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Posts posted by happycamper

  1. 20 minutes ago, scotthartman said:

    So I've been reviewing the new Primaris marines and am wondering how compatible current marine bits will be for converting these big fellas? From what I can see, it looks like shoulder pads, heads, backpacks and weapons will likely be usable. Maybe not exact fits but close enough to work. Clearly legs, torsos and arms are different though I bet with some clever cutting that some current arms can be used (below the elbow probably).

    These new marines seem ripe for converting. For as cool as they look they are also quite bland right off the sprue. Anyone else have thoughts on what may work?

    Once the multi part kits come yes, the starter kit ones are snap fit so it would be a lot more work converting

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  2. 1 minute ago, Dark Trainer said:

    I'll be there with some need for a couple of Shadow War games, anyone be there 5pm or later & up to some Shadow Wars?

    I'll be there around 4-4:30.  I have a game set up at 6, but will be looking to get a game in before the 

  3. Well they finally showed up.  Great quality.  Pain in the ass to assemble though.  Every damn piece of plastic has that protective paper you have to peel off lol

    i also severally underestimated how many paints I have.  I will need to expand my rack (?)


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  4. 1 hour ago, VonVilkee said:

    Happy I'm really glad you turned up and found ordo! Thank you for your enthusiasm, I look forward to at least shaking your hand at ofcc

    Thanks man! Really happy to have found the group. It's been fun having it out in the underhive with you guys and look forward to learning 8th and playin at the club

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