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Posts posted by fingolfen

  1. There was an old Citadel Journal back when GW was more interested in games and such that contained rules for a Genestealer Cult. It was pretty entertaining, and not really competitive. They had an Armored Limousine that Genestealers could ride around in, and I want to say about a half dozen unit entries. The rules on Infestation of a Hive was pretty entertaining too.  


    Sadly, I don't see this happening unless they bring back Necromunda.


    I remember that one... pimp my ride - genestealer edition!

  2. Its not necessarily codex creep, it is, as you state, creases in the rules.  Plenty of new codexes are worse than old codexes.  Its just random whether GW releases a killer dex like the Necrons or Eldar or a turd sandwich like the Dark Eldar.


    I haven't followed each and every codex as closely for the last several years, but since their inception the Dark Eldar seem to have always been a bit problematic.  I get what they were trying to do, bring back the "Eldar Pirates" of the Rogue Trader days before the Craftworld Eldar were really fleshed out, but even today it still feels like the back-story and how it relates to their force organization is still poorly integrated...  Space Marines, Eldar, Orks, Guard - those are all pretty solid, but Dark Eldar still seem to be one of the red-headed stepchildren of the range...  Even Tau seem far more thematically unified at this point...

  3. Age old problem with 40K - codex creep...  I just build what I like and if my opponent is determined to play a death star or panzerspamblaster or whatever the current mega-force the latest crease in the rules has created... bully on them... I really just enjoy building and painting the miniatures, getting in a few games, and now a days, teaching it to my son...   :biggrin:

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  4. I've given it a little more thought. Maybe he has been feeling the 15mm scene cutting into his business so he's lashing out. It's a weird argument to make now, though since it's been quite a long time since FoW came out, longer since BF started making minis. He can't really put the genie back in the bottle. 


    I'm not sure it's cutting into his business, but the cynic in me sees a couple of things.  FoW and TY often aren't viewed as "real" wargames by the "serious" community - after all, they're not hardcore simulations.  They are streamlined abstractions, which isn't acceptable to a portion of the community, and on one level that's just fine - there should be room for everyone.  However, both have been wildly successful both in terms of sales and creating an active international gaming community whereas the simulation games continue with much smaller communities which can be highly localized or regional.  


    So while GHQ was one of the first, they have never been able to enjoy the mass-market success Battlefront has - and Battlefront did it with a "dumbed down" "beginner" game...  So there may be some sour grapes coming through.  

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  5. Hey Fing, ever since BGG came out, I have been a fan of Lt Boggess and his run through assenois to break the siege of Bastogne. Do you have any suggestions on reading material or where I can find more specific details on which versions of Sherman's made that run with Lt boggess?


    Let me go digging - I think I have some information on that.  Will take me a couple of days.

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