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Posts posted by ClassicFlava

  1. only 6 people made it out.  The armies were ogres, salamanders, kingdoms of men, dwarves, and twilight kin.  we just did a five game rouund robin event,  it was a lot of fun despite the low turnout.  Expecting a much better turnout for the upcoming Rain City Rumble on Feb 21st.  No Seahawks game to compete with and no other tournaments going on the same weekend that i know of.  

    • Like 1
  2. The Inquisitor actually does best at Range 3 since his attack always counts as Range 1, which means both 3 attack dice for him and no bonus evade die for the opponent. That + Autothrusters should work pretty well against big ships.

    this is correct. Inquisitor is a steal at 31 pts with title, autothrusters, amd ptl

  3. I have various models i just sitting in foam in the closet taking up valuable space.  Here is the list.  Let me know if anything piques your interest.



    .2 OOP xv88 suits

    .4 crisis suits

    .6 stealth suits

    .12 kroot

    .1 kroot shaper

    .6 kroot hounds

    .24 fire warriors

    .2 devilfish

    .7 oop pathfinders (4 sniper rifles)

    .4 shield drones

    .1 marker drone



    .basilisk drake

    .basilisk krea

    .ancestral guardian

    .titan cannoneer

    .Tyrant xerxes


    .cyclops brute



    .7 oop minotaurs

    .4 oop dragon ogres

    .1 dragon ogre shaggoth



    • Like 2
  4. Yeah I have mixed feelings on allies. In some cases it lets people use models they have that aren't represented by their army which is great, it also allows some flavorful allies like Orcs and goblins. What I don't like about it is that you will see the same units taken a lot (elohi, basusu, drakon riders, etc).

    • Like 1
  5. on page 10 it says 

    "Finally shuffle the chargers sideways until their unit leader point is directly opposite the center of the unit, or as close as possible to it."


    The next paragragh then says that you cant be corner to corner when charging.  


    This tells me that you shuffle as far as you can and as long as your arent corner to corner its a legal charge.  Assuming you are able to line up flush with the enemy during the charge move.

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