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1800pt battle summary (GG league)


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Got a game in at the league. Opponent was one of my regulars, Jesse. We're both players that enjoy novelties in the game more than winning, so it wasn't exactly a compeditive game.


Vanguard strike, big guns never tire, 4 objectives, fortifications deployed prior to terrain placement, night fight not rolled turn 1, I rolled turn 1 and he failed to sieze.


Anyway, his list was roughly this:


HQ CSM techmarine (never assaulted, never shot his own weapons)

Troops Cultists (autoguns, not sure how many, stayed in a bunker all game)

Troops CSM (10, plasma gun, Vets)

FA Helldrake (flame)

FA Helldrake (Flame)

FA Warptalons (MoT, Vets)

HS (forgefiend)

HS (forgefiend)

Aquilla Strongpoint.


My list wasn't very strong, but I picked it because of a lack of other good ideas for an army this week. I decided to spam AV 14, sort of. I also really wanted to test my command squad I recently put together.


DA with INQ detachment



Warlord OM INQ (TDA, brain mines, grimore of true names)


DA (Primary)

HQ Sammy (Speeder)

Command Squad (5, 4x combi-melta, standard of devastation, apothacary)


Elites DW Knights (5)

Troops Scouts (10, cloaks and bolters)

Troops Scouts (10, cloaks and bolters)

HS Land Raider

HS Land Raider

HS Land Raider Crusader


Normally, I'd deploy in a manner that had the opponent coming to me, but with that aquilla, I was really forced to come to him. Terrain was placed to limit TLOS from the aquilla cannon. Scouts split, with 5 in each of the two land raiders, and the other 5 holding objectives on my side of the table. INQ and DW knights loaded into the crusader (in hindsight, this was cheating...).


Turn 1

I went first. Pod landed at point blank from the aquilla, melta team got out and scored two pens against it. In building damage results, I reduced it's armor to 12 and destroyed two emplaced weapons. We had a few rules debates regarding if the aquilla cannon counted as an emplaced weapon, in hindsight it does, but we couldn't find it. I compromised that it couldn't be destroyed (which meant that the two heavy bolters were removed), but was forced to snap fire next turn, as it not shooting turn 1 was a larger priority than destroying it. Not glorious, but the command unit had already proven it's value to the army.


Rest of my army advanced at full speed, while snapfiring their lascannons at the building without impressive results.


His turn was unimpressive, but he still managed to remove the command squad, meaning he got first blood.


Turn 2

Land Raiders advanced again, and again snapped at the building. This time did manage a pen and reduced the main aquilla building to AV11. Sammy dared to move to the frontlines, as his loss wasn't as bad as the loss of one of the LRs in this mission (nice having him not count as warlord0)


His turn 2 destroyed sammy with glances from a forgefiend. Actually my second time losing this guy, and first against this opponent. We were both surprised. His flyers arrived and killed off most of a scout squad. Warp talons arrived near the other scout squad, who passed their blind test. He also fired the non-D pie plate at two of the land raiders, which had clumped up a bit too close together for a 15" blast....A land raider was destroyed. The remaining scouts that were vector striked also died to bale flamers. At this point, I was pretty discouraged given that I had made no saves all game.


Turn 3


Crusader advanced 6" and deployed his cargo, which advanced with a disordered charge against a forgefiend and the intact, smaller aquilla building. Charging through terrain penalties were negated with psyk-out grenades from the Inquisitor. Smite mode proved to not matter much, as forge fiend died to glances from the two S6 characters in the assault, and the same mode failed to damage the building. Crusader shot and pened the other forgefiend (on the battlements of the aquilla), though the pen result was ignored due to possession. LR failed to destroy the aquilla strongpoint, but did manage to force it to snapfire next turn. Scouts near the warp talons rapid fired into them, killing an impressive two of them with bolters. Scouts from the destroyed LR unimpressively shot at the rear of a helldrake, dealing no damage.


His turn 3 wasn't too impressive due to his flyers being unable to spin on the spot and them being unable to damage the land raiders. They both joined the warp talons and destoyed the scouts before the talons managed to assault them. Models inside the now AV11 aquilla switched to the intact building, while models on the battlements of the AV11 aquilla retreated inside.


Turn 4

Scouts from the destroyed LR moved to multiple levels of a ruin. LR shot the aquilla again, to no effect. Really, really was wishing I had purchased the MM upgade at this point...DW knights advanced behind the aquilla to attempt to assault the AV11 building, they failed their charge. Crusader and LR continued to pelt the second forgefiend to no effect.


