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Everything posted by Burk

  1. All good bro. per our discussion on discord, let me know tomorrow what you decide.
  2. wow. great work peeps. I need the @dylanator and @SigurdBC to decide on their teams for the league.
  3. Hey Swenson (and other new to the league). When a new team joins we do a catchup for that team. What this means is you get 3 admins games (ie you dont play them, we give you 3 concessions). Your team ends up with 6 MVP's, 6 TD's and all the cash from those games. All with no injuries. Its so new teams have a bit of a head start. Once we say your complete, you can go to your team and select your skills, buy new players, etc. Once all catch-ups are done, we will assign divisions and sent out new tickets for the official league games. We do this for 2 reasons. 1. new teams are boring. 2. Sometimes, a new team has to play in the upper division with established teams and this gives them a fighting chance. Enjoy.
  4. Done, you got 5 skill ups and ~240k
  5. These teams need to make their team choice and let me know the name @Burk @dylanator @michaels @SigurdBC If a new team I will get you a catchup league. If returning, let me know which so I can work up divisions, etc.
  6. Ok, prepping catchup games. I have sent tickets to these players for the catchups. Please accept and advise when done. @Russell Castronovo @Duckman @Falcon64 @kb10r @Spielmannsfluch @Swensos83 @WreckingBall
  7. Ok. I am back from vacation, I have not seen much thoughts on the league structure. I plan to finalize and get some tickets out this weekend. Please give me your feedback. thx
  8. We are still a couple of weeks away, sorry but i will be out of the state for a bit. Once I am back...full speed ahead.
  9. Ok, so we have 16 teams, but 1 more that wants in. I think we can do this. we have 2 options 8 game season like normal with playoffs 1. 3 divisions - 8 teams each (2x 6 human, 2 AI; 1x 5 human, 3 AI). Means each team plays at lease 3 AI...not my prefered, but makes it so each team plays each team in their division. 2. 2 divisions of 10 teams each (1 with 9 human, 1 AS; 1 with 8 human, 2 AI). with 8 games, each human will not play ever other human. Both are sub-optimal, but it gets all the players in. Want your thoughts on this? Or other option Is I can play 2 teams in the 3 division format so each division is equal players/AI.
  10. Max is in also, so I think we are full. I cant get stuff setup for a week or so, but will get stuff going as soon as I can.
  11. better not......i expect a full season this time.....no concessions.
  12. Got you in. Got 14. 2 more makes it perfect, last chance boys.... @dylanator @Maxwell Christian @Rhuell
  13. your more than welcome to play.
  14. your fine. We have 2 divisions. Upper with re-occuring teams and lower with new and some returning teams that are not as strong. Either way, new teams get a 3 game boost (admin'd games) that get them some extra cash and skills. usually teams end up around 1200-1300TV after the 3 games.
  15. Its a mix, you can re-use a previous used team if it has only played in Ordo leagues/competitions.
  16. Current Sign-ups: @Burk - BB2 team name: TBD - BB2 name: Burk @Weav - BB2 team name: Tzeeentch'ezee Titans (Chaos) - BB2 name: Weav @SigurdBC - BB2 team name: TBD - BB2 name: SigurdBC @Swensos83 - BB2 team name: Tree Huggin' Hippiez - BB2 name: Swensos @Spielmannsfluch - BB2 Team Name: Test Two Beta- BB2 Name: Spielmannsfluch @scotthartman - BB2 team name: Chunklove - BB2 name: PajamaRed @CountElmdor - BB2 Team Name: Lucavi (Chaos) - BB2 name: Elmdor @Duckman - BB2 team name: Crotchety old Brood - BB2 name: Duckman @michaels - BB2 Team Name: TBD- BB2 Name: Michaels @Russell Castronovo - BB2 Team Name: TBD- BB2 Name: Daxer777 still waiting to hear from: @Bosco @dylanator @Maxwell Christian @peter.cosgrove @Rhuell
  17. still a while. Got to get some other stuff finished first
  18. Ill take one of the 2 Sure hands depending on what Max takes: G1 or G4, Sure Hands, #7 Hebner James +20k
  19. There should be consolation price for most players drafted...maybe a box of tissues..... I have had 5 so far. 3 of 4 last night were drafted...on 1's.....
  20. BB2 and no problem. its a relaxed league.
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