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Posts posted by Mack

  1. Thanks for the advice, I already have the Imetron and Ikedones on my watch list. With so many expensive units its nice to have a couple of cheap options.

    Is there a good resource on Infinity model building? There is some basic stuff on the Corvus Belli website but not very helpful.  I'm looking for like a part lists for multi part models or something, and having only a box picture isn't always helpful.  I usually have multiple projects going at the same time and bounce around to whatever I feel like focusing on. Prep/build/paint.  The Hungries box seems to be extra annoying simply because there isn't really any documentation anywhere. I know that I can sit down and just play around with it and figure it out, but with so many small thin pieces I feel like finishing in one sitting so stuff isn't out with other projects.

    In Corvus Belli models is it A+B parts or A+A parts. And it looks like I'm going to have to pin some of the parts unless I want to treat them like fragile porcelain during play. I'm impressed with the detail and the sculpt, but I wish the sculptor thought a little more about the assembly points. I've been trimming up tabs to form pins and CA glue with occasional two part epoxy clay for basing. Will that be sufficient for these Gakis and Pretas, or should I just plan on going a little "overboard" on securing them. With such fine pieces I don't want to have to hassle with reassembly after they are based and painted. One of my friends uses some super heavy duty two part epoxy mixes for some of his older, metal Warhammer stuff but it has always seemed like overkill for smaller stuff. I have just always found that with more challenging models I like having a clear plan before I get started so I'm not trying to redo/undo previous failed work.

    I was thinking about the scale issue with some models. Its really only an issue with me because in the past I've bought and built historical models. Often I have to jump around to different makers to find models for various units. It has always been a pain to try and match sizes and uniform types of figures. Part of the appeal of those models are the research and accuracy, I look at a painted model and know what type and unit it is from the markings/gear/uniform etc. With smaller skirmish games its not as big of a deal and with a limited model selection currently units have to be proxied. 



  2. Thanks for the reply. One of the things that I enjoy about the game is that each faction has a certain plays, strengths, and weaknesses. I've played too many games over the years that always had some dominant strategy or army that everyone played because it simply won games. Or that the game balance is constantly being adjusted so that every once in awhile half of my stuff isn't fun to play. I like that at least so far in Infinity a lot of the units seem like they would be interesting to learn how to play them.

    Thanks for the clarification on some of the rules. Sometimes I find how the rule is worded or how the rule book is laid out kind of unintuitive. I can't imagine trying to figure out all the nuances of the rules without an having an experienced player to ask questions to, or not actually playing the game. Often I read something and it makes sense but I'm always asking myself if thats the correct interpretation. A few days earlier I was looking at the Antipode control unit, while similar they behave really differently in game terms and with a digital copy of the rules I only see one at a time, often days apart. And a grenade, mine, and explosion are all very different in how they behave in the game even though they all blow up. I just have to get used to going over every units profile more carefully to make sure there isn't a tag or keyword  I'm overlooking.  Thanks again for help.

    Sorry, when I was talking about unit sizes I was meaning my Suryat Heavy Infantry. Mindtaker.org had a couple of used sets of Morat units, old and new sculpts. I actually like most of the models and its a good point that having different styles could also make it easier to tell specialists apart from regular unit members. I just bought a set of newer sculpt models and will figure it out when I'm actually looking at them on the table. 

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  3. Hmm, spending the evening assembling the last of my loot from the garage sale.  I finally got to the Hungries box...I was told to "have fun" building these..not sure if this is what  I would call fun.

    Any tips or pointers so I'm not reinventing the wheel with these?


  4. I went back to the facebook page for the sale and saw some good pictures taken during the sale. I would make sure to repost them again ahead of the next sale. Especially far enough in advance to give people enough time to make plans.  It wasn't that I didn't know there was a sale, cause it was on the club boards, I just didn't know what to expect from the posts and facebook page. I only have so much free time on the weekend so committing another day to gaming oriented stuff is a challenge. I'm glad I came by and was able to pick up some stuff from the games I'm actively playing.

    Thanks again for everyone that made the sale happen.