Once again, able to fire the main cannon, opponent found that my unit was too close for the 15" template, so he deployed the D weapon (only a large blast), which removed the DW knights, but not the INQ. Warptalons advances towards the back of the LRC, opponent apparently thinking that shred and rending were the same thing. Drakes advanced on the scouts from the destroyed LR and destroyed them.


Turn 5

Only one scoring unit (aside from my vehicles, which we both forgot that HS was scoring in this mission), the last 5 scouts stayed in their LR, as it was clear that leaving the LR would only result in their death from the drakes. Crusader refocused fire on the warptalons, killing only one of them due to them going to ground in ruins (his warlord trait gave them stealth in ruins). Aquilla was forced to snap again from the LR, but still not destroyed.


His turn boiled down to moving a scoring unit out of the aquilla and in range of the objective. Nothing else was acomplished (shot a bunch at my TDA INQ, but didn't slay him).


Game ended in his victory, having the objective and first blood, vs my line breaker (I lost 1:4). Game did end without a roll for further turns, as GG was closing.


In hindsidght, loads of fails in this game. Still, lots of interesting encounters and the match-up was very good.


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Does melta work against the strongpoint or did u just roll 6's and glance it?

We looked. As far as the rules are covered, the buildings are considered transport vehicles except as noted. There is no special language in the building rules to make one think that anti-vehicle weapons don't apply to buildings. For fluff, we decided it was melting through the front of the building where a foolish maintenance team had placed some "red" explosive barrels.


The team with 4 combi-meltas missed twice at point blank. I got two pens against his AV 15 (without the melta rule, wouldn't even glance it). I rolled poorly on the building damage table, a 3 and 5, I think. We lowered his AV to 12, removed both emplaced heavy bolters, and forced the building's occupants to snapfire. It is true that despite the melta +2 on the damage table for being AP1, they are -1 for mighty bulwark, so my melta weapons were only getting +1 on a table that requires a 6 to destroy the target.


I will note that the building damage table rules are specific to the unit inside needing to snapfire, not the unit that was inside when it was shot at. This means that changing out embarked units won't allow a building to fire their blast weapons. On the other hand, if the unit leaves the building, they can fire at normal BS. A bit amusing of a concept.


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Sounds like a fun time:)


I plan to check out the league play at GG this spring seems like a good group.


And yes Melta works against all buildings.The only thing that makes the Aquila different from other buildings is the "Mighty Bullwork" rule and that is a -1 to the die roll when rolling on the building damage table.Also all forms of armor reducing special rules work against forts too.


Ive been considering getting an Aquila but it is spendy and seems to go down pretty easy so I would probably run it with Dbl force org and put the Voidshield network around it..or just use a fort network with it and spam all sorts of wire around it to keep the melta boys at a distance,hehe.

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Ive been considering getting an Aquila but it is spendy and seems to go down pretty easy so I would probably run it with Dbl force org and put the Voidshield network around it..or just use a fort network with it and spam all sorts of wire around it to keep the melta boys at a distance,hehe.

The voids are a very double edged sword. They are friend or foe in who they protect, this means that a DS team that lands will be protected by them should they decide not to destroy them. They are also pretty easy to destroy, both the generators and the shields.


I will note that the void shield generator specifically says that it has battlements, which means that a DS team that lands on it would be able to claim it for their own side. This matters because at the end of the "claimed" player's turn is when the shields roll to regenerate. This means that an army which destroys the shields with a close range shooting force, may be protected by the same shields on their opponent's turn.


So, in example, you leave the void shield unattended and I can land a unit on top. Once the unit is on top, that structure is mine (assuming you don't also have a unit on top). This doesn't remove the void shield protection for your units, but it does mean that if I destroy the void shields in shooting at a target, I have a chance to be protected by said void shields when you fire at me in retaliation.


Anyway, could just put a unit on top of those shields and solve it.


Still, amusing concept.


I don't think the void shields would really hinder a melta team if backed by more standard AT shooting from afar. AV12 is not impossible to glance, after all, and even a glance with destroy the shield.


In this particular instance (OP), I think the points lost from the void shield would more than cripple his already small army. I think it also would have been an easy win if I had remembered that my Land Raiders were scoring in this particular game, as I'd need only hide out of TLOS to be completely immune to his entire army...


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