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Posts posted by fingolfen

  1. So I've always had a fondness for the "old marks" of space marine armor - still have several of them in my old space marine force that's been around since... ummmm... well, a while... let's leave it at that (I still have my old Rogue Trader books lying about somewhere)...


    Anyway - I've generally always played to the loyalist side because i thought most of the 40K Chaos figures were a bit over the top... but looking at the lovely Forgeworld figures for the Horus Heresy... well, now I'm wavering a bit...  I haven't picked up the rule books yet, but at this point I've got a couple of favorites based on how they appear to paint up at this point... and only one is on the loyalist side...


    1)  Death Guard - runs to some of my painting strengths with the bone white and sepia washes - plus the Deathshroud Terminators just look really fun...

    2)  Iron Warriors - nice metallic paint job with good accent painting...

    3)  Iron Hands - again - nice metallic (though not quite as nice as the Iron Warriors) - and I'm guessing given the chapter fluff I'd get to field more vehicles... not as crazy about their Terminators, though...


    So for those of you playing the game - thoughts???

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  2. My son is getting to the age where miniatures games are going to become fun - so I took him by the GW store in Portland and picked him up some Marines... I'm collecting some Space Wolves as the whole Norse theme just speaks to me, plus it is something different as I still have a buttload of Marines in German 3-tone camo that I've been playing since Rogue Trader days...  Beware puns in runes when I finally get them painted up...

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  3. Yup I talked with them and they are a maybe right now. They have to get permission from parents to be gone all day, especially because it will be Nathan's birthday. I'm about 75% certain they will be there.


    They are 16 and 13 years old so keep that in mind if you are offering a loaner army. I personally trust them with my models and don't think there will be any issues, but wanted to make it clear up from the that teenagers would be handling their minis.


    I've got some partially painted Germans that will likely end up being redone - tanks only, if they have some infantry they can bring that would be helpful, though I could bring some LW as proxy as well.  Heck, if they're good sports I may even let them walk away with some of the figures...

  4. Behind Enemy Lines and Breakthrough Assault both have early reviews up for Gung Ho! 

    Behind Enemy Lines also has an early review up for Banzai! 

    Link round up at my blog: http://miniordnancerev.blogspot.com/2016/02/early-reviews-for-flames-of-war-pacific.html 

    Behind Enemy Lines is here: http://bel-podcast.blogspot.co.nz/ 

    Breakthrough Assault is here: http://www.breakthroughassault.co.uk/2016/02/8196.html

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