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Posts posted by DustGod

  1. I never even look at MO..

    (Blame it on Black Templars for ruining heavy armor and loincloth)

    But I am curious from your perspective as somebody who's previously run military orders... do you think that the update that they've gotten is substantial and as a follow-up question. What makes it substantial?

    • Haha 1
  2. 1 hour ago, dataentity said:

    The same kind of thing with Puppet Tactica. 6 wounds that are definitely a roadblock but even if you waste tons of orders to remove them, the Tunguska list at least hasn't lost an order.

    Thats actually ugly...

    1 hour ago, dataentity said:

    A ghulam will struggle beating a Helot, whereas a Kriza will blow through it without much problem.

    Totally..Boracs shoot lots of Bullets.

    That SMG-LRL profile reminds me of a Daylami 🤔 

    Now the Kriza my might chew straight through that unit, But I also think they might be capable of hitting even harder targets than Krizas.. 

    Why? I'm glad you asked! 🤓💩

    Because they can catch models while they're softest -moving through the open with pretty hard weapons, from Camo at Full Burst

    MultiSniper AP or DA -Hard Targets 

    Redfury/Shock MksRifle -Soft targets

    X3 Light rocket launcher FTW! Burst 2 13 blast or 14 hit... With Fire!!!! 

    SMG AP or Shock  such a great Gun for them as well probably one of the better ones and it comes with the Light Rocket Launcher ...Fiiiyaaay!

    So I pose this situation: A Kriza moves out into the open and is hit by 6 simultaneous, Dam 14 +Fire light rocket launchers.... 

    I don't really want to do the math on that with the calculator and stuff but I'm going to guess that Kriza is going to Explode and Burn to Cinders in the Air turning to Ash and drifting across the ground ☢

    I kid.. but no.. really thinking about it

    27 pts 1.5 swc for x3 SMG/LRL

    ( I've seen more expensive and weaker Spitfire profiles)

    Optimal conditions are key you have to plan tactically-

    You have to be patient. You have to keep them out of line of sight and you have to put them somewhere where they'll be able to get cross shots at the same time -at the same unit.

    Three of those Fish Boys will Nuke ☢ almost anything you can bring IF you use them Tactically


    • Like 1
  3. 6 hours ago, dataentity said:

    Helots are weeeiiiirrrrd. As a troop profile they have neurocinetics. These seem really good. Zulu Cobras are basically more elite Hecklers. That's depressing coming from Tunguska.

    Zulu Cobra my perspective: Zulu cobras are part of a new movement from Corvus which is everybody gets a Mutt++, "You get a Mutt! and You get a Mutt! and Even You Yes You get a Mutt too Buddy" 

    I honestly think that this is a direct result of Mutts costing 5 Points and everybody complaining about them.. these new "Mutt++" units are cool and you're going to see them much more.  Most forces will get a covert agent that has a Jammer... except unlike Mutts these guys have better profiles/armor/special abilities and cost a lot more... I'm pretty sure Invincibles will have a Jammer somewhere as well.

    Helots are kinda nice... 

    Limited camouflage/Decoy, Shock Immunity,  Neurocinetics

    My perspective Reads: ARO-Advanced Weapons-Trap... while they don't have the best profile when you set these guys up in the right place they create a situation that can be very deadly for your opponent. Park them somewhere and pop them out when they're going to be most needed... 

    If you can  counter deploy you can put them in optimal places where when they use Neurocinetics to wreak havoc in your opponent's active turn.. for their points Fishman are Beautiful...

    I could see a 2 Cutter Army that could be successful in a limited insertion setting.

    Why? I'm glad you asked! 🤓💩

     Getting a Negative -12/Armor 11 Cutter isn't that hard I've seen it done in a bunch of battle reports the idea that you could put Two of those on the table is very scary and to me the most threatening thing that that new Force has let's see how cheap the orders get on some of those units.

    Fuselier: Total 

    Mules/Fugazi AvA 2

    Right now I'm getting 9 orders including 1 engineer and  Two Cutters! You might not be able to get a lot of Missions done but if your Mission is to Kill a whole lot of Ish you'll accomplish that mission 

    6 hours ago, dataentity said:

    Also Tikibalang? In MO? ..AND DART? Why is Dart in MO?? I'm so confused.

    Yeah it makes No F'in sense to me either... 

    If every PanO secratorial must have an Aleph attache... why her... 

    Tik... smh... 7 Tags to choose from and you pic SAA Tag.

    So to cut all the B.S. not that I'm complaining but these are obvious model pushes closing down Acontecimento keep Tiks purchases relevant outside SAA...

