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Just moved and need to clear out some space sale


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Hi. I just moved into the area and I have found myself with to much Warhammer and being new I dont know anyone to play with. I need to sell off a couple of armies so here is goes. most everything are assembled to some extent but not painted. the daemons were traded for a while ago and some are painted and a lot are the cool metal models. I would prefer to sell as lots just to make it easy. If you want to buy a lot I'll knock some $$ off the total. Please feel free to haggle.


Space marines---

This is an imperial fist army. But its unfinshed and un painted so you can use it for anything.


60 tacs troops-- $25 per 10

20 devs troops-- $30 per 5

30 tac terminators-- $30 per5

5 man assault terms-- $30 per 5

3 rhinos-- $ 25 per 1

1 modified pred-- $ 40

1 lib-- $10

1 capt-- $ 15

1 lord ex-- $15

1 chapt master-- $20

10 VVs-- $30 per 5

15 stern guard-- $ 30 per 5

15 assault/jump troops-- $30 per 5

2 storm talon-- 30 per 1

2 aegis lines-- $ 15 per 1

12 centurions(still in boxes)-- $60 per box

3 bikers(still in box)-- $30 for box

1 command squad(still in box)--$25 for box

5 sniper scouts *(still in box)--$15 for box

1 Lysander-- $15




1 seeker chariot of sleenesh in box--$20

20 blood hounds (metal) $30 per 5

5 blood letters--(metal) $15 per 5

10 Blood letters--(plastic)$15 per 5

50+ daemonettes-- $80 for all

9 blood crushers-- $40 per 3

1 keeper of secrets(still in package-- $45

1 herald of sleenesh(still in package)--  $15

30 seekers of sleenesh--$15 per 5

3 soul grinders(1 in box)-- $40 each out of bock 50 in box

1 daemon prince--$30

1 skull taker-- $15


I'll give even better discounts in bundles and bulk. Please feel free to haggle.


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