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    • Thanks 2
  5. I had a good time and was really impressed with the items people brought in.  I wasn't sure what to bring but brought in two boxes of nice resin terrain that I wasn't using anymore, in a few hours I had traded or sold all but a handful of things. My only issue was that I wasn't sure what to expect and if it was worth it to bring in some of my larger items.  Maybe a couple of pictures or an overview of items that people were planning on selling would have helped. I saw a post on the Portland Game Stores facebook page but it was just kind of the generic flyer that didn't really what it was, other than some sort of sale. Most of my friends that play 40k and other games were not aware that there was a sale at the club.

    I picked up two boxes of brand new Infinity miniatures and a dozen loose and assembled Infinity minis. If I was looking for other stuff, people had unit boxes and entire armies ready to go. I was impressed that I could buy random parts by the ounce. When I told my friends that didn't stop by, they were disappointed because they didn't make the time to come and asked when the next sale was. I just really think that there needs to be a webpage/pictures/listings of some items to show that its worth peoples time to get up and make the effort to stop by. I also think people would bring in more stuff if they were confident that there would be enough people at the sale to justify it.

    Second, from the street its really hard to see where the sale is exactly happening. Its fine for the people stopping by for game night, but there needs to be something outside more obvious for people that haven't been to the club stopping by for the sale.  My wife knows were the place is and still needed to be reminded that its around the corner and upstairs.

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    • Thanks 2
  6. Both of those units are really cool. I've really liked the Nomads Tomcats, being able to get a specialist to an objective and have them actually have a chance of surviving for a bit is nice. The Kurgat looks cool, and any of the options for the Shasvastii Caliban are super useful. Having one weak unit as the sole means to complete a mission seems kind of risky. I noticed that several of the units have a specialist profile, does that typically end up being a useful or is it just a way to spend a few left over points and it just depends?

    Two other quick questions on combined army:

    If I want to include Hungries in a vanilla force I do not get the benefit of the control device, but do I still need a unit with it or can I just include Pretas and Gakis and they just go running off down the board? Also, in a sectorial force the controller can turn them into a fire team. If I take that option it replaces any other core fire team right? They become regular troops not impetus, do they generate a regular order or a irregular orders for their combat group? Looking over the Army builder I realize that some of my units that I have are beasts, but they can't be part of a fire team and their cost eats up a large chunk of points (Sogarat, Charontid).  Would a team of Hungries serve as a super cheap annoying force that would have to be dealt with at some point balance out these types of units? The first game I played my guy got locked into hand to hand combat and I had to watch as another unit was able to safely walk out from behind cover and blast me while i was tied up in base to base contact. So even if I know I will lose the fight, a Gaki might allow me to tie up a better unit for awhile and maybe even get lucky with a AP CCW or even an explosion when it loses for four points. Is that how I should think about Hungries:  annoying fast, disposable troops that tie down better forces for a turn or two, maybe make units have to disperse more than they want.

    Also, with the explosion template of an unconscious Gakis, if there is another Gakis or friendly unit within the template is the attack considered null like other template weapons since I can't target friendly units? Also, the nature of template weapons would make it difficult or impossible usually for an Oznat hunter to fire their vulcan shotgun at units engaged with Pretas or Gakis right, because usually a friendly unit would be in the template.

    Second a new model question on the differences in the newer model sculpts. Do the new Morat sculpts dwarf the older models? Not just how tall they are but they look a lot beefier. I know that there has been a steady size creep with the newer stuff and I don't think it is that big of a deal until I start mixing old and new models in the same unit type. Will old Yaogat and Suryat look like weaklings mixed with newer sculpts, and will new light infantry look more like my old heavy infantry? Just wondering because I like the old sculpts fine for Morats, but the newer sculpts detail look like they would be nicer to paint and have on the table. That and the massive line backer just seems like more of a Morat model. Thanks, I know this kind of question gets asked all the time and most of the time I don't think it matters much, but I think the new Morats have been taking steroids.


