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Everything posted by SnowyTanuki

  1. I'm trying to recreate my old 2nd ed army and have been having just a heck of a time getting those old metal Hormagaunts. Anyone got some they're looking to part with?
  2. Oh hey, that's me! Yeah, we opened up back in November, we're primarily a videogame store, then Warhammer and oldhammer. We have some specialist games, card and tabletop as well. We haven't really pushed events yet due to omicron, but I'm hoping to get some leagues and events going. I actually JUST reached out to ya'll since we're starting up events again. Was working with one of your Senators (he told me to make an account and I'm only now doing it) I know to get some stuff going, but ill timed phone destruction slowed that down. We actually love the location! Since videogames are our main thing, we're cozy near Guardian games for people on a trip, and we get lots of foot traffic. The main reason we also do Warhammer and have play tables is because I'm a huge nerd and have been playing 40k since 2nd and want to have more people to play. We're working on the website 😉
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