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Azyr Empires is ready to play!


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That's a lot of info!

Indeed! and its all good stuff!



I'm in the facebook group he has going and highly recommend it to anyone who is interested in doing a campaign as we will be reporting how it plays there so Auticus can make his weekly ammendments to the doc.


Their club is looking to do a global macro campaign this summer and would like so see if other clubs can run campaigns along side it,then report results that will be posted in a kind of grand campaign update as it progresses.


Would be really cool if we can get a group into this..or at least get 4-6 of us working though a campaign to see how it plays:)


I'm already committed to once a month sessions at GG,I would like to add a once a month session at WoW as well,but I need others to join in to make it work.Nothing super strict on schedualing,just try to meet up once a month at some point.

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That sounds cool. That system is implemented already?

Yeah,he has the listed modifications to the TnT rules so they work with AoS listed.Though one person needs to have a copy of TnT in order to play it due to it having a needed card set,,and it comes with tokens that are used as well.


Ill be getting a TnT copy soon hopefully:)

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This is a very cool campaign system!


Its designed as a resource campaign system which basically doesn't really need a map to play.Though using map tiles or some sort of sheet that either each player could record on,or even have a sheet/map for each of the Mortal realms to show who has what terrain areas.


The way it works is each player would roll up a character,determine that characters starting stats which are all in AoS terms using an empty Warscroll.This character/hero will be available in all games of AoS they play in the campaign at no Azyr point charge.


Then they choose a starting Territory to be their homeland,this territory doesn't have any random upgrades to start with but does allow a player to start with 10 Azyr points for army construction,additionally it allows the player to take one Monster and one Hero warscroll in their army.


The player then rolls up 4 additional territories to make up their starting realm.These can be from any of the Mortal realms,and can even be special lands such as Nurgles garden.These lands will have a chance at having random upgrades to start with and may add to the players campaign points.


Terrain upgrades can do several things with the main one being that they can add more points to the allotment for army construction.Have 3 then 5 or more territories from the same mortal realm can add significant bonuses to army construction points as well.


Once a player has their toon and realm rolled up they can issue and accept challenges for battles.The standard campaign time frame seems to be along the lines of 4 seasons with 4 weeks per season.In a 5th and final season players would likely be doing their class quest mission battles and gaining their last levels(max 4 I think).

Now this is were I think it can really be very flexible as players could just agree to do 2 week long seasons,thus each player would fight 2 battles during each season,or they could just agree to do 2 seasons with 4+ weeks in each.It really doesn't matter just so long as everyone has the same opportunity at the same number of battles.Really though,due to there not needing to be any sort of map move,players could just roll up a character and just have them available for battles against other players that have toons rolled up.As long as they verify each others results and point expenditures it would work just fine for players to meet up anytime during a season and fight battles to progress their toons.I was thinking a VTT app like d20 would work as a great place to meet up and consolidate players data and do challenges etc..



Characters can level up a maximum of 4 times,then start their final class battles to add to their already likely godlike abilities.To level up a character needs to have 5 upgrades,then they will have access to the next tier of upgrades.


Upgrades for territories,units and characters are purchases with "Build Points",these are obtained by scenario wins and completing secondary and tertiary objectives during the scenario.Looking at system I would say an average of 4-5 points per game played seems the norm.Wins are NOT needed to gain these buildpoints...the system in game is modeled very similar to how the tactical objective cards work in 40k maelstrom missions.


The way the battle system works is players make and accept challenges,then they anti up one of their owned territories,note that the same territory cannot be antied up twice in a row.Then a third territory is rolled up with its random upgrades and such.Who ever wins the battle can choose to take the random territory or the one the looser antied up.The battleplans the players use is determined like this..The player with the larger number of territories chooses 3 battleplans either player made or published then the other player gets to choose one of those that will be played.Its encouraged that players who have a large azyr points advantage try and choose battleplans that are more suited for uneven fights(there are several).There also is a point system that will kick in some benefits to a side this is outnumbered in Azyr points if needed.


