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  • Birthday 08/17/1969

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  1. There are two fundamental questions regarding the changes for 40K this year: Why did we think a change was needed for the 40K event? The 40K Team event saw a decline in participation over three years prior to the pandemic Historically, the Team format is difficult to adapt to for new players and captains In the 3 years since the last OFCC, we have seen a large number of new players to the game Why did we choose a 2v2 Doubles format? We wanted to keep the causal nature of the 40K event for OFCC Smaller points total per player is more approachable for a larger group of particpants This format brings the per-person ticket cost down Prepping a smaller army provides more flexibility with time management, budget, and choice The doubles format provided a good mechanism for several scenarios Veteran player aiding a novice through one of their first events Partering with old friends and maximizing time spent with each other over the weekend Solo player needing to find only a partner rather than three
  2. We are excited to announce the release of the OFCC 40K Battlefest rules packet. This will be a 2v2 Team doubles events. I know this format change will rasie lots of questions, so we will build a FAQ based on the quesitons you have. Please either send the questions directly to me, or post below the word "QUESTION" at the beginnning. You can find the rules at bit.ly/OFCC40K
  3. The rumor mill is correct in that there will not be the traditional 4 person 40K team event this year, but there will be 40K. The the organizers are finalizing the details for the 40K event now and we hope to have them out very soon. It will still have the casual approach as previous years, and our hope is that it will have very broad appeal for both new and returning OFCC players.
  4. @deadwing34 I would need to check with @Dark Trainer, but we confirmed that this venue can accomodate our normal hours (AM to early AM) 🙂
  5. This year's event will be at the Holiday Inn-Airport in Portland. The venue address and number is: 8439 NE Columbia Ct, Portland, OR 97220•(503) 256-5000 Room Booking direct Link: https://www.ihg.com/holidayinn/hotels/us/en/find-hotels/select-roomrate?fromRedirect=true&qSrt=sBR&qIta=99801505&icdv=99801505&qSlH=PDXAP&qCiD=04&qCiMy=072023&qCoD=06&qCoMy=072023&qGrpCd=ORD&setPMCookies=true&qSHBrC=HI&qDest=8439 Ne Columbia Court, Portland, OR, US&srb_u=1 Or use this booking code: ORD
  6. I just archived the old OFCC content and renamed the OFCC sub-forum under the Proclamations section. We will start loading all information (that's available) there.
  7. If you make your way down to Portland, I could assist here. I have a large lot (maybe 200 issues) that I would sell as a lot for much less than $1 per issue. If you'd be interested, then I could get you a pics of the whole lot. Let me know. 🙂
  8. @Brother Glacius Okay, the best way is to collect components to get the best deal. ebay is a great place if you know what to buy Starting with irons, I would look for a full set ~$250 and stick to name brands like Taylor Made, Calloway, Mizuno, etc. Here is great iron set at a very good price - https://www.ebay.com/itm/165014150830?hash=item266b9c1eae%3Ag%3A01EAAOSwNpdhFHlD&LH_BIN=1 Driver is next, and I would look for ~$100 price range here are some good options - https://www.ebay.com/itm/174906449984 or https://www.ebay.com/itm/265275557827 or https://www.ebay.com/itm/185009770862 or https://www.ebay.com/itm/133856758595 After that, you have some choices to make for the last $150: wedges (gap, sand, lob) fairway wood(s) hybrid(s) putter Just know that all of that for $150 will be a stretch, so it may be better to carry over some of the old clubs and upgrade over time.
  9. It would be good to get a sense of what "doesn't break the bank" means. There are pretty big differences between $100 and $500 when it comes to clubs. Also, are you looking for a full set or just new irons/woods/etc.?
  10. I have not, so I just have the show as my base of reference.
  11. Altered Carbon S2 - The sophomore slump is alive and well! - 6/10 I knew based on how much I loved season 1, some level of disappointment was coming in season 2. That level was measurable, but not overbearing (like True Detectives.) I finished the season and found I had more complaints that praises. Without giving away anything, I will say that there was just too much effort made in looking back that looking forward. I am looking forward to see if season 3 brings redemption or death to this series.
  12. @scottshoemaker Another PLA+ that I have had great success with is SUNLU PLA+ It also has the advantage of selling in 2 packs for ~$15 per spool - https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07TDJRBJT/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o05_s00?ie=UTF8&th=1
  13. Oh yeah, the table was completed and used at this year's OFCC Here are some pics of the table in use 🙂
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