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Weapons that only hit Vs Void shields?


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So, unit protected by void shields is hit with, in example, marker lights. Do the markers affect the unit or the void shield itself?


Another really important one would be puppet master, does it hit the vehicle or the void shield?


There are more, but that's enough to get the topic addressed.


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Here's a related one.


If I target a flying model protected by a void shield, is the void shield considered a flying target? Do I snap/skyfire to shoot at the void shield?


Can other powers/effects that limit shooting options affect the void shields?


In example, a power that requires a leadership test to shoot at the model (IG psykers). Do we test leadership, then resolve against the void shield, then against the model? Or do we resolve against the void shield, then test leadership, then resolve against the model?


Personally, I think you'd have to roll shooting one shot at a time until the void shield was collapsed, should you have a handful of special rules, as I don't think the void shield gains any special rules as per the model protected by it.


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Ah, yet another one. Okay, so I fire a weapon at a target that is both equipped with it's own void shields and protected by additional void shields. Which resolve first? It does matter a good deal if I intend to fire at other targets, ones without their own void shields, later that phase.


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Huh, another one....tesla weapons and multiple void shields?



PS: sorry there's so many of them. Looking up solutions to abuse puppies' list he posted and void shields are very key to his plan. He's got the two built into the warhound and then 2 more projected over the area. Very confusing rules interactions...

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So, unit protected by void shields is hit with, in example, marker lights. Do the markers affect the unit or the void shield itself?


Another really important one would be puppet master, does it hit the vehicle or the void shield?


There are more, but that's enough to get the topic addressed.


  All your questions are the reason I have fielded all fort choices BUT the VS generator,heh.


 Now im no rules expert but ill say how I would call these issues you have mentioned and you tell me if they are reasonable:)


  Your first one on the Marker lights I think is rather simple...If marker lights are a shooting attack and they target a model either with its own VS or within the "projected" area of a generator then the Marker light hits the VS instead..they can use the light to buff attacks on the vs then.So Yeah if Tau want to hit a unit with VS protection with Lights they need to take the VS down first.Theres also an ongoing discussion as to whether Marker lights can even target something with a VS due to void shiled not being able to be targeted separate of the unit they protect but im not sure what the reasoning is on that one.


 The question on the flyer I would think would go something along the lines of you would use whatever form of shooting(Snap/Skyfire) on the flyer you first intended  but the shot would instead hit the VS first.


  The third question on Personal and Projected shields could go either way but by logic I would say it hits the Projected shield first  then once that's down shots will go to the Personal one..but yeah like the rules are logical ,lol


 Don't know about Tesla weapons so not sure on that.


 Really though the biggest problem I have with the VS Generators is how absolutely stupid they are due to the rules for blast weapons..I mean the more models you put under the shield the faster the shield goes down.So I place one tank under a VS generator and it gets hit with a blast..one shot hits the shield instead ..but if I put a 10 man squad under it then all of a sudden the artillery shell somehow knows it needs to split up into 10 pieces and therefore hits the shield 10 times likely taking it down then wasting many of the troops...FIX PLEASE!

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If I target a flying model protected by a void shield, is the void shield considered a flying target? Do I snap/skyfire to shoot at the void shield?


Can other powers/effects that limit shooting options affect the void shields?


In example, a power that requires a leadership test to shoot at the model (IG psykers). Do we test leadership, then resolve against the void shield, then against the model? Or do we resolve against the void shield, then test leadership, then resolve against the model?


Remember that the Void Shield doesn't kick in until after hits have been resolved- so anything that works prior to that is going to function exactly like it otherwise would. If you're shooting at a flyer, you will do so exactly as if you were shooting at that flyer if it wasn't protected by the shield, so models without Skyfire will make snap shots, you can't get hits with blast or template weapons, etc. Similarly, abilities that limit your capacity to target the model in question (Nightshroud, Eldar Veil of Tears, Night Fighting rule, etc) will all kick in well before the Void Shield comes into play and so will function normally.



Ah, yet another one. Okay, so I fire a weapon at a target that is both equipped with it's own void shields and protected by additional void shields. Which resolve first? It does matter a good deal if I intend to fire at other targets, ones without their own void shields, later that phase.



There's a slight inclarity here, but I think it's pretty easily resolved by precedent. The Void Shield Generator notes that if you have multiple VSGs protecting a single unit, you should randomize which one is "first" when the unit is hit. It thus makes sense that if a unit has built-in Void Shields in addition to being under the effects of a Generator, you would similarly randomize which protection takes effect first.

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