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Kevin the Wizard

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Everything posted by Kevin the Wizard

  1. @Michael I can be there at 6 with 1000pts of White Scars. Never fought against Orks before.
  2. I'm gonna pop down with my White Scars. If I bring some of my homemade terrain would someone wanna fight at my 40k themed gas station? I'd have 500 or 1000 points If not I'll just show up and hope for a game.
  3. I'm coming with 500 to 1000 points of angry motorcyclists with swords
  4. @Salty Monkey maybe it's who gets there first? 🤷‍♂️🤸‍♀️
  5. I'll be there with either @Salty Monkeyor @Kampfer for a 1000pt game. Sorry guys, you both offered and I forget where we landed. Likley going to arrive at 445/5
  6. I think I can sneak away from work early and bring down 1000 pts of white scars around 530/6
  7. I've got 1k of space marines. Will be my second time coming. Anyone want to play with me?
  8. @JayKiller. I'm hoping to come by with 500pts of space marines. I'm pretty new, this would be my 3rd game
  9. Hi, stumbled across this from a reddit post. I'd love to swing by and play a game, but confused about the membership thing. For someone coming in the first time, besides covid rules and to be cool/have fun, what else do I need to know?
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