  7. So I had a picked up two Infinity factions at the garage sale this weekend.  I now have the Ariadna starter and bunch of random Combined Army models. I'm just finishing building and painting the last of the Nomads that I own so in a few days I will be looking at starting a new project. I'm still learning the rules and figuring out what how to best use the Nomads I have so I would like to start workin on one building up one of the new factions over the next couple of weeks.  For Nomads I have a full roster for a Corregidor sectorial and maybe look at picking up a better hacker for a vanilla force.

    I'm good with the Ariadna, I picked it up because I like the various commando units and the antipodes. So thats straight forward.

    I've played two games against Combined Army and have looked over the army lists. I like a lot of the models and it looks like I can build an army that plays really differently  from my other factions. Here is my question, looking over the models I have right now from the sale I need some type of lower cost infantry unit. When picking up stuff I plan on just playing a vanilla force so I can throw whatever models I want to try out and see what stuff is fun to use. But if I have a choice between two "equal" units I would prefer to have something that would fit into a sectorial force i would want to play at some point. I was thinking about picking up the Morat aggression pack, I like the Morat vanguard models and I can use the handler for the Pretas I picked up. But looking at the sectorial lists I'm not as excited about the Morat Aggression Force sectorial. Its okay but it doesn't have any of the really interesting units of the faction. After looking over the army lists and models available I was thinking about picking this up instead.cvb280665-0500.jpg.9af9f8708ba387e826e283288cb73fcb.jpg 

    The pack seems like it has more variety and all the units can be included in the Onyx Contact Force sectorial.  I already have another Umbra Legates, a Malignos, and a pair of Suryats. So I was thinking it would be a more versatile sectorial force than the Morats and I could still throw everything (pretas, witch soldiers, Sograt) into a vanilla force.  Also, is the only engineer option a Obsidon Mechanoid? This is a future project so any advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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  8. I went back to some of the Warlord Bolt Action forums to try and find a thread on someone asking advice on league set up for a local club.  I haven't found it yet but I did come across this after a quick search of typical guidelines.

    The typical tournament setup reads something like this:
    1000 points
    up to two generic reinforced selector (armies of x books only)
    no named characters
    no experimental units (planes etc)
    no tank platoons
    no theatre selectors

    Its from a conversation about tournament problems with people using units and army lists from different theater books.  The basic stance from Warlord was that the theater books were intended to add flavor to a themed oriented game and were not intended to be balanced with other theater books. I hope this is helpful, I found a good conversation about club league advice on a Bolt Action forum awhile back but I can't find it yet.  When I do I will post a link.

  9. I don't have much experience with tournament /leagues but I the restrictions I've seen dealt with theater and unit restrictions.  Some of the theater lists are only balanced really with other same theater or time frame.  I don't know if thats practical for a local club game with people bringing what they have.  I've seen restrictions mostly on what types of armored vehicles and heavy weapons can be included.  Some forces have limited armor and anti tank options (especially early war), so facing a later war heavy unit might be annoying. I haven't looked over every army list but I saw one tournament that had a restriction on flame throwers and some special troops. Maybe just starting with a time frame and an idea is if everyone is using a generic/basic army list (like the army lists from the main rulebook)  or if they can use a more specialized lists found in the individual national army books. I like the options and some of the unique abilities in the individual army books but I also think that this is the area where there might be balance issues.

    I also think that how the scenarios are scored can make a big difference. If majority of points come from completing the mission objective this might also help balance things out. But honestly I haven't played enough though to have a really strong opinion. Just a couple of thoughts that I hope might be helpful. Plus it will give me an excuse to pick up another army box.

  10. Thank you so much for taking the time to explain the nuances of the template weapons. Its easy to miss some part of a rule or understand the impact of it on game play when just reading through the rules. I think I missed something on the ARO rules so I went back and reread them again. I have a couple of questions to see if I'm getting it. Sorry if this seems obvious,

    Okay, using the above diagram, Lets say the Morat is the active player and it has used it's declared first short move order and has moved into LOF of the group of Nomads.  To keep it simpler the Morat is outside the zone of control of all the Nomads and armed with a boarding shotgun. As soon as the Morat resolves his first short move skill all the Nomads have to declare their AROs or lose their ability to do so (I think this is part of my confusion, if the Nomads that have valid AROs because they have LOF to Morat, the Alguacile and the Spekter, if they don't use their valid ARO at this time they lose their ability to respond no matter what else the Morat decides to do with its second short skill).  Lets say they both decided to declare a BS attack on the Morat.