    And I think they're just trying to sell a lot of Darts to be honest


  4. On 10/15/2018 at 5:36 PM, Ichi said:

    Played them twice last night with Dustgod and I have to say im very inpressed with the invincibles now. Let alone new models and troops. Just waiting for new models to be released so i can go full ham with it. 

    The Mid-Air Hollow man Explosion was the funniest ish ever..  as a matter of fact the only thing I think worth runnin in Tunguska are Hollow men

    Unimpressive is an Understatement for Boracs.... I'd rather pay a few more points for an Remote Presence, Extra Wound, Higher Damage, Armor and Movement of a TAG then run those guys again. They were really disappointing I'm really glad I got a couple of proxy games in before set out to buy them thanks for letting me use your models @Ichi  it was alot of fun...

    • Like 1
  5. 10 hours ago, Sgt. Rock said:

    the new fireteam options for SAA really shake things up (a machinist with mimetism? Whaaaaat?) 

    SAA machinist is now like a Bagh Mari...

    Basically the AvA 2 increases the amount of Bagh Mari you have in the army to 8 including Rao. 2 Bagh Mari can join Regulars and 1 Orc giving it that same kind of "feeling" as the Securitate from Tunguska... the Bagh Mari Assualt Hacker is a classified objective monster...

    I already own a box of Bagh Mari and I bought a second box today and a Tikbalang... with the other PanO models I own  I've got more than 300 points once these other models get here so I will be running these guys in two weeks.

    logo_102.png Shock-Heavy

    GROUP 1sep.gifsep.giforden_regular.png9  orden_irregular.png1

     logo_3.pngBAGH-MARI Hacker (Assault Hacking Device) Combi Rifle + Light Shotgun / Pistol, Knife. (0.5 | 28)

    logo_1.pngREGULAR (Minelayer, Sensor) Combi Rifle, Antipersonnel Mines / Pistol, Knife. (0.5 | 14)

    logo_1.pngREGULAR Paramedic (MediKit) Combi Rifle / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 12)

    logo_1.pngREGULAR (Forward Observer) Combi Rifle / Pistol, Knife. (0.5 | 11)

    logo_1.pngREGULAR Lieutenant Combi Rifle / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 10)

    logo_7.pngTIKBALANG HMG, Heavy Flamethrower, Antipersonnel Mines / AP CCW. (2 | 85)

    logo_7.pngCRABBOT Flash Pulse / Knife.

    logo_8.pngNAGA Hacker (Killer Hacking Device) Combi Rifle, Antipersonnel Mines / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 30)

    logo_8.pngNAGA Combi Rifle, Monofilament Mines / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 30)

    logo_16.pngMULEBOT (Minesweeper, Repeater) Electric Pulse. (0 | 8)

    logo_22.pngWARCOR (Aerocam) Flash Pulse / Stun Pistol, Knife. (0 | 3)

    GROUP 2sep.gifsep.giforden_regular.png3

    logo_18.pngMACHINIST (SAA) (CH: Mimetism, Multiterrain) Combi Rifle, D-Charges / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 18)

    logo_3.pngBAGH-MARI (Minelayer) MULTI Sniper Rifle, Antipersonnel Mines / Pistol, Knife. (1.5 | 28)

    logo_3.pngBAGH-MARI (Fireteam: Haris) Combi Rifle + Light Shotgun / Pistol, Knife. (0.5 | 23)

    5.5 SWC | 300 Points

    Open in Infinity Army

    This is quite the Toolbox Army and should hold me over until Shasvastii..

    I'm playing with the few different Loadout possibilities that I'll be able to run after this I need to get a hold of a bunch of fusilar models anybody wants to sell them let me know

  6. 10 hours ago, Exile said:

    Technically Coldfront is Sectorial Vs. Sectorial - OSS Vs TAK.

    The same 

    PanO × Nomads: Icestorm N.C.A. vs Corregidor
    Yu-Jing × Haqq: RedVeil: ISS vs Ramah
    Arianda × Aleph: Confront OSS vs TAKK

     really they're the generic armies.. but they are shaped to be like a sects... not sure how they're going to play it because they've made a bunch of full army boxes too.... like Arianda and JSA box... I mean it could be a bunch of 300 Point boxes it could be a versus... it could be a mix but it's got to be one of the two because they have full set set up so they're either going in bigger 300 Point Army boxes or they're going in versus packs... I'm betting on some unseen models that are like limited edition to exclusive to purchases if you buy the versus box you get these limited edition figs just like the operation sets

    starter set have always been the byproduct of a versus box minus the limited edition figure

     Honestly the deep down I'm hoping that Shasvastii is the big surprise I'm going to be like Yaaaay🤓😀

  7. Speculation Fuel

    Looking at the Run you get one Vanilla ×Vanilla 
    CA Tohaa are the only forces with No Vs army starter 

    PanO × Nomads: Icestorm
    Yu-Jing × Haqq: RedVeil 
    Arianda × Aleph: Confront 
    All that's left is CA×Tohaa for Vanilla Armies

    So following this formula CA ×Tohaa or they Break the Chain and do Sect ×Sect which would be a new thing 


    3 Army Releases 

    Varuna, Invincible, CA... 


