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Stormclaw`s Formations


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The list of models/units in the box is out there now but not much has been said about the two formations that come with the box set.Now it clearly states in the supplement that came in the box that these formations can be used in all of your games of 40k.


For the Space Wolves its "The Fierce-Eye`s Finest".




-Furious Determination-While Krom Dragongaze is alive all formation units have Furious charge.


-Pack Instincts- If a unit from this Formation targets and enemy unit in the shooting phase and hits with at least one weapon,second and subsequent units from this Formation that target that same enemy re-roll failed to-hit rolls.If a unit from this Formation successfully charges and enemy unit in the Assault phase,second and subsequent units from the Formation that charge the same enemy unit can re-roll failed charge rolls.


Not sure how good those are for SW as im just getting into them and awaiting the codex...not sure if its worth the 500 points it costs to field it.


Now for the Orks,im much more interested in trying this one.


Its Titled "Grukk`s Rippin` Krew"




What Grukk Says Goes- whilst Grukk is alive all units in this Formation re-roll failed Moral,Pinning,Fear or Cowardly Grots! tests.


Tellyport Attack- ALL the units in the Formation have th Deep Strike special rule.If all the units in the Formation start the game in Deep Strike Reserve,they will all automatically arrive from Reserve as the start of your FIRST TURN(no reserve rolls are necessary).....yeah im liking that.

Now the Orks formation cost as kitted is north of 500 points but the way I see this is it gives Orks the Only source of turn one Deep striking in their army.This would put a Warboss w/eavy and PK,5 Nobs 2 pks/1 w/komby Skorcha 3/bp,3 Kans RL/Grotzooka and BS,and of course Rustgobs Runts deep striking Grots!!..also note that the Kans actually have a character Kan by the name of "Krumpa" he acts a Deff Dread for purposes of the Cowardly Grots! rule,heh.


Im thinking its probably not worth the costs but perhaps theres some army builds that may make it worth a shot..such as maybe a speed list to support it?

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They look REALLLY particular and that makes them difficult to use.

It is indeed! though from an Ork standpoint it could provide an early game distraction of the "In The Face" kind that they otherwise cant do.And it does come with 3 Pk`s backed up by 13 wounds and 4+ armor with the Nobs and Boss as well as the Goofy Kan mob plus the Grots to possibly provide a cover screen for the all important first round of incoming shooting.Also with the new mob rule that Boss and Nob can pretty much be fearless with the boss poles and eavy armor.


I think the idea would be to try and get them into an area or corner to provide either blocking LoS or cover from the opponents ap4 or better shooting otherwise its 500 points down the drain quick time.


Either way its nice to see GW pushing the themed lists with all the new formations:)


Probably not something that would be seen in a competitive environment but fun to play around with still!

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