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More rules questions about Super heavys


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Now that we have been running them in some games I see that there are some grey areas that have popped up...like that's rare with GW right,lol.


First off I know ive asked about if Super heavys can run or go flat out in the shooting phase(on rare occasions of course) and I was told that they cant due to being of the "heavy" class of vehicle.From the research ive done in the BRB and Escallation/Apoc books I cant find anywhere were this is verified.The only reference ive found about SH`s and moving is that they cant Jink...which is kinda no-duh because only skimmers have that ability anyway I thought.I even found a post over at Dakka that stated that SH can not only run/flat out in the shooting phase but can still shoot after that!...yeah I don't think so.

Paxmiles maybe you can clear me up on this?


The other question I have is regarding whether units embarked on a SH(walker) that is locked in melee combat can shoot/repair in the shooting phase or not.The only reference I found was on pg 80 of the BRB stating that passengers are not locked in combat with the unit that assaulted a transport but that is in the context of the transport being destroyed in CC and the passengers being left in the rubble area afterward.

Anyone got any ideas on this one?

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Now that we have been running them in some games I see that there are some grey areas that have popped up...like that's rare with GW right,lol.


First off I know ive asked about if Super heavys can run or go flat out in the shooting phase(on rare occasions of course) and I was told that they cant due to being of the "heavy" class of vehicle.From the research ive done in the BRB and Escallation/Apoc books I cant find anywhere were this is verified.The only reference ive found about SH`s and moving is that they cant Jink...which is kinda no-duh because only skimmers have that ability anyway I thought.I even found a post over at Dakka that stated that SH can not only run/flat out in the shooting phase but can still shoot after that!...yeah I don't think so.

Paxmiles maybe you can clear me up on this?


The other question I have is regarding whether units embarked on a SH(walker) that is locked in melee combat can shoot/repair in the shooting phase or not.The only reference I found was on pg 80 of the BRB stating that passengers are not locked in combat with the unit that assaulted a transport but that is in the context of the transport being destroyed in CC and the passengers being left in the rubble area afterward.

Anyone got any ideas on this one?

Weird, well looks like I was mistaken for the first one. I suspect I combined the heavy vehicle rules with the super heavy rules, though I really was certain it was in there...can't find it now in either the escalation or the apoc books.


On the second one, I think you could shoot out, but melee does block TLOS, so the fire points couldn't draw TLOS though the unit engaged, nor any part of the stompa (like the arms). It would also be reasonable to count the stompa as having moved for the purpose of passenger shooting, given that it's engaged in assault.


In the old apoc rules, the SH walker couln't be locked in assault. You'd assault them, resolve the assault, then consolidate away from the SH walker. Way easier in rules. Still, made the SH walkers much harder to assault.


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Pax, you're confusing the Line of Sight rules for the 4th Edition ones, where combats were infinitely-tall LoS-blockers. In 6th edition, combats don't block LoS any differently than the models themselves otherwise would, although of course you aren't allowed to shoot into a melee.


As for the questions:


1. Yes, superheavy vehicles are allowed to Run/Flat Out if they wish to. In fact, some of them even have special rules for doing so (like the Warhound Scout Titan, which is able to fire weapons and run or even run twice.) They are NOT heavy vehicles despite the similarity in names- heavy vehicles, for example, cannot move 12", whereas superheavy vehicles are free to do so.


2. Your transport being stuck in combat does not prevent you from doing anything in particular; the units inside a Stompa are free to shoot and/or repair it while it is in a fight, which makes some sense conceptually. You won't be able to shoot at the unit(s) that are locked in combat with your Stompa, of course, since it's illegal to shoot at ANY unit that is locked in combat, but if you have LoS to other targets it's perfectly acceptable to do so. If the enemy hasn't piled in to surround the base of the Stompa, it's even legal to disembark while the fight is ongoing, though obviously the 1" rule is important here.

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"2. Your transport being stuck in combat does not prevent you from doing anything in particular; the units inside a Stompa are free to shoot and/or repair it while it is in a fight, which makes some sense conceptually. You won't be able to shoot at the unit(s) that are locked in combat with your Stompa, of course, since it's illegal to shoot at ANY unit that is locked in combat, but if you have LoS to other targets it's perfectly acceptable to do so. If the enemy hasn't piled in to surround the base of the Stompa, it's even legal to disembark while the fight is ongoing, though obviously the 1" rule is important here."


Well that's good to know as the Stompa`s access point is at its back side so if things aren't going well for it the boyz inside can make a break for the the Poop chute!


Thanx for the clarification guys:)

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