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Everything posted by Michael

  1. I'll be there with my 500 point army for Crusade! I can be there at 5pm as well. @Kevin the Wizard you interested in a game against the Snakebite Orks?
  2. I got some new models and ready for games up to 2000 points. @Salty Monkey The crusade is happening? Count me in, what are the details? I can do my best to be there around 5pm Thursday.
  3. Happy to play up to 1500 points of orks at 6 @BigMick37.
  4. I don't think I'll have an opponent tonight, so I'll try again next week.
  5. I’ll be there with 1500 points of orks if anyone wants to play. Happy to play a game of any size.
  6. @ImperialTrooper It doesn't appear anyone will be arriving today, so i'll see you next week! 🙌
  7. I plan on being there with 1500 of Orks if anyone wants a game. Happy to play a game of any size up to 1500. If anyone has a spare 40mm base they can part with, I am in need of one 😅
  8. @Candyjiblets Ill be there closer to 6:30pm. Apologies for tardiness!
  9. @Candyjiblets I am running a bit behind schedule and may arrive after 6pm. If I come later than 6:30pm would you like a smaller game at 1000pts? I'll update you around 5:30 what time I think I'll arrive.
  10. I've never played against sisters before, that would be neat 🙌🏽.
  11. @ImperialTrooper If no one else offers up for 40k, Would you be down for a tutorial game of kill team? I'd need to borrow a team to use if that happens.
  12. I'll be there with 1500pts of Orks at 6pm. Happy to play a game of any size.
  13. I am assuming no @Salty Monkey this week. I have 1500 of orks I can deploy tomorrow at 6pm. @Hodor Would a smaller game work for you?
  14. @Salty Monkey If you'll be around this Thursday I'd love to face your new CSM! If not, happy to play anyone up to 1500 points of Orks.
  15. @BigMick37 I’m stuck on the Hawthorne bridge I’ll be there asap.
  16. I got 1500 worth of Orks and will be there around 6pm. Happy to play a game of any size.
  17. I'll be there around 6pm with up to 1500 points of Orks, happy to play a game of any size.
  18. @Snickermon717 traffic Is really heavy, be there a bit after 530.
  19. Never played either army so I’m down either way. If it’s a competitive list it may just be a faster game than a non-competitive list heh.
  20. I’ve yet to play tyranids so probably something toned down, I hear how scary they are right now 😬. At 1500 points I’ll try and arrive around 5:30. Would that work for you?
  21. I am looking for 500-1500 points if anyone wants to fight some Orks!
  22. @Zee We haven't played yet, but I'd love to try fighting some marines since the AOC update. I should arrive by 6pm.
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