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Posts posted by JMGraham

  1. Couple of questions:

    Does within 3" mean completely or partially within? I'm wondering in regards to disembarking from transports.

    Does a unit in a transport that is destroyed get to benefit from The Ynnari Strength from Death ability? Models disembark from transports when they are destroyed, before the model is removed.  Since they are deployed on the board before the transport I'd removed, do they get the soul burst? I suspect not, but it never hurts to ask.

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  2. I got a game of 8th in the other day with my Eldar, and it was pretty fun. Things seem to have gotten much more expensive with 8th edition in regards to points, but given that so many great things in the Eldar codex were criminally under-costed before, it seems only fair. This is a list I came up with after my last game, in an attempt to capture the essence of my older Corsair list (which, while toned down even more for last year's OFCC was still pretty brutal). The goal is to have a fair number of fast units with significant close-range firepower. I don't want a sit-back and shoot army as much as I want an army that hits hard on one flank, before quickly re-deploying to hit from another quarter.

    Any thoughts or comments would be greatly appreciated! In particular, how worth it is an Autarch? Is it worth dropping a unit of shuriken cannon bikes?

    2000 Points of Eldar Ynnari, using a single Outrider Detachment (4 CP total)

    Farseer Skyrunner (171)

    [Guide and Doom. Guide and Doom. Guide and Doom. And Smite. I’d love to have room to fit in the Ynnari caster for access to the soulburst psychic power, but I can’t really think of anything to cut. Likewise, some of the alternative lists I’ve come up with have an Autarch on a bike or with a Warp Jump Generator to help buff nearby troops.]

    5 x Kabalite Warriors (35)

    Venom w/ 2 Splinter Cannons (95)

    [Some basic, inexpensive troops that can be used for objective grabbing, powering Strength from Death, and the like.]

    5 x Fire Dragons (Firepike on Exarch)

    Wave Serpent w/ 3 Shuriken Cannons and Vectored Engine (153)

    Lynx w/ Pulsar, Shuriken Cannon, and Crystal Targeting Matrix (342)

    [These are there to take on bigger targets. Vehicles, monsters, and the like. While the Lynx is good (but not great), it also tends to take a lot of attention away from the rest of my army. It serves as a pretty useful distraction.]

    6 x Shining Spears w/ Star Lance on Exarch (201)

    [I desperately miss the heavy close-combat punch of my Corsair Jetbikes with an assortment of power weapons, extra attacks on the charge, and the like. The new Corsair jetbikes can’t be configured the same way, and seem less close-combat oriented. It seems like the Shining Spears might be able to give me a dedicated close-combat unit that I can convert out of my existing Corsair models.]

    1 x Razorwing Flock (7)

    [These fine feathered friends are simply here to die. Horribly. And give some nearby unit (Shining Spears? Fire Dragons?) a new lease on life. Noble, generous bird-friends.My plan is to run them near the Shining Spears and use them to either die (and trigger Strength from Death), or to soak up overwatch for the Shining Spears.]

    2 x Hornets w/ Pulse Lasers and Crystal Targeting Matrices (300)

    2 x War Walkers w/ Star Cannons (242)

    5 x Warp Spiders (110)

    5 x Warp Spiders w/ Double Deathspinners on Exarch (118)

    3 x Windriders w/ Shuriken Cannons (96)

    [As before, lots of fast, maneuverable S6 shooting. I miss the S8 on the Hornet’s pulse lasers, but between them and the War Walkers, having reliable high AP D2 is nice. I’ve considered dropping the Windriders to take an Autarch with a Warp Jump Generator, fusion gun, and power sword. That would also give me the space for a second Razorwing Flock. I’m generally loathe to trade out troops for characters, but rerolling 1s to hit seems like a nice thing to have constantly available. Alternatively, I could drop the Windriders and a SHining Spear and get an Autarch on a Jetbike. Hmmmm....]




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  3. Awesome, thanks!

    Battle-Forged armies allow you to take under-strength units in matched play, paying only for the cost of the models and weapons included, and provided you only have one of that unit type. Under-strength units still take up the force org slot. While I know, as intended, this is just supposed to get folks playing games with what they've got, I could see it being abused to be able to fit in force org charts they wouldn't otherwise be able to get. For example, just taking inexpensive single models to fill out a battalion (or whatever the one with tons of command points is called).

