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Grey knights question


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So a grey knight unit already knows powers and they normally have a mastery level of 1 or 2 so besides the powers they automatically know do they get to generate more powers or are they stuck with the powers pre generated for them

Pretty sure they keep the ones they have stock. They aren't bad powers, either (banishment excluded).

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Ok but can they generate another power according to their mastery level is the question because every psyker inately knows the force power but it doesn't take up their mastery levels

As I read it, every psyker in the GK codex already has powers equal to their mastery level (+force). The exceptions are the Brother captain/grandmaster, the librarian and any character made warlord with the Loremaster warlord trait, which all specify they how they roll powers and on which tables.

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Ok so the dread knight for example has 2 powers known and is mastery level 1 so he knows 3 powers as mastery level 1. Does he get to exhange a power does he get to know the primaris sanctic demonology power because his powers were generated for him these are the things I'm trying to understand and the book doesn't seem to explain it at all

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For starters, the GK codex is from 6th, which had somewhat different psyker rules.

Ok so the dread knight for example has 2 powers known and is mastery level 1 so he knows 3 powers as mastery level 1. Does he get to exhange a power does he get to know the primaris sanctic demonology power because his powers were generated for him these are the things I'm trying to understand and the book doesn't seem to explain it at all



Dreadknight is level 1. He has the Primaris from Santic Daemonology (Banishment) and 1 other power (Sancturary). If he trades a power fist for either the sword or the hammer (or if he takes the heavy psilencer), he gains Force power.


He doesn't get additional powers.


That said, if you make him your warlord (since he's a character) and he rolls the Loremaster trait, then he gains a bonus power from Daemonology Santic (rolled normally).

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The 7th ed codex that came out in October? No the dread knight knows banishment and sanctuary according to the digital codex. He's mastery level 1 but knows 2 powers of he takes a force weapon he gets force which would be 3 powers. He's also mastery level 1 so does he know 4 powers or 3 powers depending on if he gets a force weapon. Same deal with terminators they know banishment and hammer hand. Digital codex pg. 147 and 166 for each respective entry.

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The 7th ed codex that came out in October? No the dread knight knows banishment and sanctuary according to the digital codex. He's mastery level 1 but knows 2 powers of he takes a force weapon he gets force which would be 3 powers. He's also mastery level 1 so does he know 4 powers or 3 powers depending on if he gets a force weapon. Same deal with terminators they know banishment and hammer hand. Digital codex pg. 147 and 166 for each respective entry.


Huh...maybe it is 7th. My mistake.


Anyway, Dreadnight knows the 2 powers he has stock. That's it. He does not get additional rolls. If he has a force weapon, he gains the force power. That would be a 3rd. As mentioned, the only way to get him a 4th power would be to take him as your warlord, and roll the loremaster warlord trait.


I'm not really sure how you are getting confused. Look at the codex entry. Does it say you generate additional powers? It does not. Now look at the GK Librarian. Does it say it generates additional powers? It does, and even says which disciplines it can roll.


The force power is explained in the BRB. It is a non-disipline psychic power gained by psykers with a weapon that has the force rule. It being non-disipline is important, as it means psykers can still qualify for the primaris bonus power if they have gained a power via force.

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In their datasheet, units will either say that they can generate powers from certain disciplines (such as a Librarian or Grand Master) or have specific powers known (like most units in the codex.) Units with fixed powers cannot roll on the tables to generate powers- indeed, as their unit entry does not list any disciplines granted to them, even if you were to somehow find a way to roll you would have nothing to generate from.

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I was confused because he's a level 1 with 2 powers and I was trying to understand why they made him level 1 with 2 powers. I don't play psychic marines very often if at all. I understand how powers are generated but that was confusing to me because when I do play against grey knights I always feel like I'm being cheated somehow. So just as a claification since they're all mastery level 1 excluding the hqs that means they only generate 1 dice correct? And in the itc even though they know multiple powers they can only generate 1 power because they're only level 1. I wasn't trying to be argumentative or be talked down to I was just trying to get some clarity on how the units function in the manner of I hsve this many Dice vs this many powers available to cast.

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I was confused because he's a level 1 with 2 powers and I was trying to understand why they made him level 1 with 2 powers. I don't play psychic marines very often if at all. I understand how powers are generated but that was confusing to me because when I do play against grey knights I always feel like I'm being cheated somehow. So just as a claification since they're all mastery level 1 excluding the hqs that means they only generate 1 dice correct? And in the itc even though they know multiple powers they can only generate 1 power because they're only level 1. I wasn't trying to be argumentative or be talked down to I was just trying to get some clarity on how the units function in the manner of I hsve this many Dice vs this many powers available to cast.

Ah. Well, I agree, GK are a bit confusing.


I will note that it is entirely possible that you are being cheated, as I've certainly encounter a few GK players that just didn't know their rules very well. It is also true that GK are somewhat unbalanced against certain other factions, especially those that rely on psykers and lack invulnerable saves (like most tyranid armies)


So, for simplicity with the 40k rules regarding psykers:


-If they have fixed powers, no matter how many, they use those.

-If their entry says to roll powers, they roll powers (this is sometimes specified in addition to fixed powers)

-Mastery level is used to determine powers only if it says to roll powers.

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