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Salty Monkey

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Salty Monkey last won the day on October 27

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About Salty Monkey

  • Birthday 08/01/1973

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  1. interested in a Star wars legion or 40k or Kill team (new or old) game if anyone is interested :) never mind, I m gonna skip this week after all
  2. I will be there with a gaggle of mercenaries! @Blustorm ‘s rebels will be shaking in their usurper boots
  3. interested in a Kill team or a Star wars legion...might even be able to put together a 1000pts for a 40k game if anyone is interested hit me up Ill giver a try for next week :)
  4. I will be there to crush some marine scouts under my fetid heel in some old school kill team with @Blustorm
  5. Sounds Fun! I really liked the last game. Ill try to get some more paint on the stinky dudes...Death Guard are known for their vanity :)
  6. Im looking for a Kill Team or SW legion game if anyone is available :)
  7. ill be in for some kill team with Nate, baring any change of plans, extreme heat event or alien probing ... is it wrong if im curious about the probing.?.?.? 😉
  8. I will be there for frivolities and mischief…I mean Some Star Wars games 😉
  9. I would like to reserve a table for myself & Kevin to do Star Wars stuff
  10. I would like to reserve a table for me & the Wizard for some Legion
  11. I would like to reserve a table for @Kevin the Wizard and myself for some Star Wars legion!
  12. Looking for a Star Wars legion game or even a Killy team othewise I’ll just stop in to see what’s up …I heard a certain wizard might show
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