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Posts posted by VonRuger

  1. Yeah I had to turn my mouse sensitivity WAAAYYYY down to stop the drift. I guess I'm too used to a target lead (a marker showing where to aim to lead a target) to be any good at this game. Anyone else notice those glowing blue and red floating orbs that almost look like if you flew thru them they would give you a boost of some kind?

  2. So anyone have any tips yet? My first one is not to target the Bots, they are way to good for me right now. Also not sure how to evade missiles but the Bots seem to be able to easily. Messed with my sensitivity to be able to play, had to turn it way down otherwise it wouldn't stay even remotely still when shooting.

  3. 55 models done to a playable standard. Probably some of the worst painting I have done in a very long time, but I will take extra care on the Characters, which I am saving for last. having to match some of the already painted models paint scheme was a huge pain in my but, but save me from re-painting 25 models. Someday I may go back and strip them, but knowing me, I will just re-buy them and start over LOL!

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