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Clarification on Special Saving Throws

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 This comes up from time to time and can be one of the more confusing sections in the base game rules so I thought I would post up the section then add a bit of clarifications ive seen posted on FB and other forums.


 The QnA from the FaQ on it is on page 5,first question.Reads as follows:


Q: When a model/unit has a spacial saving throw arising from an ability that can be used whenever they suffer a wound or mortal wound,is it taken after normal saves but before damage is determined(i.e. between steps 3 and 4 of the attack sequence)?


A:No,such special saving throws are taken after damage is determined and as each individual wound is allocated to a model that has such a save(see `Inflicting Damage` on the rules sheet).For example,a unit of Phoenix Guard is attacked by a Cannon.The Cannon successfully makes its hit and wound rolls, and the Anointed fail their save roll.The Cannon therefore inflicts D6 wounds in step 4 of the attack sequence.The roll  is a 4,inflicting 4 wounds on the Phoenix Guard.The attack sequence is now over,and the wounds are set to be inflicted on the Phoenix Guard.However,the Phoenix Guard`s WItness to Destiny ability means they ignore a wound or mortal wound on a roll of 4 or more,so as each wound is allocated,a dice is rolled,and on a 4 or more it is ignored.


 Now the base rules dont imply this at all,at least thats how ive always seen it.Its very much-choose target,roll attacks,roll to wound,roll saves,roll damage..with what appeared to be any special saves would be taken right after failed saves and before damage dealing.


  Basically I had always seen it as Hits become wounds,which if unsaved become damage,which is inflicted on the unit..what they are doing with this FaQ is taking their already determined "Damage" and redefining it as wounds again so special saves can be used.


  I think its great that they clarified this but in my oppinion it would have been better to change the descriptive term they used for this ability from a `save vs mortal or unsaved wounds` to `save vs unsaved mortal damage or other damage`.Anyhow,either way I think it could have been described in a  less confusing way,but at least they cleared it up.


 Last thing I want to add is that it was clarified in a FB post made on the official AoS FB Page that if a unit has multiple sources of special saves available,then they can use all of the sources in any order they choose.This may not come up much but it can happen and some armies can actually build for it more than others now that alegiance abilities and artifacts are in the game.




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I always kind of assumed it played the way they described based on the descriptions of the special abilities.  Take the Anointed since they used it as an example.


"Witness to Destiny: Whenever an Anointed suffers a wound or mortal wound, roll a dice.  If the result is 4 or more, the wound or mortal wound is ignored."


I think the fact that they called it a "special save" in the FAQ was a bit misleading in itself since its not a "save" per say (maybe more like a ward or something like that).  The warscrolls themselves are pretty clear about how the ability works, but nothing is said in the base rules.  But that's not super uncommon.  


I suppose the word "wound" in the description can also be misleading, but the term "wound" in this sense was defined in the base rules under the Making Attacks section, number 4 as what a unit suffers after damage is determined.  


Overall I was definitely happy for the clarification and also for the stacking of "ward saves".  This was on Facebook, but also in the FAQ, top left page 6.

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