff for me so I'll have some extra things to play around with

  10. Ah well I can easily get a Lord Commissar in there as HQ. I use one as my warlord when running either my Scions or Guard. I got about four Commissars now.


    I'll check the Scion codex tomorrow on the wording there.


    I'm also sure I can probably kitbash an AM Commander together from what all bits and bobs I have, and a command squad. That or borrow some Empire figures to make the Command Squad and Commander.

  11. 8 minutes ago, paxmiles said:

    It would be confusing to have scion models as both proxies and representing themselves in the same army. Should probably try to stick to proxies, or them representing themselves (though if they are painted distinctly different, then it really wouldn't matter). You could certainly use a scion command squad to represent a AM command squad, especially if you upgrade them for carapace armor. 

    If you are asking if the Scions CAD/allied detachment can use a Commissar to fill their HQ slot, I think the answer is yes, but I'd have to double check the book (I don't own it anymore). The downside, as I recall, is that the Scions can't access their codex specific orders without that command squad. 

    Plus, if aren't taking the command squad, you may as well take scions from AM codex via elites slots. 

    Ok.  I could proxy the Scion Command Squad as an AM Command Squad with carapace, then take regular Scions as elites. Do I have that right?


    in the book it just lists Commissars and the Command Squad as HQ options. Not sure if I need a Command Squad but I'll take a look

  12. 36 minutes ago, necrontyr said:

    The chainblade attachment is a throwback from the Catachan kit. It does nothing in the rules other than look cool. You are stuck with a single Str 5 attack in CC with Sentinels of any variety (save the FW loader Sentinels.)

    Rough Riders are pretty much terrible. Overpriced guardsman survivability, few attacks, and they're one hit wonders.They have certain scenarios where they can be useful, but they are generally considered not worth the points.

    Dang. I was hoping it was more than a decorative item. I've been thinking of at least using the Roughriders as more of a "Charge of the Light Brigade" type deal.


    Regarding allies and CADs, with needing a command squad to run, could I proxy my Tempestor Command Squad as a command squad for the AM and then take two squads of Scions with a Commissar as the HQ choice as a Tempestus detachment? Or do I need a Tempestor Command Squad for the Scions and a regular Command Squad for the Guard?

  13. One question I do have again on the Sentinels is regarding their close combat capabilities. In the kits I got, they provided me with essentially a hull mounted chainsaw which I assume is a close combat weapon for the Sentinel. In the 40k Rulebook, it says that any close combat weapons count as +1 attack to the walker, but when I look in the AM codex, it does not show any close combat weapons for the Sentinels armored or scout as part of the base standard wargear or as a purchasable upgrade. Am I able to take said weapon on my Scout Sentinels as it shows in the AM codex picture of Catachan Scout Sentinels and does it cost any points to do so, or is it a moot thing?


    I apologize if a number of my questions are rather simple. I only really got into playing 40k as of September of last year. Up until then I was a Fantasy Empire player who because I never found anyone who played Fantasy just ended up with an army that I never played, and I never found out about Age of Sigmar until probably a couple months ago when I took a look around.


    As a side note, I can proxy my Empire Knights as Roughriders and have considered it. I happen to have some more that I've not yet assembled that I could fairly easily do. What's the opinions on them?

  14. 56 minutes ago, WestRider said:

    My standard Sentinel loadout is Autocannon/Hunter-Killer. Handy for Outflanking and popping some decent-Strength shots into Side Armour. The basic Multi-Laser is fine, tho, and I know some people who get results with the Heavy Flamer. The Multi-Melta Drop Sentinel is also pretty awesome. I wouldn't go for any of the other options on the basic Sentinels, tho.

    The two Ordnance Russes are garbage right now. The Punisher is good, especially with Pask. The Exterminator (Autocannon) is solid but not amazing, and still a personal favorite of mine. The Executioner (Plasma) can be good with a source of re-rolls to keep it from frying itself, but it tends to be a big target, and they aren't as durable as they used to be. Vanquisher is (literally) very hit or miss. Saving the best for last, the Eradicator (Ignores Cover Large Blast) is an amazing bargain. If you just look at the statline, it's not that impressive, but it's so cheap that you're actually getting some major bang for your buck. Multi-Melta Sponsons turn it into a surprisingly good all-rounder while still keeping the price very reasonable.

    I did consider the Eradicator when I was settling on what to make my second Russ. It's been recommended to go for a Punisher for to get Pask for my third Russ, but it does mean I have to see about getting the parts for the Punisher gun as it doesn't come standard with the Russ kit at my local store (or order the Russ kit that comes with it).

  15. Well I can at least experiment with having a few of them.


    Other than the Punisher, I'm thinking of grabbing a Demolisher Russ. What's the opinions on the Russ variants? Right now I have the standard and I think the Annhialator? Whatever's the name of the autocannon one

  16. 6 minutes ago, AbusePuppy said:

    I prefer the Autocannon for the ability to crack enemy light vehicles, but the Multilaser isn't a bad gun, either. I'm not a big fan of the Armored Sentinel compared to the Scout one, though.

    (The Drop Sentinel with a Multimelta is surprisingly scary. You might consider fixing one up to give it a whirl- it'll help a lot against those tanks.)

    I might do one armored with the autocannon but keep the rest Scouts.