  4. To add to @SigurdBC 's lessons...

    Strength from Death is amazing. One moment was the Fire Dragons falling back out of combat because a nearby unit died. The Fire Dragons would have been toast otherwise. Another moment was when the Fire Dragons leapt out of their Wave Serpent, bolted across the field, torched a Land Raider down to two wounds. When the Land Raider was brought down by another unit, it triggered SfD and let the Fire Dragons torch the Terminators who got out. Crazy brutal.

    Flying is very powerful. The ability to fall back and still act is insanely good.

    Non-flying vehicles not being able to fire weapons after they fall back from infantry that can barely hurt them is lame. It feels very athematic that the tank wouldn't just keep driving and firing its weapons.

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  5. 2 hours ago, Justjokin said:

    +1 on the Smooth-On products.  I use Oomoo 25 for making molds, and Smoothcast 300 for casting.  Both available in the small trial sets that JMG mentioned.  

    Fine suggestions! Smoothcast 300 and 320 are basically the same resin, save that 320 is re-formulated to be a bit better at taking dye. Which, of course, only matters if you're adding dye to your resin (I dye mine grey). They're the same viscosity (80 cps), and slightly more liquid than the (still excellent) TAP Quickcast (about 250 cps).

    For silicone, keep in mind that the Mold-Max and Oomoo are pretty different silicones. The Oomoo is much harder than the 14-NV, has less tensile strength, and stretches less before breaking. Because I cast things in one-piece molds with a lot of undercuts, I need my molds stretchier and softer. While some folks have found the harder Oomoo silicones to be more prone to breakage, I think it really depends on what you're casting, and suspect that many of those experiences are because they used the wrong silicone for the model. The 14-NV is too soft for some applications (though, not nearly as soft as TAP's platinum-cure silicone). Keep in mind, also, that you need an accurate kitchen scale or the like for the 14NV (it's mixed by weight), while you don't for the Oomoo or other MoldMax (which are mixed by volume).

    They are closing down the resin Addict Forum, but while it's there, it's an incredible source of information: http://www.resinaddict.com/forum/

    Good luck, and post your results!


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  6. 40 minutes ago, Scarydog said:

    And do you have a preferred vendor? 

    I'm up in Bellingham, and I tend to buy resin in bulk. As such, my purchase habits aren't typical for the hobbyist. When I just need a "little bit" (10 gallons of resin, or 5 gallons of silicone) I mail-order from Farwest Materials : https://farwestmaterials.com/ . When I need more (50 to 90 or so gallons of resin), I place an order through Seattle Pottery Supply and drive down to pick it up when it ships in: http://www.seattlepotterysupply.com/

    For smaller and more sane amounts, SmoothOn has vendors all over, and their trial kits are easy to mail-order, if you need to go that route: https://www.smooth-on.com/distributors/


  7. 1 hour ago, VonVilkee said:

    Oh man! That would have doubled their survivability but I would have had the command point to survive that morale for the truck boyz... I used a command point to reroll the number of wounds on a klaw to kill one. 

    Ooh! I'm glad things went the way they did, then. ;) taking down the truck boys in one round was key in letting me finish off those meganobz the next turn.

  8. 1 hour ago, Brother Glacius said:

    Exactly what would you like to see in a pose? Seriously...he's shooting a gun. As a gun shooter myself, I can tell you I don't have a huge range of poses that I use when firing. Not many reasons to stick out your leg all willynilly for the heck of it.

    More recent Infinity models are a constant source of unique, under-stated, and awesome poses. Infinity models are, IMO, the standard to which miniature space-men should aspire. I'd love to see GW-detail and scale combined with more realistic poses.

    One of my favorites, the Nomad Prowler with Spitfire:


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  9. Heldrakes can advance, move 31 to 36 inches and still fire their baleflamer (which isn't nearly as powerful as it once was).

    Heldrakes can be charged by anything. They don't have the restriction to only be charged by flyers.

    Large units of poxwalkers with Typhus as backup are really good. Large units of Plaguebearers are less so, but still great.

    The Great Unclean One appears to be one of the least resilient greater daemons. Same toughness and fewer wounds than a Bloodthirster or Lord of Change.

    Large units make great tar pits (with the ability to use command to pass morale), but taking MSU also seems like a good way to mitigate morale.

    Close combat appears no more or less descisive than shooting. 


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