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Tuesday March 4th, looking for casual W40k game :)

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I'm looking for an opponent for tomorrow Tuesday w40k night. Any points really.. I'm saying casual because the last game I've played I got massacred (see K.O. loss without destroying a single opponent unit) in a 1850pts match and its not fun at all.


If you have a an army you'd like to try out or just models you would like to see "alive" on the battlefield, I would very much like to play with you ! :)


Or maybe a 2vs2 ? you guys play this way in Bellingham ? With my friends back in Montreal we'd play 1500pts games (750pts each) and warn the other team beforehand if we bring flyers
so they can take Flakks. I understand its different, but I'm just proposing an idea :)


Hope to find someone ! See you guys tomorrow !


- Luc



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If you have a an army you'd like to try out or just models you would like to see "alive" on the battlefield, I would very much like to play with you ! :)



Hi Luc!

I can't make it down tomorrow but will gladly play you sometime soon.


FWIW I don't think it was the list you were up against (I've played against that same calvary list recently) I just think BA is just a tough match for that particular Daemon army. There are lots of people who are happy to schedule whatever type of game you want at any point level. In my experience this is a very mellow and accommodating club. Ask around.

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