    After the two Nomads declare their AROs the Morat declares his,  and attack with his boarding shotgun in blast mode and places down a template. This new skill would provide a new ARO to all units in the templates path. This would be the fastpanda and the perhaps the rear Alquacile that is in cover. They did not have a valid ARO after the active players first short move skill but his second generates a new one. The Spekter did have a valid ARO so he has to use it then even if the second declared short skill or move would generate one. Then the actions are resolved. If the Morat fails his BS roll all the AROs generated by the attempted attack still are resolved right?

    And to just make sure, if the Morat had some type of direct template weapon since it does not require a BS roll the Spekter and Alquacile would have to decide to either attack back and take a hit or dodge. After they declare their AROs the Morat is free to choose his second a BS attack, another Short Move Skill etc.  When I was thinking about the above example with the expendable soldier it only makes sense as a question if they are the active player.  I think some of my confusion was from looking at the Quick Reference chart order declaration steps, when  it says" declare AROs newly available due to second skill" , it doesn't mean it generates new AROs for units that already have/had a valid ARO.

    This might not come up much,  but it would be possible to target an unconscious target with a impact template weapon to catch other units out of LOF in the attack template. I was looking at game that the board was set up more like a space station or something so just interior spaces and doorways in some areas.  Being able to project an attack far back into a room or hallway seemed more useful than on a more open board.

    Thanks for everyones help 


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  11. The taking control of an enemy AI beacon with a minesweeper is why it gives a bonus on the up to 8inch range band.  At first I was wondering why they would have that if a mine would always detonate at that range. But that makes sense and seems to increase the usefulness of the equipment.

  12. I can see the reasons that I was having some trouble seeing the timing issue.  I was unclear on the difference  of the direct template and impact template. I was mixing up some of the mechanics of the two. As soon as I announce my first order the direct template is placed even though it is not resolved until the end.  Since the resolutions happen simultaneously in the game I don't get a chance to complete the minesweeper.  Unlike throwing a grenade, which being an impact template can be "canceled" with a face to face BS attack.  The game doesn't go into what happens to the grenade, maybe I got shot and never threw it. This is because the impact template is not placed until after the resolution of all the orders. Even though minesweeping is considered a BS attack it will not have any effect on the placement of a direct template since that actually happens instantly. Also makes me have to reevaluate boarding shotguns. 

    So if I have a unit that is expendable unit or one that can take a hit armed with type of direct template weapon (chain rifle, flame thrower, riot stopper) in the reactive phase, and I really want to get a hit on the active player is there any downside to waiting for the second short skill to make my decision to fire, dodge, what ever? Because if its anything other than dodge he gets hit by a reactive shot using a direct template right? That is the active player is still in LOS after the first order.

    In the case of impact template weapons each of the targets in LOS of the attacker can announce a BS attack and make a face to face roll or a dodge roll, with a minus to dodge if they don't have line of sight. Each target that wins a face to face roll suffer no damage and inflict theirs.  The exception being smoke grenades were the attacker has to win all the face to face rolls to place a smoke marker. Thats correct right?  

  13. Thanks for the answer so after the first skill the mine would always detonate so there isn't a mine to sweep. Thats makes sense just making sure that I didn't misunderstand my options. Yeah I figured that any other option to clear the mine was a waste of orders since it would mean such a roundabout approach since my model is already in the activation zone. Why I was thinking about the center is that I was about to lose the data pack there and was still struggling to secure the one on the other side of the board.  So was just looking for a way to put pressure someplace else so there wasn't orders available to spend there.  But I probably should have just let my REM sit there since it was still doing its job.  I'm sure that I could have found a better use for the orders

    I can see how the order spent to try and minesweep a mine could probably be better used someplace else. It also seems like a lot of remotes  that have that option would just get shot up trying to do it anyway. Also do you generally use medics and doctors to revive downed units?  Or does it just depend on the situation?  I have a medic option for my Alguacil for two points but since I haven't been pushing them forward I can't see many situations that I'm going to spend the orders for this person to charge forward and maybe heal someone? Maybe if they are in a fire team? On the supplies mission I took a Tomcat doctor because it really helped with the securing the data coffin. But every time I thought about actually trying to heal another unit it seemed I had something else that had to be dealt with. Like moving remotes in front of mines.

