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Warmachine Retribution of Scyrah, randoms W: $$


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Seeing if there's interest in my small Retribution force.  Not looking for trades at this time. Located in Redmond, WA

MSRP on the Retribution - $340. Asking $175 shipped to the US.  MAKE ME AN OFFER

Ossyan, new in blister
Garryth, primed white with skin basecoat started

Imperatus, nib
Hydra/Phoenix/Manticore Kit, nib
Manticore, mostly painted

Mage Hunter Strike Force, nib
- Mage Hunter Commander, nib
Full Houseguard Halberdiers, primed white, skin basecoat started.
- Unit Attachment, primed white, skin basecoat started
Full Houseguard Riflemen, painted

2 x Houseguard Thanes, assembled, resin scenic bases (slate)
Arcanist, new in blister

Random -

Arcane Tempest Gun Mage Officer "the Dude", bare metal
Kossite Woodsmen (2), new in blister



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