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Posts posted by JMGraham

  1. 3 hours ago, SigurdBC said:

    I'll be around for 40k unless folks want to play my new Game of Thrones Cataan game with me. In addition to the base Cataan game we could also play a mode where Wildlings invade our territory and we have to defend the wall to prevent them from doing so. Just another option if folks are interested.

    Too soon for another round with the Raven Guard? If not, I'm up for it!

  2. The weird thing is that the building they chose is full of boutique arts and crafts and cafes and what not. Not the cheapest rent by a long shot. I hope that, if a Warhamster gets the manager job, that they are wildly successful. That's the only thing that would convince me to ever shop there. Anyone tossing their hat in?

  3. Tonight is the night of our annual gift exchange and general Yuletide festiveness! Bring a wrapped gift, $20 to $35 in value, suitable for a gamer and take part in the gift stealing-festivities. Also, eat food! Be merry!

    Also ... games! 

    Brendan and I have a game of 40k or Space Poker set up, depending on the number of other Space Poker folks available.

  4. In addition to the aforemention current and upcoming stores, there is also Rook and Rogue. They sell used boardgames, so they aren't direct competition, but they are where folks want to go when they want to hang out and play a boardgame. There was also a short-lived gamestore that opened and closed this past year in Fairhaven. I forget the name. They were hoping their proximity to Fairhaven MS and their focus on Pokemon cards and kids-oriented RPGs would help create a niche. It didn't!

    For my part, I don't go to DTG because it's the only game in town. I go to DTG because Nathaniel has built a great shop, slowly over time. I love the central location, and between the terrain, the tables, the ever-growing board game selection ... the store keeps improving. I think DTG could most improve in the area of family-friendliness. Staff who ignore or talk-down to female customers with money to spend (and who know more about boardgames than them) in order to play Magic is a big no-no. 

    With that said, I've never been in Cosmic before, so I don't know anything about their set-up, vibe, or amount of traffic. I'd look carefully at past business records if it were me. Even though you'll do things differently, it will take some time to overcome the past reputation.

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