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Spring 40K Old School League: Mission 5 - Cursed Relic


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Deployment Zone:



Place a single Objective Markers in the center of the table. This Objective is a Cursed Relic.


Cursed Relic:

The Cursed Relic operates in the exact same manner as a Relic (pg. 147) with regards to claiming, securing, and moving with one exception. The Cursed Relic cannot be transported in a vehicle.


Because the Relic is cursed, treat it as a sabotaged objective (pg. 135) with the following changes:

·       Roll a D6 after every game turn. If you roll equal to or lower than the current game turn, the curse will trigger

·       When the curse triggers, all units within D6" of the Relic will suffer D6 Strength D6+1 AP- hits.


Primary Objective: Control the Cursed Relic at the end of the game - 3 points

Secondary Objective: Slay the Warlord, First Blood, Linebreaker (1 point each)


Deployment: Standard Deployment (pg. 132)

Game Length: Variable game length (pg. 133)

Game Special Rules: Night Fighting (pg. 135), Reserves (pg. 135)


League Bonus Points: Lose one model to the Cursed Relic – 1 point, Lose one unit to the Cursed Relic – 2 points

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Cursed Relic:

The Cursed Relic operates in the exact same manner as a Relic (pg. 147) with regards to claiming, securing, and moving with one exception. The Cursed Relic cannot be transported in a vehicle.

Can the objective be transported by an objective secured vehicle?

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