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Posts posted by Swan-of-War

  1. Kill Command (2016, on Netflix now)

    6 / 10

    Sci-Fi flick about a group of marines training against robots that learn from them.  Thought it was going to be just low-budget schlock but the vehicles and robots are surprisingly cool.  Main character is an observer/ engineer whose acting is a little flat, but hey - she's a kinda-cyborg too so I guess that's in line.  Not bad to watch on a rainy afternoon or something.

    • Like 1

    1 hour ago, paxmiles said:

    Finally saw Rogue One. Glad I didn't pay to see it in the theaters. 3/5. I don't think I'll watch it again anytime soon. I understand the idea of creating a filler between episode 3 and 4, due to the gap, but I didn't really like it. Depressing, mostly. Wasn't horrible, so I might watch it again, while distracted by model painting, but I wouldn't watch it with all my focus on it, just not that impressive on it's own.

    Different strokes, I guess.  Saw it in the theaters, loved it.  Almost as much as this guy loves Mozart.



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  3. Sure thing - they're made by Chubby Collectibles out of Olympia.  Found them through Ebay and was actually able to pick them up in person at the last OOP Buy and Swap meet up here in Seattle.  Cool people to deal with (Aaron and Andre), they even did a "short pour" of some of the larger pieces so that I could use them on my big Dunecrawler bases.  I need to get some more for my display board.

    Quality is great, I bought an army's worth and only found one or two tiny bubbles that were easily hidden when painted.  No air-pocket holes either and minimal flash. 

    These are the Rock bases, although there's a lot of craters in the larger pieces so it looks like a warzone with lots of heavy shelling.  They also do Rubble, Alien, Wasteland, Lava and Industrial.  Two thumbs up

    Chubby Collectibles E-Bay Store


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  4. WIP shot of my Onager Dunecrawlers and some Rangers I finished up.  I didn't enjoy painting the rangers as much as the vanguard, don't know why.  They'll be good for the new Armageddon game coming out soon though.  I also bought some Bolt Action decals that had nice, clean numbers and put them on my Kastelans at the left shoulder and lower right leg.

    Any suggestions for warhead colors on the Icarus Array?  Once these are finished, I should have 1,500 points painted!


    • Like 4
  5. 8 minutes ago, PourSpelur said:

    Love it!

    Finding a list that I could use M.K. models as a counts-as force has always been on my hobby "to do" list. I think your version is stellar.

    Thanks!  I was throwing the idea around of using them as crisis suits as I think they kinda look like Tau.  However, I couldn't really find a larger Ghost Keel or Riptide stand in that would work

    • Like 1
  6. Here's my casual-play list for 40K at 1850 - a Skitarii Maniple with Cybernetic Cohort formation.  The Tech Priest is my Warlord.

    I've two units of Vanguard painted, kept their Alphas with the standard radium carbine to keep them cheap.  They really look solid as mid-field units, especially with their Assault 3 rifles.  The Rangers I'm unsure on - figure they're best for holding the backfield and camping in terrain.  Their standard galvanic rifles look okay but have been reading mostly meh' reviews on the transuranic arquebus'.  The range is fantastic and I guess they could be useful to pick out special weapon / sergeants from the opposing backfield campers?  May switch one of the squads for another small squad of Vanguard.

    The Infiltrators I like, not sure if I'll outflank or infiltrate with them, will have to depend on terrain.  I do have the models for another five or maybe some Rust Stalkers.

    Onagers are awesome, both aesthetically and in firepower.  They're my primary reach weapons with their Neutron Lasers.  Was thinking of combining them into a single unit of two to get the increased invulnerable save, but that sacrifices their ability to shoot at two different targets.   The Icarus Array is pure murder to fliers and skimmers, the latter of which is present in my meta so I'd like to keep it.

    Last is the Cohort Cybernetica, my midfield F You squad.  Combined with the Tech Priest and the formation's ability to split fire I plan on raining down phospherous death on the meager enemies of the Imperium.  I maxed out on the Phospher Blasters so that they're consistently effective with all their weapons at 36" range.   The incendine combusters are tempting though as I like the idea of 4-8 torrent flame templates blazing out, not to mention the wall of death.  Modelwise, I don't like the standard Edward Phospherhands look so I did a minor conversion of two barrels on one gun-hand (twin-linked) and kept the other one a standard hand.  I prefer the look (like a Khador Destroyer) and who wouldn't want a beefy robot hand to choke a mofo' out? 

    Skitarii Maniple   1070
    10 Vanguard 2 x Plasma Calivers 170
        Radium Carbines, Omnispex  
    10 Vanguard 2 x Arc Rifles 140
        Radium Carbines, Omnispex  
    5 Rangers 2 x Transuranic Arquebus 125
        Galvanic Rifles, Omnispex  
    5 Rangers Galvanic Rifles 65
    5 Infiltrators Flechette Blasters, Taser Goads 205
        Omniscient Mask  
    1 Onager Dunecrawler Neutron Laser, Cognis Heavy Stubber 120
        Cognis Heavy Stubber  
    1 Onager Dunecrawler Neutron Laser, Cognis Heavy Stubber 120
        Cognis Heavy Stubber  
    1 Onager Dunecrawler Icarus Array 125
    Cohort Cybernetica   775
    1 Tech-Priest Dominus Volkite Blaster, Macrostubber 135
        Autocaduceus of Arkhan Land  
    1 Kastelan Robot Maniple Twl Heavy Phospher Blasters 320
        Carapace Mounted Phospher Blaster  
    1 Kastelan Robot Maniple Twl Heavy Phospher Blasters 320
        Carapace Mounted Phospher Blaster  
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