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W: Dark Eldar Scourge bat wings H: $$, WFB Bret, Dark Elf, Beasts; 40K Grey Knights

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If they're the bat wings (as opposed to feathered), then it's definitely worth it to me, since the box is like $25 for a bunch of stuff I otherwise don't want.

I have some older metal Dark Eldar wytches I could trade you if you play Eldar.  I also have Bretonnia, Grey Knights, Dark Elves, and Beast of Chaos.

Let me know if there's anything you want in trade, or if not, what you would ask for cash (incl. S&H).



Yes, they are the bat wings. I specifically ordered extra feathered wings so my Scourges would all look alike. I forgot to look for them after work last night, but I will definitely do so tonight. I'll check my project table to see if there are any bits that I need.


Chexmix thanks for your patience, those are exactly the wings I need but I checked my bits thoroughly and here's what I came up with:


(7) Knight of the Realm shields (6th ed, the latest KotR plastics)

(1) Knight of the Realm standard arm ("")


There are only 8 lances per box and I don't have any that aren't assembled!  The shields are also only 8 per box, but I traded for 10 extras a while ago and still have 7 left.


So, if you're interested in those 7 shields and 1 standard arm, they're all yours.

Otherwise, anything else you might want?



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