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Everything posted by Michael

  1. @SixCoalTake your time I’m running late myself! Worst case we can speed run a game again when you arrive.
  2. Lolol I’m a princess, I hate sweating without being able to shower shortly after. Being all sweaty and smelly each time you shoot my boyz off the board sounds like a nightmare. Totes down for that rematch doe. I’ll bring da speed this time around!
  3. I’d be interested and have plenty of unit options at 1000 points.
  4. @SixCoal @Zee we can do a three person tournament of 500 point armies if there isn’t a fourth.
  5. I'll be there around 6pm with 1500 points of Orks. Happy to play any size game with anyone.
  6. I’ll be there around 6pm with 1500 points of Orks. Happy to play any game size with anyone. I got a couple new units I wanna try out!
  7. I'll be there with 1250 points of Orks if anyone wants to play.
  8. Heyo I’m super new to 40K myself, but happy to play with you if no one else is available to. I will arrive between 530-6.
  9. I'll be there with da orks. Im down for any game size up to 1250 (slowly working my way to 2000!).
  10. That'd be great! I'd be there between 530pm-600pm if that works for you.
  11. Anyone up for a 1000pt game of 40k? I need some practice with some newer units I am using.
  12. @Kampfer Great, my goal is to be there before 6. I’ll give you an updated eta later this afternoon.
  13. Heyo, is anyone up for a 1000point game? I got a few new models I want to try out.
  14. Alrighty no problem. I’ll be back the fourth week of March and plan to head to the clubhouse on Thursday and Sunday. See you then 🙌🏼
  15. Heyo anyone up for a 500 or 1000 point game (if you ok with me fielding some non-painted models)? Also down to learn kill team or necromunda if anyone wants to teach.
  16. @zcaust83 Yessir I do have the orks – sweet I'll be there around noon. Let me know if that works for you.
  17. I have a 500point 40k army if anyone wants to play a smaller game – I'll be ready for a 1000 point game after 1 more 500 point game I'd wager. I'm also interested in learning the other GW games like kill team and blood bowl/dungeon bowl if you anyone wanted to add more to a future group.
  18. Anyone up for a 500 point game of 40k? Still new, but I think I have the gameplay down now. If you're looking for an easy win and confidence boost, I'll be your huckleberry. I can also do a 1000 point game if I proxy one unit.
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