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Posts posted by Weav

  1. We're about a month out from the first Ordo After Party, and I'm excited to see how many late night gamers we can get to attend. I'm hopefully going to get in a game of Terraforming Mars and maybe a Tyrants of the Underdark, all while indulging in Kentucky Mules over at The White Owl...


    What does everyone else wanna' play?

  2. OBBL Super League round two schedule:

    Black Pool Dragons (vraeden) vs Eshin Eschatologists (pistachio)
    Muffinchops (Bradfarrell01) vs Meany Greenies (sfoster)
    Dead Henchmen (drod) vs The Milltown Mudskippers (stillness)
    Superb Stunty Scramblers (Rhuntar) vs Savannah Dragoons (Bishop - not on Ordo)
    Please have all round one and two games finished by 2/1/2017. Round three matches will be scheduled by 1/31/2017 and games may begin on 2/2/2017. If you want to play more games then two every three weeks, feel free to reach out to another Super League coach in the Facebook page or contact members of the Premiership via PM here on OrdoFanaticus.com
  3. The after party be poppin', yo!

    On Saturday, March 18th 2017, Ordo Fanaticus will open W.O.W. at 10pm for the first ever Ordo After Party! What can you expect? How about late night gaming at the clubhouse...play 30K, 40K, AoS, board games, Infinity, Blood Bowl...you name it! The clubhouse will be open past midnight, with many folks taking their chance to play a late night game, rather than our traditional game night. The after party will operate like most of our open house events, meaning you can stop by to play, hang out, chat with your pals, and best of all, it's free! It's also a great time to bring your non-game playing partners and friends to have some fun rolling dice and placing chits.

    Post any questions here, hopefully I'll see you there!

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