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Everything posted by Blustorm

  1. I'll be there to open and close. I'd be up for a 500 point game of SW Legion or possibly Kill Team if anyone is interested. Please post here if you plan on attending.
  2. THE PLACE Location: 717 SE Main St. Portland OR 97214 (map) - Around the corner from Kokiyo Teriyaki and up the stairs. Cost to play games is $8 for Ordo Members, $3 for Ordo Warlord Champions, and FREE for Emperors & Imperators! As always, your first Game Night is FREE! THE GAMES Games we play: All, with a focus on Warhammer 40k, Kill Team, Star Wars Legion, Bloodbowl, board games and more. While it is possible to find a pickup game at Game Night, it is much better to pre-arrange a game before coming down. New players are always welcome, feel free to stop by and check it out. GAME NIGHT EXPECTATIONS Please be aware that as always, the Czar has the ability to ask a player to leave if the Czar feels it necessary. Game Nights are meant to be enjoyable, low-stress activities, so let’s have fun.
  3. Hey, just wanted to say it was great to see everyone last night! I just wanted to say thanks to Kevin the Wizard for a fantastic intro game to Star Wars Legion. It was quite enjoyable and I really learned a lot. Hope you all had great games and hope to see you next week!! 😎
  4. The Starter box, either Empire vs Rebels or CIS vs Republic is definitely a good deal, although technically you don't HAVE to get it. I got mine because I was planning on playing Rebels (you get Luke and 2 units of Rebel troopers in the set) and I wanted to make sure I got all of the counters, measuring sticks (moving and shooting), dice and cards that I would need. I have heard of people who have bought one of the big sets ( Blizzard Force, Echo Base Defenders, etc.) and then bought cards, dice, measuring sticks and counters separately, but I think that only works if you plan on jumping into the game with both feet. I've made about a $200 investment in the game so far and I'm going to play a few games first before I make more purchases. BTW, the Legions core set is $95.99 thru either Amazon or Miniature Market and you might find similar prices on eBay as well. That's about $24 below MSRP.
  5. Cool, thanks for the info. Looks like we'll have a good crowd for 40k and Legions tonight! 😃
  6. I'll go ahead and reserve that room for you and Josh for Thursday evening.
  7. I've got 500 points of Rebels (roughly) for Legion. I'd be up for a learning/teaching game this Thursday if anyone is interested.
  8. Yeah, I was thinking about getting there around 3:30 to get the AC going before people arrive.
  9. I'll be there to tidy up the terrain in the terrain room after OFCC. I'll probably bring Kill Team with me as well.
  10. I unfortunately won't be there tonight, but I salute all my 40k battle brothers!
  11. I only have 8 pics total from the weekend and the last 5 are from the final round, but here they are.
  12. Welcome to Ordo Fanaticus, AttackCowboy! The first thing I will mention is that we have a pretty sizeable group of Bloodbowl players, but they usually attend Game Night on Tuesday nights. I think right now the group is on hiatus, since they wrapped up the spring league at the beginning of July. However, they usually have a fall league and that will probably start sometime in Sept or early Oct. If you are looking for a game, I would suggest you go ahead and post in the Bloodbowl forum and hopefully one of them will respond shortly. Here's a quick link: https://www.ordofanaticus.com/forum/37-blood-bowl/
  13. I would say that this OFCC harkened back to the early days of the event, when the tournament/s were smaller and it was easier to get to know everyone at the event. There was a significant OFCC veteran presence, but also I would say the majority of the people attending 9th Age and 40k Doubles were brand new attendees. I basically saw a ton of smiles during the weekend and most everyone was talking about next year before the event was even over. The Senate will have to discuss the particulars, but I think it's likely that we'll try to do OFCC or a similar type event at this venue again. I'll ask the TOs to put up the tournament rankings and see if anyone has any pictures they want to post. I have a few pics on my phone, but I was mostly observing during the weekend.
  14. Just to let everyone know, here's how things are likely to unfold this evening: 4pm - The venue will be open to access at this time. A number of senators and helpers will be at the venue at this time to unload tabletops, mats and terrain in order to setup everything for the weekend events. Setup should take roughly 1.5 to 2 hours. 5pm - Warhammer:Underworlds event organized by Henry Rodriguez aka callidusx3 to start at this time. 6pm - Kings of War Historical demo game with coordinator Spencer Fisher aka 54thGrumblies to start at this time. 6pm to Midnight - Venue is available for open gaming. You are free to leave items in the hall overnight, but we recommend not leaving miniatures out on tables where they can be broken or stolen (especially if you plan on using those minis during the weekend). 6:30/7pm - Battletech game with coordinator Chris Green aka zcaust83. One last announcement for the weekend: We would like to encourage as many people as possible to attend OFCC, even if you have not purchased a ticket for either weekend event (9th Age, 40k). We will have additional tables set up for open gaming for either game on Saturday and Sunday (till 4pm). We will also have a number of tables setup for Kill Team demos/ open gaming. This is the one weekend of each year that we can all get together to show off our gaming prowess and hobby skills, so let's make it a memorable weekend! See you tonight, my fellow Ordites! 😎
  15. I'll be sure to note that room is reserved for you and your opponent. After all, being an Emperor champion has its privileges. 😎
  16. I'll be there to finish packing and then loading up terrain + mats for OFCC! I'll probably hang out for most of the night, once my work is done.
  17. I'll be there to start prepping terrain for OFCC and I'll hang out for awhile too.
  18. I am still planning on being there around 3:30 to open up. For anyone who feels like it, feel free to show up at that time. See you all tonight!
  19. I'll probably be there around 3:30pm just the same, but good catch! 😎
  20. I'll be sure to put a note up in the room with the single 6x10 table after I get there.
  21. I'll be there looking for a Kill Team game or just to hang out with everyone. It'll be good to see you again. Hope you can find a game. 😃
  22. Hey, great to see everyone last night! Very cool to see Custodes take on Dark Eldar and Admech vs. Necrons, plus it was great to view @Kevin the Wizard 's fully modeled Endor table in an Empire vs Rebels showdown. Thank you all for attending GN and hope to see a good crowd next week!! 😎
  23. Planning on being there for either Kill Team or possibly to watch some 10th ed. 40k games. I'd like to see how everything works in the new edition, particularly different armies and their playstyles.
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