  14. Thank you that is just the information that I need. Some stuff seems like it would be useful but in practice it just doesn't work out.  Anything that takes extra orders to pull off seems kind of suspect to begin with cause it seems I I'm always one or two orders short.  They seemed like a cheap order that could be useful. The Tsyklons seem like they would be an interesting REM to use. I picked up a Lunokhod because the single model was cheaper and it gave the option of Crazykolas and it seemed easy enough to proxy it for something else the same size. I was also looking at the Reaktion REM but it can't take a hit as well.

    I have a question on the Minesweeper. This weekend my Lunokhod was pinned down by a well placed mine.  I made the mistake of having my model too far forward so I'm already in the activation template of the mine.  I feel like I'm getting overpowered in the center of the board and I think I have just enough orders to get the REM in a position to make use of its heavy shotgun and heavy flamethrower.  So I move forward with the hope that I can take the hit, which I end up failing the roll and being taken out, also putting my kolas on stand by to protect the captured data pack.

    My question is this, since my REM has a minesweeper could I have used my first action as a discover so I can interact with the mine and my second short skill (considered a BS attack) l to use the minesweeper which converts ownership of the mine? If i succeeded would the mine still go off since the actions kind of happen at the same time? Or does the mine still go off as soon as I do the discover action and its too late to try and convert it? I took he gamble of trying to move my REM and getting my perimeter weapons in stand by.  But as I'm thinking about it I might have been better off trying to take control of the mine, if possible, since the WIP of the REM is 13 and my chances of taking the hit were 50/50. Thats if the timing window would even allow that.

    Or is my only other options to avoid getting blasted is to have a unit outside the activation area of the mine do a discover skill so the mine is no longer camouflaged and then use another order to have my REM  use minesweeper as its first short skill since now I can interact with the mine? Or do i need to have one of my expendable units run around an activate the mine and take the hit for the team? 

    I like how the decisions on how to use orders are not just straight forward but it makes my head hurt trying to sort out all the options.

  15. I played this Sunday and had another great time.  The game is still daunting to find a good course of action with so many choices that all seem good. Thanks again everyone for taking the time to slow the game down and break down what is happening.  At least I felt that I had a better understanding what my units could and couldn't do and a was able to get some stuff working together better. Still made the mistake of looking at cover from the model, not mentally including the edge of the base.  Also got to see how annoying a well placed mine can be and having a unit in an isolated status really does limit their options.

    I've been thinking about using another remote.  I have been looking at maybe a Salyut Zonds, the cheaper option with minesweeper, repeater, and baggage skill.  Often I have a few extra points that I spend on a cheap grunt soldier. A lot of my troops have disposable weapon options and perimeter weapons so the baggage option seems like it might be more useful at times.  I've been using a Moran with CrazyKolas the last couple of games and some of my other troops have disposable weapon options (mines, panzerfaust). Also is the casevac pretty situational or something that I might use if I had the option?  Currently I have a Lunokhod model which I was thinking about using as a Tsyklon Sputnik armed with a spitfire. 

    Both the Salyut and Tsyklon come in boxes of two, which would put me at three size 4 remote models. I'm not in a rush to pick them up, but do you think that I would have an army list that would use that many of those types of remotes?  Like two 8 point baggage, minesweepers? All my other remote options are all size 3 so it wouldn't really work as well with proxying models. Like I'm saying I'm not in a rush to pick them up, I will probably play a game or two using the Lunokhod as a baggage remote and see what I think. 



