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Work in progress and other stuff!

Entries in this blog

Keeping with the skirmishes... Infinity's Haqqislam

Infinity resources, as I find them useful. Let me know if you have any of your own!   http://studiogiraldez.blogspot.com/2012/06/muyib-lanzamisiles.html - Studio Painter for Haqqislam.     General Infinity Resources:   http://www.ordofanaticus.com/index.php?/topic/25091-infinity-the-game-resources/



Door for Kill Teams

A door cast in Smoothcast from Oomoo mold of cut plasticard.   2 copies of the door are glued to either side of mdf, or in this case cut white board. (Cheap at home depot)



HOR Kill Team then...

I am using this as my own summary of the HOR Kill Team rules for 40K, but I am happy to share, and invite comment and discussion!   This is not intended to replace going out and reading the rules, just my notes as I read them, and then update as I play them! If you have a different take on a rule, let me know and I am happy to work it into the notes.   All of the content discussed or borrowed came from these guys:   http://heralds-of-ruin.blogspot.co.uk/p/kill-team-rules.html?m=1   Kill




Welcome to my blog! My hobby work always goes in fits and starts, so there's no reason to expect anything different in my blog posts! HA Honesty!   What I'm not sure of is when I should post something in this blog, vs a standard forum post?   Your input is appreciated!     Justjokin!             ...sort of....



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