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My DIY Space Marine Chapter

Steel Angel

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This is my army and background for it.


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Steel Vultures Chapter

(not an original work. more a remix)


The Steel Vultures are a Loyalist unknown founding. They have been heavily involved in many of the most recent campaigns of the Imperium of Man, As a Chapter, the Steel Vultures have learned to adapt to changing circumstances so well that they have flourished where other Chapters would simply have had their names added to the ranks of the fallen. The Steel Vultures' Chapter culture is one that is very wary of the idea of martial glory or honor, or strict discipline, and prefers instead to emphasize pragmatism, adaptability and completion of the mission over all other concerns. They have no illusions about what war truly is. They understand that war is suffering and death. It is a brutal business that they specialize in, but they have no desire to wallow in its misery, but to live life while they still may.

Their success is dependent upon their ability to think and execute in a distributed and independent fashion. They willingly employ whatever tactics they believe most appropriate, relying upon success to establish their Chapter’s glory rather than misguided notions of honor and dogmatic thought.
In the 37th Millennium, Imperial records indicate that the entire Steel Vultures Chapter was listed among those Space Marines who had gone missing and were presumed killed in action. All signs indicate that they maintained this status for more than two millennia. The cause behind this disappearance is unclear, and lost to the ages. It was not until the war for Armageddon of the early 39th Millennium that the Steel Vultures resumed their status as a full strength Space Marine Chapter. Their actions during the intervening millennia are unclear. The Chapter may have been rebuilding from a substantial loss, or they might have spent this time fighting in, and escaping from, the terrors of the Warp. Regardless, at this point one key element of the Steel Vultures’ incarnation became clear. During the War, the Steel Vultures had access to an ample supply line. References from other Imperial sources indicate that they must have had a home world and a fortress-monastery The Steel Vultures Chapter prides itself on extreme zeal for the Emperor of Mankind, but "their reckless disregard for the Codex Astartes is legendary" according to Captain Ardias of the Ultramarines.

The Steel Vulture Chapter is Led by a Steel High Lord, and broken down into 10 Steel Cohort each lead by a Steel Lord. The Steel High Lord seems to work hand in hand with an Inquisitor Lord. With every Steel Cohort having an Inquisitor attached. Why this is many would like to know, but may have to do with their disappearance in their past. One thing is know is they appear to be working together with the Inquisitors, and not as subjects.

Chapter Combat Doctrine

The Steel Vultures are known for shunning the glory of close quarter combat favored by many other Chapters for the simple expediency of the clean kill from afar with ranged weapons. They have a core of diverse armored vehicles. They prefer to employ these assets, along with their support units, in precision strikes to overwhelm an enemy at strategically crucial junctures in battle after determining the most effective pressure point at which to break the enemy.
Flexibility and willingness to adapt to their situation represents the core of the Steel Vultures’ combat doctrine. As they prepare to engage their opponents, these Space Marines are always careful to identify all of their assets and utilize them to the fullest means possible. These often include assets that are not identified within the constraints of the Codex Astartes. Even when operating well within the strictures of that tome, these Battle-Brothers may choose to take measures that others might consider dishonorable. For members of the Steel Vultures Chapter, the only important standard is success. Honor and glory are noble notions, but a clear victory is worth far more than any amount of either. Most of the distinctive combat tactics that the Steel Vultures employ are tied into this notion.

Many Space Marine Chapters exhibit a clear disdain for the use of camouflage, concealment, secrecy, espionage, and counter-intelligence. The Steel Vultures Chapter enthusiastically and consistently applies these techniques throughout its battles. Deceiving their opponents as to the timing, nature, and objectives of an attack can often grant the Space Marines a significant tactical advantage. Similarly, by expertly scouting a region prior to launching an attack, the Raptors often are able to insert their forces without their opponents realizing the number or nature of the opposing forces.
In keeping with their willingness to make use of every available resource, the Steel Vultures Chapter often takes direct charge of any Imperial Guard units available in a given theatre. Rather than deferring to the organization’s intrinsic leadership, these Space Marines deploy their member’s forces and then take a direct hand in their disposition and tactics.

Millennia of refining their techniques has enhanced their abilities to the point that these Battle-Brothers are often able to decimate enemy forces through precision surgical strikes, minimizing the enemy forces present in future conflicts. To accommodate this tendency, the Steel Vultures keep a typically sizable contingent of all types of armored vehicles as part of their Armory. In keeping with the value that these Space Marines place upon independent thought, each of the Steel Vultures’ companies operates on a largely independent basis. It is only in reaction to a particularly dire threat that multiple companies gather to cooperate. For the last few millennia, they have been fought across the breadth of the Imperium, wherever they have been needed.


