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Everything posted by Beeker

  1. I have some half painted Druhkari if anyone wants to battle. Might bring some paint if not. Anyone curious to see some color shift paints from Greenstuffworld?
  2. Is game day happening today?
  3. Running way late, but bringing a friend and some snack/drink stock. ETA 5:45-6
  4. I'll probably come by with my druhkari. Only about 750 points painted. Might do some assembling.
  5. I've got about 700 or so in drukhari - still new to the game though. Anybody up for a game?
  6. Anybody want to play a noob? I have a mostly painted Druhkari army, maybe 1500 points or so. I couldn’t find the painting requirements for the game nights 😕 I also have a fair amount of conversions and customization, but it’s all still WYSWYG. I've read the rule book and played a few little games with another noob, but lack experience.
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