As far as army building goes,a players current territory and upgrades will dictate to some extent what unit classes can be taken as well as the total Azyr points they can build with.There is also a separate azyr points roster for the campaign,,the "Heroic" point system,it has the same points as the main one,just has starts to indicate "core" choices.This is because players need to have at least as many core units in their army as they have elite choices..however certainl class abilities can override this,like the Warlord for example.



Heres a sample toon I rolled up for my Bloodbound:


Character name -"Bloody" Butch

Primary faction- Khorne Bloodbound

Type- Warlord

Class- Fighter

Level- 1


Move 5"


Save 5+

Bravery 6


Command ability-Inspriring presence(Stock for all player characters)


Weapons Dual Blood Axes/ 2 attacks/1" range/4+ to hit/5+ to wound/0 rend/ 1 damage




Starting Territory name- The Plains of Blood

Type- Plains

Realm- Aqshy

Upgrades- (max 5) none,Character capital

Campaign points- 1


Additional territories:


Name- The Savage Shores

Type- Coastal Plains

Realm- Ghyran

Upgrades- (max 5) Road +1 azyr point

Fields +1 azyr point

Campaign points - 2


Name- The Boneshards

Type- Wasteland

Realm- Aqshy

Upgrades- (max 1) none

Campaign points - none


Name- Shimmer Peak

Type- Mountains

Realm- Chamon

Upgrades (max 3) Road +1 azyr point

Campaign points- 1


Name- The Dead Thicket

Type- Forest

Realm- Shyish

Upgrades-(max 4) none

Campaign points 1


Players current status-


Total campaign points- 5

Total Azyr points- 13

Allowed monsters- 1

Allowed Warmachines- 1

Build points- 1



Also at the start of each season(starting before the first week) players will roll on random even tables to see if they gain a benefit or have to deal with a setback for managing their realms.


And players can also spend the build points at the end of each battle so character/realm power should increase at a brisk pace.


Hope theres others that want to give this kind of narrative gaming a shot,Ill probably be playing around with it with my Son for sure.






The Savage Shores

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That sounds really fun. I looked at Runefather one. He starts off a Runeson and builds up. Didn't see options for taking a mount so not sure how that works

Check the Duardin player Quests,theres one in there that you can be rewarded with a Magmadroth mount if you complete it..very endgame though as keep in mind that when army building,your character doesn't cost anything thing to field so if something like that was awarded midway thought the campaign it would be a massive advantage.

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Well I'm not going to model something separate just for this. I'm making a Runefather on Magmadroth so I would need a place holder guy just for it

I recently finished magnetizing my sons Magmadroth and the characters that it came with.He can field any two of the three that it came with now,either mounted or on foot:)


But yeah,a custom bashed up model would be the way to go if ya can.For my Khorne guy I had a second Bloodwarrior champ model so I just added another axe onto his Gorfist mount on the hand.

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What all did you magnetize on it?

Took some pics,basically I mag`d the Runeson and Runefather torsos so they can be switched in either riding or ground position.Their weapon choices are mag`d as well.




The Runesmiter didnt have a seperation at the torso so I just left him on his ground base,though I did mag the key in his right arm so he can switch it out with the Axe.Plus Colin didnt care about running him mounted so I also didnt bother with the different saddle configuration for him.


Finally,I used a couple of 3/8 mags and set those in the base itself..I really like playing model to model,especially with the big models.I think not having that base in the way makes it easier for both player and opponent to get into range,plus it looks alot better and you dont have to worry about the base getting scratched up by accidentns.The base is always there though,ready to use for display or base to base play:)

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Also I have a Stormcast,Khorne Bloodbound and OnG(NG Shaman) Empire toons rolled up and ready to go!


Ill probably do a couple more and my Son is doing his Fyreslayer as well.


If anyone wants to try out the system,just roll one up and bring it on our Saturday session,we can do a quick battle and get some buildpoints:)

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