  8. @Ichi "Invincibles you say.....mmmmm" 

    "E-M-M-M-M" Stands for +E-Miter-Mauler-Marat/Mutt spam

    or Your own Druze "ShutDown" Squad Idea ... good idea bet those "Invincibles"ain't that invincible 

    The freedom fighter is from the Helots race, so that's probally gonna be a new merc I guess it really all depends on what the new narrative is... 

    I'm doubtful of seeing Shasvastii anytime before April 

  9. Anyone Remember The Dark Elder Gladiator style Hex Game 


    This reminds me of it and I played it out of the WD... I'm sooo old... 

    I'm personally not sold on the gameplay from everything I seen and I don't really like the idea of 2-3 costumes for one set of rules/cards for a character.... not really sold on the Infiniti Universe Sports combat thing it just I don't know 😐

    They could have did a better job with their RPG game and created a super high detail Inquisitor style combat game... like expansion packs with cool board game tiles with a box of really cool plastic models that go for that that expansion I think that would have been way better than this game but that's just me... 

    O-12 RPG Skirmish

    • Like 1
  10. 13 hours ago, dataentity said:


    Oh, and unless you come up with really REALLY good background, you proooobably can't make a rogue hollowman. Because your brain is in a jar, in a Tunguskan bank. The second you go rogue, you're disconnected and killed.

    And maaaan, I want to be able to make a Tohaa.

    Oh... black market Hollow Man body refitted with a Cube... that possible? 

    One of those "Torn by my former life as a Druze War Criminal" types... 

    No rules on being non human... 

    I played with it today. This sounds fun... 


    infinity_character_Smiling Wolf Saeed.pdf

  11. Not alot of button pushers... I was listening to the newest Maya cast they were discussing the classified deck and I was thinking it might be kind of order intensive it seems like it is... I got to get used to this kind of stuff versus the old war games that used to play where it was pretty much kill kill kill

    How will -You- cover that deficit inside Tunguska when you build?

    I'll open a topic after work so everyone can discuss without blowing up your blog

    Sorry if I'm derailing your blog let me know 

  12. Thanks for the info  @dataentity 

    One benefit that I'm seeing is multiple wound models that are very good... 

    I'm sure you already know and this is all just papercraft Theory from my end but it seems like they have in cheap abundance really solid, fast, multiple wound heavy Infantry...

    While having a lot of orders is fantastic is it really that good if they can't stand up in a firefight? 

     At first I thought it was just a "higher technology faction" But the more I look at Tunguska  the more I'm able to see fire fight and heavy ARO potential. like supporting Kriza Boracs and Hollow men  with the Tsyklon Sputnik: 360 Visor, X-Visor, Feuerbach, Climbing+

    Put this thing somewhere high and cover that Heavy Advance

    Either +1 Burst ARO or Mkship lvl2 
    That's ignoring cover with a Dam 14


    Burst 2 in ARO 
    With 0 Negitives up to 48 and a +3 16-32.... 
    Nomads have Such Dope Platforms supporting very survivable Mobile Heavy Infantry and all of it can mix and match Fire team Duo...

    don't get me started on huge toolbox applications of the Lunokhod... think about what it could do in Frostbyte  surrounded by heavy armor ... anyway 

    Looking forward to your next report 

  13. I wish I could...

    I was just talking to my brother about this same thing the other day. There's so many cool characters that you could create I don't know what the limits are in the RPG🤔

    I'd like to be a Rogue Hollow Man mercenary that operates with impunity out of druze territory... maybe someday

  14. @dataentity 

    First, Thanks for the battle reports when I have more time I'll read through them 

    How do you feel Mary Problems performs as a Hacker? 

    Will you run a 5 Hollow men Link? Whats the best loadout(s)/Best way to run them?

    Kriza Boracs... Whats the best loadout(s)/Best way to run them? 

    Any Thoughts on Puppetactica...Tactics 🤔

    What do you feel is Tunguskas Weakness? 

    Just picking your Brain

    • Like 1
  15. I kill all your models... that one in the left.. no that yes... he dead... the one next to him... he dead too... 

    all dead... 

    Go get airbrush thinner and will start blowing paint on those Nomads so you don't need to hand paint  ❤

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