Chapter Beliefs

"Stop blindly obeying the words of the book and look at the situation. You have completed your training, but you must now learn to apply it. Regurgitation is not the answer, simple analysis and thought must be used to solve the problem!"
— Steel Lord Maodes Karin, Steel Vultures 5th Company

As a Chapter the Steel Vultures have been brought to the brink of extinction, but yet have managed to endure and return to full strength when other Chapters would have been destroyed. They have a remarkably grim determination to survive, and one of the Chapter's hallmarks is the ability to adapt to changing circumstances and respond swiftly to the fortunes (or misfortunes) of war. This has led to trendies to savage upon the battle field. This has tempered their character with a general disregard and suspicion of strict discipline, favoring results by any means necessary. When faced with insurmountable odds, the Steel Vultures manifests the ability to bend rather than break, and to change their tactics and withdraw to fight again where more prideful Chapters would perhaps chose to stand and die. The Steel Vultures value the art of concealment, and utilize secrecy and surprise as paramount weapons in their arsenal. As a result they have always cultivated in themselves an ability to see clearly through the fog of war and strike at the hidden heart of the enemy, where they can inflict the most damage and achieve their objectives, undistracted by hubris or hidebound dogma. In order to attain such a goal, the Chapter’s Battle-Brothers are trained in a variety of ways that are remarkably inconsistent with most other Space Marine Chapters. Perhaps most critical of these changes is their attitude towards the Codex. The Steel Vultures consider the Codex Astartes to be a critical guide to strategy and tactics. They do not, however, consider that its words must be obeyed without question.

One of the biggest beliefs that the Vultures have that makes them different than most chapters is that they believe they are still human. Enhance yes, better no, they do not think of themselves any different then any guardsman, and will take steps to help and lead them so as to make sure they survive the battle.
Ultimately, the Steel Vultures Chapter is focused upon success in all of their endeavors. Failure is never an acceptable option, but neither is an approach that needlessly throws away the lives of Battle-Brothers, Guardsmen, or irreplaceable wargear. When an objective is identified, these Space Marines pursue that goal relentlessly.

This outlook has often caused tension during those missions where the Steel Vultures work closely with Space Marines of other Chapters. On more than one occasion, they have been accused of cowardice. Members of the Steel Vultures do not look kindly upon such accusations. For their part, the Steel Vultures consider the more orthodox Chapters to be blind adherents to tradition. While they seldom instigate such rivalry, they accept it and reluctantly participate in it when such actions do not interfere with accomplishing their objectives. Flexibility also plays a key role in their decision-making process. Conditions in the field often change with alarming speed. Before a Space Marine of the Steel Vultures Chapter can assume an officer’s responsibilities, he is thoroughly trained in all aspects of battlefield awareness and observation. Tactical cognizance and strategic prioritization play crucial roles at every level of command. These Battle-Brothers are expected to identify any changes that occur through the course of a battle -- including unexpected enemy response -- at the earliest stages and act upon them accordingly.

Throughout the Chapter, blind obedience is strongly discouraged. All of these Space Marines are expected to act upon their own initiative at the appropriate times. However, such actions must fit within the context of the larger battle scheme. Battle-Brothers consider unorthodox tactics during their preparation for any conflict. These include unusual deployment maneuvers and infiltration. At times, they have gone so far as to assemble ad hoc units specifically appropriate for resolving a particular tactical problem.

In this same way, Battle-Brothers of the Steel Vultures Chapter will concede the articles of faith and honor in the name of victory, they also willingly concede minor objectives in the interest of achieving overall military success. This idea is foreign to many of the other Chapters of the Adeptus Astartes but well within the goal-focused flexibility of the Steel Vultures. Their continued focus on the overall conflict and goals rather than individual honor or glory is key to propagating this ideal among the Chapter’s Battle-Brothers.

It is part of the Steel Vultures mentality that the Chapter will endure no matter the cost and that the eventual destruction and rebuilding of all Chapters in the Adeptus Astartes is inevitable. As one Battle-Brother dies, another takes his place to continue the endless struggle where the gene-seed lives on but the warrior does not. Death is the only constant in the universe and regardless of victory or defeat; it is the only true reward a Battle-Brother can look forward to.
Other Chapters can find these attitudes at odds with a strong devotion to the Emperor and the righteous plight of Mankind, though the Steel Vultures see the two as intertwined, and their Chapter has always done its duty and remains unquestionably loyal to the Imperium. For a Steel Vultures Battle-Brother facing death is only a matter of time, and they carry the knowledge with them every day, alongside their duty to their brothers and their oath to the Emperor. So in the end they will, fight hard, play hard, and die well.



