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Circle List


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So I know I should be looking for a 35 point list and I know I need a warlock. I don't know if I will ever actually play. I know there are a couple minis I like. I will probably pick up a few dudes to paint. Can anyone suggest 35 points for either of the following warlocks and which would be better for a total novice that may never play the game! If I don't reply right away I didn't forget about the post, I just happen to be at the Blacksheep Brawl this weekend. Also I kind of really hate the sculpts for all of the werewolf dudes and the 2 headed dogs.


Warlock 1 


Cassius the Oathkeeper and Wormwood >> I just really like the 2 minis




Warlock 2


Kromac the Ravenous >> Also think this dude looks pretty freakin sweet



Other minis I do like


Lord of the Feast


Most of the non wolf units are good too.

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Cassius the Oathkeeper +6 points

* Wurmwood, Tree of Fate

* Megalith 11 points

* Wold Guardian 9 points


2x Gallows Grove 1 point each

Lord of the Feast 4 points

Shifting Stones 2 points

Shifting Stones 2 points

* Stone Keeper 1 point

10 Tharn Bloodtrackers 8 points

* Nuala The Huntress 2 points

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Kromac the Ravenous +4 points

* Ghetorix 11 points

* Gorax 4 points

* Scarsfell Griffon 5 points

* Druid Wilder 2 points


Blackclad Wayfarer 2 points

Druid Stoneward & Woldstalkers 5 points

Druid Stoneward & Woldstalkers 5 points

Shifting Stones 2 points

* Stone Keeper 1 point

Shifting Stones 2 points

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  • 1 month later...

So I looked at building a list and picked up the circle book. Based on my concept of the army list am thinking wood elves or beastmen from WHFB. Hit and run/evasion list. Bear in mind that I still have not looked at a copy of the rule book, just the circle book and the battle college to compare minis.


I still like Kromac and I am feeling the Tier 4 list as giving all my dudes stealth for the first turn seems pretty strong.


On the other hand I am thinking Kruegr 2 is pretty sweet with flight and the Tier4 for him is cool. I also really like the synergy between the feral and pureblood warp wolves and the fact that his tier 4 gives them a bonus vanguard type of move. I came up with a 15 point build for him that looks like the following and gives tier 4 from the get go.


Krueger 2 (+5 points for warbeasts explained to that this means he gets 5 free points added to his army)

Pureblood WW

Feral WW


Based on my understanding of the +5 it takes this from a 20 point list to a 15 point. Is this a decent jumping off point? What should the next 10 points look like I was thinking Tharn Wolf Riders. What about Ghetorix he's not in the Circle book I have and he's kind of cool how many points is he?


Second I kind of like the look of the gatormen. I could consider a Barnabus army that used the swamp horror and the spitter. Which will be more forgiving overall the Circle or the Minions? Which is more prevalent in the Salem.Pdx meta?


Third and finally, WTF is the deal with finding minis? I went to the PP web store and it seems pretty worthless. I went to my LGS and they were out of every mini I wanted for my Kreuger write up. They offered to order the warp wolves but could not order the blackclad. I was on the fence because I want to see the minis before I buy them and on top of that I don't want to get stuck with part of an army due to minis being discontinued or not produced. Is PP recasting stuff in plastic or something that would make some sense as to why the shop is out of everything and why the web store seems to be dead.

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I tend to skip  MBC, wrong side of town and 100% out of my way for anything I do. I hit BL today and they had nothing from my Kruger list. The offered to order it but I would hate to have the minis come in and not like their appearance first hand and then be stuck with them or stuck leaving BL on the hook for the minis.

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So I looked at building a list and picked up the circle book. Based on my concept of the army list am thinking wood elves or beastmen from WHFB. Hit and run/evasion list. Bear in mind that I still have not looked at a copy of the rule book, just the circle book and the battle college to compare minis.


I still like Kromac and I am feeling the Tier 4 list as giving all my dudes stealth for the first turn seems pretty strong.


On the other hand I am thinking Kruegr 2 is pretty sweet with flight and the Tier4 for him is cool. I also really like the synergy between the feral and pureblood warp wolves and the fact that his tier 4 gives them a bonus vanguard type of move. I came up with a 15 point build for him that looks like the following and gives tier 4 from the get go.


Krueger 2 (+5 points for warbeasts explained to that this means he gets 5 free points added to his army)

Pureblood WW

Feral WW


Based on my understanding of the +5 it takes this from a 20 point list to a 15 point. Is this a decent jumping off point? What should the next 10 points look like I was thinking Tharn Wolf Riders. What about Ghetorix he's not in the Circle book I have and he's kind of cool how many points is he?


Second I kind of like the look of the gatormen. I could consider a Barnabus army that used the swamp horror and the spitter. Which will be more forgiving overall the Circle or the Minions? Which is more prevalent in the Salem.Pdx meta?


Third and finally, WTF is the deal with finding minis? I went to the PP web store and it seems pretty worthless. I went to my LGS and they were out of every mini I wanted for my Kreuger write up. They offered to order the warp wolves but could not order the blackclad. I was on the fence because I want to see the minis before I buy them and on top of that I don't want to get stuck with part of an army due to minis being discontinued or not produced. Is PP recasting stuff in plastic or something that would make some sense as to why the shop is out of everything and why the web store seems to be dead.



In addition to this are the Warpwolf Extreme and the Druid Gone Wilder just alternate scuplts of the pureblood and druid wilder or do they in fact have different stats?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Im looking to play a 15-20 point game this Saturday. I have not played at all yet and am still trying to digest the book. Id like to play at Borderlands or at my place in West Salem. Ive got an 8'x4' table set up with terrain. I don't have a hefty mini selection yet and have only picked up a few models I like. Ill check back for replays later tonight and tomorrow (saturday) morning.

