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Posts posted by TJP

  1. The OFCC list is nearly painted, at least to a basecoat. The dragon is done, as well as the repaint of the BSB - I'll get some pictures up soon.


    After OFCC, if I can, I want to work on kitbashing a new warshrine model. As said before, I think I'd like to get a Stonehorn with the Shrine on top. For extra awesomeness, I just realized that I can put Hrothgar Daemonaxe (the guy above holding up an elf) as the Shrinemaster, appraising his next sacrifice. Also, I think I can magnetize the Mark symbols by putting a Chaos Marauder shield on the back of where they go, with a magnet in the center, and then a magnet on the back of each symbol, as well as a second '8-pointed star' marauder shield for an unmarked shrine.


    Expensive, but it'll be epic. I will, of course, be painting the Stonehorn skin-colored, in my ongoing theme of 'stuff that should not be flesh is flesh', with the red-brown fur that trims the infantry's capes.


    Other than that, I still have the Manticore to paint, as well as the Sorcerer from that kit, and lots of stuff in the bits-box, as well as a bunch of halberd warriors that are still red...

  2. Thanks for the game, Eric! Curse you, tower! It ran over the dragon, then its 25-ish s10 hits eventually killed my lord.


    Eric: I got a rule wrong. When moving back or sideways, you halve movement and round UP. Your archers can beep-beep-beep up to 3 inches while being the pointy-eared pansies that they are.


    Also, I called you on the the worst one, but please measure your fast-cav moves more carefully, especially when moving around and between units. It's a careful dance to try to engage your elves, and it's no fun if your end guy in the rank has moved 19, 20 inches or more.


    Still wouldn't have saved my dragon or let him engage :D

  3. Pretty sure it's just a combination of getting older and losing weight.


    The video for today is up: Handy. Not familiar with the original, so maybe it doesn't work for me as well for that reason. On that note, if the video for 'Inactive' takes any inspiration from the (weird and cool) video for 'Radioactive', it'll be pretty dang awesome.

  4. Updates! Finally!


    Working on the display board again.



    All carved up, sanded, and starting to paint. Beware the terrifying pink lava!



    White followed by yellow to get a nice solid base for the hottest of the lava.



    Heavy drybrush with orange, followed by a lighter one of dark red as it gets cooler and cooler. Kinda looks like butt, but one the black edges are cleaned up it'll be great.



    Hot lava or DELICIOUS FROSTING???



    Edges all cleaned up, and it looks much better. The original black has been overcoated with a dark grey to match my basing scheme (and to get rid of the lingering pink in spots). Next up: once it's dry, hit the sanded parts with drybrush of medium grey (again to match the ashy basing scheme I have) and add a fancy label.

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  5. WCP-II challenges Ordo Omega!  You're going DOWN.  Sorry.


    We accept this most Canadian of challenges!


    In turn, Ordo Omega also issues a challenge to the Dimensional Cascade Podcast team. A long list of grievances need to be addressed in the Book of Grudges of our Dwarf player vs. their twisted Chaos Dwarf brethren!

  6. Not an expert nor an O+G player, but 30 orcs and 40-50 goblins is a fine unit size. You'll get some use out of the 8th-ed Horde formation, especially with night goblins.


    In general, things are more mobile and charge farther (but randomly), forests restrict your movement less, close combat is full of more carnage (but a little less running away). I only played about a year of 7th, and I like 8th :)

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