Army List


Steel Vultures (1997pts)
2000pt Space Marines: FW IA10 - Siege Assault Vanguard (2013) v15, Inquisition: Codex (2013) v20, Fortifications and Stronghold Assault (2013) v2 Roster (Combined Arms Detachment, Inquisitorial Detachment, Fortification Detachment)
Space Marines: FW IA10 - Siege Assault Vanguard (2013) v15 (Combined Arms Detachment) Selections:
(No Category)

Chapter Tactics

Iron Hands (Chapter Tactics: Machine Empathy, Chapter Tactics: The Flesh is Weak)


Steel Lord Brollin - Siege Master (FW)

And They Shall Know No Fear, Chapter Tactics, Independent Character, Siege Master

Iron Halo, Signum
Artificer Armour

Frag Grenades, Krak Grenades, Storm Shield, The Burning Blade (Incandescent)


Centurion Assault Squad

And They Shall Know No Fear, Chapter Tactics, Decimator Protocols, Move Through Cover, Slow And Purposeful, Very Bulky
2x Centurion

2x Centurion Warsuit, 2x Hurricane Bolters, 4x Siege Drill, 2x Twin-linked Flamer
Centurion Sergeant

Centurion Warsuit, Hurricane Bolter, 2x Siege Drill, Twin-linked Meltagun
Tactical Squad

And They Shall Know No Fear, Chapter Tactics, Combat Squads

Troops (Brethren of Ancients)

Lascannon & Twin-linked Plasma Gun (Weapon Destroyed destroys either the Lascannon or Twin-linked Plasma), Searchlight, Smoke Launchers

Bolt Pistol, Chainsword, Power Armour, Frag & Krak Grenades
7x Space Marine

7x Bolt Pistol, 7x Bolter, 7x Power Armour, Frag & Krak Grenades
Space Marine with Meltagun

Bolt Pistol, Meltagun, Power Armour, Frag & Krak Grenades
Space Marine with Plasma Cannon

Bolt Pistol, Plasma Cannon, Power Armour, Frag & Krak Grenades
Tactical Squad

And They Shall Know No Fear, Chapter Tactics, Combat Squads

Troops (Brethren of Ancients)

Searchlight, Smoke Launchers, Twin-linked Lascannon

Bolt Pistol, Bolter, Power Armour, Frag & Krak Grenades
3x Space Marine

3x Bolt Pistol, 3x Bolter, 3x Power Armour, Frag & Krak Grenades
Space Marine with Plasma Cannon

Bolt Pistol, Plasma Cannon, Power Armour, Frag & Krak Grenades
Tactical Squad

And They Shall Know No Fear, Chapter Tactics, Combat Squads

Troops (Brethren of Ancients)

Searchlight, Smoke Launchers, Twin-linked Assault Cannon

Bolt Pistol, Bolter, Power Armour, Frag & Krak Grenades
3x Space Marine

3x Bolt Pistol, 3x Bolter, 3x Power Armour, Frag & Krak Grenades
Space Marine with Meltagun

Bolt Pistol, Meltagun, Power Armour, Frag & Krak Grenades

Fast Attack

Stormraven Gunship

Assault Vehicle, Power of the Machine Spirit, Skies of Fury, Special Manoeuvres

Armoured Ceramite, Extra Armour, 4x Storm Strike Missile, Twin-linked Assault Cannon, Twin-linked Multi-melta

Heavy Support

Tarantula Sentry Gun Battery (FW)

Automated Artillery, Extremely Bulky (Tarantula) (Rapier & Crew)
3x Tarantula w/ Twin-linked Lascannon

Fire Modes - Point Defence, Sentry, Targeting

3x Twin-linked Lascannon
Thunderfire Cannon

Track-mounted Thunderfire Cannon (Tremor)
Techmarine Gunner

And They Shall Know No Fear, Blessings of the Omnissiah, Bolster Defences, Chapter Tactics

Artificer Armour, Frag & Krak Grenades, Bolt Pistol

Flamer, Plasma Cutter, 2x Servo-arm
Vindicator Tank Squadron (FW)

Hull-mounted Demolisher Cannon, Searchlight, Smoke Launchers, Storm Bolter

Hull-mounted Demolisher Cannon, Searchlight, Smoke Launchers, Storm Bolter

Inquisition: Codex (2013) v20 (Inquisitorial Detachment) Selections:

Ordo Malleus Inquisitor

Independent Character, Stubborn

Psyk-out Grenades (*)
Carapace Armour

Bolt Pistol, Frag and Krak Grenades, Hellrifle


Inquisitorial Henchmen Warband

Bolter, Flak Armour, Laspistol

Bolter, Flak Armour, Laspistol
Acolyte with Special Weapon

Flak Armour, Laspistol, Meltagun
Acolyte with Special Weapon

Flak Armour, Laspistol, Meltagun
Acolyte with Special Weapon

Flak Armour, Laspistol, Meltagun

Psybolt Ammunition, Smoke Launchers, Twin Linked Assault Cannon
Inquisitorial Henchmen Warband

Psybolt Ammunition, Smoke Launchers, Twin Linked Assault Cannon
Servitor (Heavy Weapon)


Heavy bolter
Servitor (Heavy Weapon)


Heavy bolter
Servitor (Heavy Weapon)


Heavy bolter

Fortifications and Stronghold Assault (2013) v2 (Fortification Detachment) Selections:

Vengeance Weapons Battery

Repel the Enemy, Sentry Defence System

2x Battle Cannon


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As far as the fluff, minor quibble, there are a few misspellings, but nothing big.  


I would play up how completely out of the norm this mind set is compared to the imperium as a whole.  Maybe make them a fleet-based force that is extremely secretive and unknown, ala Carcharadons.  Their mentality is so anti-establishment, I'm not sure that they wouldn't be considered renegades.  I'd maybe include some stuff about how the inquisition is constantly investigating them.  


Just thoughts.  

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So, do they follow the STCs or make whatever? How much do they follow the imperium's rules? Or are they just more anti-government than the other SM chapters, but quite loyal compared to guardsmen standards?


They could be renegades too, just ones that make a point of not worshiping chaos and have an unofficial cease fire with the imperium. They fight enemies of the imperium for their own reasons out on the fringes of imperium space. It's not that the imperium likes them, but where they are presently in the galaxy makes them an ally of convenience. They are presently more valuable distrusted allies than as known enemies.

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These Guys?



Lexicanium seems to describe them as very loyal to the codex astartes. Whic is to say, they follow the rules and don't really deviate at all.


Anyway, as you note, you'd got the "remix" of writing. I think you should really write it yourself, rather than jumbling one up. I think the first large section of text paints a very anti-government picture, while the second two sections seem to try to dumb down the arguements in the first section.


I very much think your bit here doesn't make much fluffy sense:


The Steel Vulture Chapter is Led by a Steel High Lord, and broken down into 10 Steel Cohort each lead by a Steel Lord. The Steel High Lord seems to work hand in hand with an Inquisitor Lord. With every Steel Cohort having an Inquisitor attached. Why this is many would like to know, but may have to do with their disappearance in their past. One thing is know is they appear to be working together with the Inquisitors, and not as subjects.

Okay, so some miscellaneous inquisitor lord is part of your chapter? This alone would upset the Lords of Terra and is a huge deviation for the codex astartes. You also haven't specified which branch of the Inquisition as it matters a lot.


It's one thing to have the INQ often seen alongside the chapter, but what your describing is either an alliance or actually a chapter where the inquisition is part of it. There are political reasons that this would cause issues.


Here, example, my Exorcists SM, in fluff, are tasked with guarding the Ordo Malleus main base (a planet named Bane). The Ordo Malleus requisitioned this chapter's founding from Grey Knight gene-seed in an attempt to create a more mass-production Grey Knight. In their fluff, the neophytes are possessed by a daemon intentionally, and if they resist successfully, they are Initiates and if they die, our GK on standby just kills them. For this reason, Exorcists include 3 scout companies (12 companies in the chapter). GK are often on standby when the army goes to battle, not to aid the Exorcists, but to slay any that turn out to be secretly harboring daemons.


Ordo Malleus Inquisitors and Grey Knights are common sights alongside my chapter in fluff, but they are not part of the chapter, nor are they mandatory components of any company.

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These Guys?



Lexicanium seems to describe them as very loyal to the codex astartes. Whic is to say, they follow the rules and don't really deviate at all.


Anyway, as you note, you'd got the "remix" of writing. I think you should really write it yourself, rather than jumbling one up. I think the first large section of text paints a very anti-government picture, while the second two sections seem to try to dumb down the arguements in the first section.


