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Dark Trainer

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Dark Trainer last won the day on June 27

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About Dark Trainer

  • Birthday 05/25/1978

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  1. @AttackCowboy, thanks again for the game last night! Great shenanigans on the last turn. A real nail biter. 😁
  2. @jollyork, HUGE thanks for running this league. This has been one of the best designs I've participated in. Really like the tournament style and the tournament practice it allows. Great design, and thanks for the effort! So much variation in just 6 matches.
  3. @savion47 and I are playing next Tuesday July 2nd around 5pm.
  4. I will never use matte again, at least if you have 'metal'. It ruins metal coloring. I'm told semi gloss it first, then hit with a light matte after, but haven't tried it. For that reason i only use satin or semi gloss now. I found this Japanese (Mr Super Clear), used their semi gloss and it's VERY good. They have a matte too. Dullcote used to be the go to for matte, right?
  5. Clearing out some board games in great condition. Let me know what you might be interested in and we can set something up. Get these things cheap 😁 Risk Stratego (wood case) Munchkins Warhammer 40,000 Smallworld KeyForge Worlds Collide Things (wood case) Exploding Kittens
  6. Thanks for the game, seriously! Always good to see you. Hadn't played Elven Union yet.
  7. Similar issue for me, summer is gonna be tough. Good luck with the league though!
  8. I believe Chessex charges per custom logo. Might be spendy. If you do 3d print, make sure to 100% infill. You'd want the weight.
  9. It's not local, but doesn't Chessex do custom dice? Or not sure what the club orders ours from.
  10. @jollyork, huge thanks for hosting this league! Feels great to get games in again. As stated, first night was great fun. Good to see so many faces after so long. @Burk deserved the win, but my luck with dice got him and I pulled a draw. I will admit, pretty low odds for some of the rolls I succeeded on (for example, three 4+ dodges in a row, followed by two 2+ sprints, no problem...😁). Also grabbing a bouncing ball on a 6. Burk's Morg also proved to do very little most of the game (last 5 turns he started knocking dudes out). It must have been a Die by the Big guys night. I did learn I was much more accepting of putting guys are risk, knowing they would respawn (tournament rules), vs normal league progression. I might have been less (feed my Troll to Morg) feeling.
  11. I'll be your huckleberry. I might lose horribly, but I'll be there. 5pm, or so? What time works? There a good tournament roster building tool at all?
  12. This means just 6 games, not 6 full tournaments? Might be interested, not sure how to read the rules/team building. Also concerned about availability for a couple weeks in July.
  13. Sorry for your loss, and dealing with things like that is rough. That said, also not uncommon around middle age and starting to experience those things. As well as more responsibility, less time for fun, etc. There's no magic answer, but over time you will find your way to enjoy the little things again. It's what your friend would want, as well as family. Regarding thinning the herd, don't get rid of it unless you plan to truly never use it again. I hadn't played fantasy since like 2007, and didn't intend to play again thus made sense. Blood bowl is an example where i leave it, then come back to it often enough. I play my Necrons all the time, thus will keep them I have an entire army of Orks acquired in trade, sometimes fun to just have silly games (Kill team or 40k) I got rid of space Smurfs, because they don't make me happy at all. If you have no storage problems, keeping it is fine. Don't thin the herd and regret it is what I'm hinting at.
  14. And get rid of the useless stuff weighing you down 🤣
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