  16. I would be interested in playing.  Currently most of my stuff is the Pacific theater and Burma.  I have a force of British Chindits, Japanese Army, and US Marines.  I've been looking at some of the European theater sets cause they are more common match ups.  I think it depends on my schedule, but I've been wanting to play more Bolt Action lately so that would be great.  I've been playing Infinity on Sundays but I'm also could make some Tuesday games.


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  17. Here is most of the stuff I'm planning on bringing:

    15mm mostly WW2, Flames of War stuff

    Novus Design Terrain: Cologne Ruins, Stalingrad Red October Factory Ruin, Stalingrad Nail Factory Ruin, Barricades Factory Ruin

    Plastic Soldier Company:  Allied M3 Halftrack Box, British Paratrooper Box, German Heavy Weapons box

    Flames of War:  American Armored Recon Platoon, British Rifle Platton (Italy), German Afrika Corp (loose), Russian Strelokovy Company (plastic), in boxes

    and some other stuff

    Star Wars Armada:  Rebel Assault Frigate Mark 2 (sealed in box), couple of extra Tie Fighters and X-wings with stands

    Warhammer 40k: Eldar Fire Prism (in box), Imperial Guard Valkyrie (in box), Eldar Dire Avengers box, various older loose bits

    Warhammer: Elf Battalion Box, Sister of Twilight on Forest Dragon (in package), various other small units

    Pegasus 28mm Ruined Gothic Cathedral set (primed)


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  18. Yeah that's what I figured, I have other stuff that I want that is far more practical.  I'm just always a sucker for half price models, probably why I have a shelf of various game parts unassembled and unpainted. I have a single Gecko which seems a lot more practical, points and size wise. I also play Star Wars Armada and the problem there is when and where to deploy the capital ships.

    As I'm writing this I just saw the pictures of your painted TAGS, very cool.  The larger models are so impressive and they would probably convince some of my other friends to jump into the game.  I really like the Antipode models from the Ariadna set, but last thing I need is to pick up another faction for a couple of models.  The Szalamadra with the rail gun is awesome.  You do know your not helping me be practical and spend my money on a boring doctor or something.


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  19. A quick question, I found a Nomad Iguana box on ebay for half price because the face of the box is damaged.  Its from a seller I've bought stuff from before so if its damaged I can return it.  I like the model, but is it something that I would actually use?  While it looks cool and would be fun to paint I'm not sure if I want something that just sits on my shelf.  Does anyone ever use TAGs in their army lists for Nomads?  

  20. On another side note, does anyone have an opinion on this unit?  Puppetactica Company.  These models caught my eye because they are so different and seem really "Nomad".  So all the puppets kind of form their own fire team with the puppeteer? The last couple of models I've built have been Corregidor because I liked them and seemed like a good idea all things being equal to have options for a sectorial force.  I thought the crazy kolas were funny but there is something appealing about a puppet sniper with marksmanship.  If I'm playing a Vanilla force would these see play (maybe the hacker option for example)?


  21. Yeah thanks, I just took forward observer to help with the mission objectives tonight. In the short amount of time playing and reading about Infinity I can see that anything that allows order compression, like infiltration is really powerful.  Does anyone ever get taken out by stuff like smart missile launcher?  Most of the stuff I've read said it was the threat of usually the threat of getting targeted and having to take counter measures that was the real value of the weapon.                                 

    I kind of feel like I got some of my deployment off tonight, the Intruder with the HMG would have been better suited near the smoke grenade in the center. I could see that I picked the wrong match ups for some of my unit tonight, having my infiltrating HTH specialist fighting crazed berserker HTH fighters wasn't gettin me anywhere. My heavy hitting unit that I kind of built around did some good but didn't really get a chance to shine, my Mobil Brigada could have done about the same thing.  I saw a mistake in deployment and then made my own mistake trying to take advantage of it.  With games only lasting a couple of rounds I can see it being really hard to recover from bad deployment mistakes. Deploy my one person that can fight in low visibility away from all the other people in my unit with smoke.

    I can see what you mean about the KHD Bandit profile being a good option.  It seems to add a few options and is one of the cheaper profiles.  I just have to learn about what the unit can and can't do. Do the ITS missions simply need a hacker for certain mission objectives, doesn't matter what type?



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