I very much think your bit here doesn't make much fluffy sense:

Okay, so some miscellaneous inquisitor lord is part of your chapter? This alone would upset the Lords of Terra and is a huge deviation for the codex astartes. You also haven't specified which branch of the Inquisition as it matters a lot.


It's one thing to have the INQ often seen alongside the chapter, but what your describing is either an alliance or actually a chapter where the inquisition is part of it. There are political reasons that this would cause issues.


Here, example, my Exorcists SM, in fluff, are tasked with guarding the Ordo Malleus main base (a planet named Bane). The Ordo Malleus requisitioned this chapter's founding from Grey Knight gene-seed in an attempt to create a more mass-production Grey Knight. In their fluff, the neophytes are possessed by a daemon intentionally, and if they resist successfully, they are Initiates and if they die, our GK on standby just kills them. For this reason, Exorcists include 3 scout companies (12 companies in the chapter). GK are often on standby when the army goes to battle, not to aid the Exorcists, but to slay any that turn out to be secretly harboring daemons.


Ordo Malleus Inquisitors and Grey Knights are common sights alongside my chapter in fluff, but they are not part of the chapter, nor are they mandatory components of any company.

yer read this one http://warhammer40k.wikia.com/wiki/Raptors or IA10 that other one is very dumb down.


No where does it say the Inquisition is part of the Chapter, but that they are working hand in hand. Strange yes but I would say less so then allowing daemon possession on space marines. There are a few chapter that work with the Inquisition Son of Medusa, Minotaurs and the Red Hunters just to name a few.


And where is everyone getting this Anit-gov. thing from nowhere in the fluff does it state that. The fluff really just breaks down to these guys are the Catachans of the Space Marines.

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yer read this one http://warhammer40k.wikia.com/wiki/Raptors or IA10 that other one is very dumb down.


No where does it say the Inquisition is part of the Chapter, but that they are working hand in hand. Strange yes but I would say less so then allowing daemon possession on space marines. There are a few chapter that work with the Inquisition Son of Medusa, Minotaurs and the Red Hunters just to name a few.

And where is everyone getting this Anit-gov. thing from nowhere in the fluff does it state that. The fluff really just breaks down to these guys are the Catachans of the Space Marines.

Reading that link, I don't get the impression that the raptors have any closer ties to the inquisition than the ultramarines do (or any other "normal" chapter). Basically, they work with the inquisition, when requested, like all the other chapters are supposed to do.


If you want close ties to the inquisition, I suggest focusing on a battle or a specific preferred enemy, and then finding an appropriate branch of the inquisition to have close ties with.


In that earlier quoted section from what you wrote, was where I got the impression that your chapter was merged with the inquisition, as you were saying they were part of the chapter organization (like having chaplains or captains in the army).


And I'll drop the anti-gov if it wasn't intended. It just reads that way for the first few paragraphs. Again, talking about what you wrote/plagiarized.

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And where is everyone getting this Anit-gov. thing from nowhere in the fluff does it state that. The fluff really just breaks down to these guys are the Catachans of the Space Marines.




For their part, the Steel Vultures consider the more orthodox Chapters to be blind adherents to tradition. 




Throughout the Chapter, blind obedience is strongly discouraged. All of these Space Marines are expected to act upon their own initiative at the appropriate times.



This idea of not following blindly and not holding strong to tradition are VERY contrary to the Imperium's SOP.  Even the chapters that don't adhere to the codex astartes have their own proud traditions and stick to those like glue.  

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Anyway Please remember though they may share a familiar background these are not the raptors, they are if you most know a Successors of of them. That is why the background is familiar but different. Yes they work close with the Inq. But again that is not unheard of. Heck the Red Hunters Have the Inq. symbol on their chapter icon.

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So, do they follow the STCs or make whatever? How much do they follow the imperium's rules? Or are they just more anti-government than the other SM chapters, but quite loyal compared to guardsmen standards?


They could be renegades too, just ones that make a point of not worshiping chaos and have an unofficial cease fire with the imperium. They fight enemies of the imperium for their own reasons out on the fringes of imperium space. It's not that the imperium likes them, but where they are presently in the galaxy makes them an ally of convenience. They are presently more valuable distrusted allies than as known enemies.

To answer your question. For the most part they follow normal STC sept when they need something new for a task. One of their main creation is the RDV condor. It's a little bigger the a Thunderhawk but no where near the armor or weapons. It's designed to deploy armor for fast insertion. look kind of like this.






The center cargo area gets dropped off and the RDV zooms out of the zone. The cargo area can fit a number of vechicals.





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