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Posts posted by Wellington99

  1. As it was brought up when asking about the Militarum Tempestus, I have some questions regarding the Guard. I have more than plenty of elite choices with the Scions, but at the moment I have only two guards squads (vets), one with two flamers and a heavy flamer (which to be honest was a "Oh that's cool I can take those, I'll take those" moment) and the other has a single grenade launcher and I typically run with a lascannon HWT (getting started kit, at the time wanted to get everyone assembled) along with a Leman Russ tank with battlecannon, Leman Russ with the autocannons, heavy bolters and heavy stubber, and I even got two Scout Sentinels both with multilasers. At the moment aside from a Punisher Russ to get Pask, I'm unsure how to build a guard army up. For the longest time I had this thing of a guard army revolved around heavy weapons and artillery (Heavy Weapons Squads, Basalisks, Wyvrns and the like) and now I'm actually doing it somewhat, I'm reconsidering the idea because I've seen other armies play and I don't think it would remotely work. What's your thoughts on making a guard army that's essentially artillery and heavy weapons oriented, and what's a decent guard army composition?


    Also somewhat related, what's a good way for Guard to counter Dark Angels (primarily if someone has the Dark Vengeance Dark Angels plus a couple more that they borrow to round it out from time to time) in regards to their bikes?

  2. Coyly referring to how a Riptide Wing + Skathach Knight + Drone Net with a Voidshield mauled the weakest codex there is, while seizing on me as well, is cool and all Abusepuppy.  But you're missing the key point I made for his benefit in your hurry to somehow brag about that...  Which was that the Valkyries wouldn't have been harder for that army to kill, nor would it have been a closer game for it if Wellington99 did.  


    Just saying.


    Losing TWO units at once in a Valkyrie crash SUUUUUUUCKS.  Getting just one on and getting it blown up?  Sucks.  These things happen.


    We cannot foresee every battle and every opponent and every terrain setup so all we are doing is making educated guesses based on experience.  I've played the army both ways.


    Wellington99, ultimately you might choose to do Valkyries just because they seem way cooler on the field and I'll buy off on that any day as a reason to do stuff others don't think is going to work.  If you make it work I want battle reports so i can learn.  As this game does require quite the investment from us, I think it would be wise to choose a set opponent army that is very tough and practice both ways against it.  Tau Empire would be wise as it presents the hardest counter to the army, pretty much.  Proxy the battle and see how it goes.


    Once I've managed to recover from facing Sean's Orks. Getting a top of turn 2 wipe of your army via the Stogie Boyz was something to behold. I'll probably end up fighting Alex/Kaoshin's Tau once I have 1k points of Scions to test out. Eventually I do want to get both formations so it'll be interesting to see. I will say I am actually leaning towards the Valkyries a bit, but being able to finish the formation and deploy it would be really good to do.


    Not mentioned yet, but the scions can deep strike. So they don't really need transports at all.


    Anyway, to the OP, if you have IG allies, that's really the way to balance out the Scions. If your close to making the scions a complete formation, I suggest finishing the formation. And if you need help understanding the IG (Astra Millitarum) codex, we'd be happy to explain anything 40k that you need help with.


    While they don't need transports, the formations require them. I do have a PDF of the 6th edition IG codex but not a physical copy of the most recent edition due to my expectation that Fall of Cadia would herald in one and being told that a new one would most likely be out soon(ish).

  3. I have enough at the moment to get the Valkyries soonish. In terms of what I have to use for them, I can probably take my Sd.Kfz. 251 model for a Taurox with gatling gun, and I have a couple of those cheap model plane kits on the black stands I could use for stand ins for Valkyries.

  4. Hmm ok. Overall I'm getting suggestions of going for the Valkyries and for my third squad being another melta squad or a plasma squad. My funds are kinda limited hence why I'm asking about either finishing off the formation or getting two Valkyries. It'll be a while before I am able to get more, which probably would be another two Valkyries to make the airborne unit.


    In regards to an Inquisitor and some friends, what would you recommend in that regard? I'm sure I can proxy a Warhammer Fantasy Empire captain as an Inquisitor (same size, just on square base), but what kind of friends?


    In the games I have played so far (mostly 500 points and 1000 or so point Guard games where I've tried to work in the Scions only for Sean to tell me I did it wrong and had to run my Taurox as a Chimera (story for another time)), my Taurox has been left alone most of the time. I only recently acquired the missile Taurox, in previous games it would just sit back out of range or if I ran it with Guard I had a Leman Russ tank or two taking the attention.


    I suppose my other option would be to pivot back into Guard. I started with Tempestus but also got some Guards to have the capability to run, well, more stuff. Plus to have Leman Russ tanks on the field. However in this case I need to work out a platoon command squad so I can take MT units, or at least that's what I remember Sean saying. In that case I would be tempted to get a third Russ and make it with the Punisher gun and go from there.

  5. Rather than end up making a different topic every time I have a question MT related, I figured I'd make this, which I do in fact have a couple questions right now.


    1) At the moment, I'm working towards the Ground Assault Formation which consists of 4x Taurox Primes, 3x Scion Squads, 1x Command Squad, and 1x Commissar.All I need now are two more Taurox Primes and I'll have the formation and the ability to do around 1000 comfortably depending on how I configure the other two Tauroxes. Right now I have one set up with the standard configuration (battlecannon and autocannons) and one with the missile upgrade (and autocannons). My thought is to do one with with the gatling gun and volleyguns and the other as another battlecannon/autocannon Taurox.


    However, I also am thinking of making my third squad kitted out with volleyguns. Right now I have my command squad with plasma (do them up so there's four plasma and the Tempestor Prime), a Melta squad, and a volleygun squad. In making the second volleygun squad, I'm thinking of putting them in a gatling gun Taurox Prime, and with two volleygun squads, ideally would need two gatling gun Taurox Primes.


    Should I go with the more general purpose Taurox Prime with Battlecannon or go with the gatling gun Taurox Prime that I think will better suit the volleygun squad?


    2) For 45 points (or 25 if I'm running the missile Tauroxes), I can get a Valkyrie which brings air support, decently hefty 12/12/10 versus 11/10/10 of the Taurox Primes, and arguably a better all around vehicle. I do get longer reaching missiles on the missile Taurox, but the Valkyrie gets Ordinance on its one use AT missiles and large blast for its frag missiles. This would mean that I would be sacrificing the Ground Assault Formation (which does give my guys twin linked and pinning upon disembarking), but getting a decent vehicle.


    Should I forgo the two other Taurox Primes for two Valkyries?

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