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So stealth first turn is really not that big of a. Benefit unless you go first or facing a highly specialized shooting force. Some tier benefits just aren't worth it and most theme forces aren't worth building in the long run especially with how constrictive they can be.


Krueger2 loves his wolds because he has a fantastic spell list to spam. Megalith is the best choice but woldwarden can do the job as well. He likes druids but they aren't a necessity, I would run skin walkers and bloodtrackers (or druids) something out front to screen heavy hitters and Krueger2.

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My warpwolves are due to arrive this Friday. I had a card for one and it did not dawn on me that it had been converted to a Ghetorix. I don't have the mini on me so Ill be running with several light warbeasts. I will be fighting a Retrebution player I work with. So he might take me apart as he does have more experience playing. on the bright side it gives more opportunity to get in a couple of games. I think my main plain is just to try and kill his warcaster. As it is though I know pretty much nothing and plan to go to the school of hard knocks today.

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So, its time for a battle report! I made one last small change to my list due to having all the minis I ordered arrive yesterday. While I was waiting for my buddy to show up I built a Thran Shaman and swapped him out for the Druid Wilder. We did an assassination mission for our first go. We only played the one game due to some slowness on my part and him not having played in some time. 


He takes the iniative and gets the first turn. The table layout has a small river, some forests, 2 buildings and a large impassable hill maybe 3x3 in the dead center. He deployed to the left of the hill with his mitten guys, warcaster and heavy jack. To the right of the hill he had a solo mitten dude, a solo chick with some fancy swords and a smaller jack. He pretty much just ran everything forward.


I thought I could use the hill to my advantage. I think he may have underestimated me a bit being new to Hordes but Ive got about 20 years of Warhammer under my belt. I decided to deploy my Tharn, and lord of the feast to match his heavy jack and his mitten guys. Kaya toward the center and then throw all my warbeasts to his softer right side and try and over run him there where he had only the light jack and 2 solos. I ran everyone at his line and occulated the Tharn, I used them to screen Kaya and the lord of the feast(sadly I forgot about his advanced deployment). This got the ravagers to within charge range next turn(my plan was to use the Tharns hitboxes to tarpit the heavy jack if possible). The 2 Argus and the Gorax were bearing down on the solo battle mitten guy.


Turn 2

He takes out one of the Tharn with a template and some shooting. His warcaster makes his battle mitten group covered preventing them from being charged. His solos manage to get a hit box off an Argus from range, and his heavy jack moves up to accept the charge I am trying to force.


I activate and move Kaya first she tosses spirit fang on the battle mitten solo and moves further from the jack and closer to the flank I am about to hit like a freight train. The Tharns scored a couple of wounds on the Heavy but nothing of import.The lord of the feast gets into melee with the the unchargable mittens. He tossed his raven out and got into HtH, killing 2 of the mittens. The first Argus destroyed the Solo mitten guy. The 2nd Argus hit the light jack and rolled boxcars for damage destroying an arm while the Gorax got ready to run in on the next activation.


Turn 3

The Tharn Shaman goes down to the heavy Jack. I have 2 Than left and things are getting tight...The remaing 4  battle mittens and war caster (after using his feat) take out the lord of the feast (need to protect him better next time hes too good to loose that fast). The solo with the fancy blades and the light warjack pummel an Argus and remove all of its spirit hit boxes. 


The Gorax fails his threshhold check and and punches the healthy Argus for another wound. The healthy Argus scores boxcars again for damage on the light warjack turning it into so much terrain. The heavily wounded Argus just can't do it against sword girl. The Tharn for all their efforts fail to wound the heavy jack. Kaya seeing an opportunity moves up and pops her feat, on the next turn she should be able to leech her full allotment of Fury from her war beasts.


Turn 4

In the middle of the field the heavy Warjack manages to kill the 2 remaining Tharn and get free of the quagmire. Sword lady pummeled the wounded Argus leaving it with 3 hit boxes and the battle mittens moved to screen the warcaster.


The wounded Argus managed to land the last wound on sword lady. The healthy Argus and Gorax moved straight in toward the warcaster being protected by the mittens but had not made it into fightin range. I did see an opportunity though. I activated Kera and used spirit door to teleport the Gorax into threat range of the warcaster, then used a second spirit door (expending all of my fury) to leapfrog the Argus into melee range of the warcaster(to my chagrin I chose the wrong argus amd moved the wounded one). My opponent was visibly worried by this unexpected manuver. It was risky because it left Kaya exposed and open to attack.


Turn 5

He moved his heavy warjack up to threaten Kaya even more. His mitten group moved up and ticked off a couple of Kayas hitboxes. Now was make it or break it time. He activated his warcaster and stepped away letting my wounded Argus make its free attack. The crippled Argus missed(man I wish I had selected the healthy one, live and learn...). With his war caster free he laid into Kaya for everything he was worth. The result, exactly enough wounds to box Kaya out of action.


Closing Thoughts... 

One less wound and the game could have easily gone the other way, or if I had moved the healthy Argus into melee range the free attack could have done enough damage to give his warcaster a tough time putting any wounds on Kaya.


It was a fun game, and I did better than I had expected. The game took a bit longer than anticipated but I chock this up to it being my first game and my opponents first game in a long time. It is an interesting mix of resource management and pre planning. I probably could have used Kaya a bit better early on. All in all it was a fun game and I look forward to playing again. I have another game planned at Borderlands for next Wednesday and something tenetive with another new player a week from Saturday. So, anyone wanting to play a game hit me up I have my own table and terrain and Borderlands is 5 minutes by car from my house or about a 30 minute walk I good for a game most days after 5 and weekends are fairly open.

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