    Would I just run it as a Scout Sentinel just with a multimelta? And what points value would you give the multimelta? Considering it's not in the base Guard Codex.

  17. Well seeing as we're on the topic, would you kit all the Sentinels out with multilasers (3 shots at BS3, 50% hit, three chances), or would you say give armored Sentinels some extra hitting power with plasma/autocannon? I did think about kitbashing an Elysian Drop Sentinel with a melta or heavy bolter, basically Scout Sentinel with an unused melta from one of my Leman Russ kits done on with some green stuff or the heavy bolter from the HWT I didn't use again done on with greenstuff, but ended up just making another regular Scout Sentinel with multilaser.

  18. 1 minute ago, paxmiles said:

    Pretty sure he means the Emperor's Talon Recon Company Formation. 2-4 units of Scout/Armored Sentinels. Each unit must have 3 models, so requires at least 6 sentinels (2 squads). Gives a designated command sentinel, the ability to issue orders to the sentinel squadrons, plus preferred enemy against a specific designated enemy unit. 

    Yep. Also from what I've read, doesn't it give the unit Outflank? Or am I just misremembering?

  19. In regards to the local scene, we do use maelstrom objectives a lot (heck the last time I played it was a variation where they'd scatter 1d6 every turn and if not controlled after the scatter, once controlled again you had to reroll. It was fun especially for me as one loved my Missile Taurox so much it kept going under and around it within 3 inches. Only in the last turn did it go more than and I just scooted over to it). Does seem like a more mobile army is better there. It does lead me to the Recon Detachment formation that I've been thinking on getting for the Guard as I love Sentinels. I have two Scouts (one assembled as armored because the directions didn't really say which was Scout and which was Armored, just Catachan vs Cadian vs Steel Legion) with multilasers, and would get another four (one as an actual armored Sentinel for the command Sentinel with probably either multilaser or plasma) to get the 2-4 units needed. Remembering right, they get basically favored enemy vs one unit of your opponents and they all get outflank. What's the opinions on that, especially considering they cost about the same as a guard squad $ wise and roughly half the cost points wise?


    I've also looked up more about CADs and Detachments and I have a very preliminary list worked out pretty much out of what I have at the moment subject to change. If it's no bother, I can post the list here to get opinions. I'm still slightly confused on if I need a platoon command squad with vets if I'm taking Scions as elite choices or as part of a detachment.

  20. 2 minutes ago, necrontyr said:

    Do not try and beat Dark Angel biker in Assault with Stormtroopers. At T5 you're wounding them on 6's with power swords or 5's with axes. You don't have the attacks or the bodies to get through them. You're best best bet is shooting, either through plasma, melta, or the sniper order. You still have to get through the re-rollable jink save, and they can still assault you, but sticking to the Tempestus only, you're kinda boned. 

    You can always get some Imperial Guard, they have the ignores cover order and Wyverns, Hellhounds, and Leman Russ Eradicators which also ignore cover.

    Hmm. Well considering I was going to get Wyverns for my guard army, it wouldn't be unfeasable.

  21. 1 hour ago, paxmiles said:

    If you are using the Codex: Tempestus scions, I think that codex has some specific orders that would really make scions decimate the bikers. Otherwise, DA pay way too much for their bikes, so even with your overpriced scions, you should still outnumber them. Bikes, in this editions, are bit overpowered, so there is that working against you.

    Anyway, bikes in general, rely on the jink rule. Jink is an interesting psychological option in this edition, as they must choose to jink before you deal damage (unlike going to ground). And when they jink, they're force to snapfire. So focus on getting every DA bike unit to snapfire on each turn. Don't have to wipe them, but if you force them to snap, they will be dramatically less effective in the shooting phase. DA bikes are pretty durable to shooting if you can't deny their jink (as in, denying cover), but if you do deny their cover, they won't jink (which means they won't snap). So focus fire your anti-cover weapons on the bikes you want dead, and then just direct light, other shooting, at the DA bikes that you can't defeat, just to force them to jink. 

    Another consideration with marines, is melee combat. Doesn't look like it, but AM (and scions) actually have just as many attacks on their sergeants as the marine sergeants do. So, in melee, the much cheaper guardsmen can actually defeat the mighty marines in melee combat. Marines will swing first (base initiative 4), and have toughness 4 (5 for the bikes), but most marines only have a single wound and only a 3+ armor save. Take a power weapon (like a power axe) and a pistol (for the bonus attack) and you can swing with an *amazing* 3 S4 ap2 attacks and actually defeat marines in assault. You'll still get butchered sometimes, but marine players will reconsider assaults if you prove that the guardsmen don't push over in assault. If you have multiple melee characters in a unit, be sure to mix unwieldy and intiative order power weapon users, so you can kill off marines that rely on unwieldy weapons (like power fists, power axes, and thunder hammers).

    Huh ok. I think I can work in a power weapon into my squads. I think I usually give my Lord Commissar one along with carapace armor and a plasma pistol but giving my Tempestors one won't be too unreasonable.


    I've also swapped around between the bolt pistol and hotshot laspistol for them, and I've actually began preferring the hotshot laspistol. For as weak as it is, the AP3 eliminates the armor save quite nicely. Not that I've gotten many kills with either on my Tempestors

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