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Posts posted by Frostitute

  1. And so it begins. Ridiculousness. God awful silliness. Death. Dead death. For those brave enough or just plain F|_|cking stupid.



                                       Ordo Stunty Leeg



    Do not fear nuffle. Embrace it. Anyone interested in a Stunty Leeg please apply. Rulez here


    I am looking to start the league first week of January. This will allow time for coaches to NOT proxy their team. This also means, for you that don't understand, the team you choose will look like the race i.e. look like miniature miniatures. 4 months. FOOOOOOUUUUUURRRRR months. In four months your soul will die and the stunty team should be done.


    I'm still up in the air if we have a season with a schedule or a challenge league.  Most likely after 10 weeks a playoff will be scheduled.

    Any ideas would be nice. Then shelved to possibly be considered never.


    So one change I want to make is to big guys.

    Wild Animal, Bone head and Really stupid. When a 1 is rolled for this trait. Movement is halved rounded down. The big guy gains the skill Ball & Chain. Minus the lines if player is ever knocked down or placed prone roll immediately for injury. stuns are K.O.'s etc. You can choose to not move. If you decide either no matter the outcome the result of Wild Animal, Bone Head and Really stupid are still applied after movement i.e. no tackle zones, cant assist, lose blitz(wild animal).

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  2. Here is another fact. Water is one oxygen atom and two hydrogen atoms. Please follow up with opinions thanks.


    @classicflava "I suck dick for fun. I play to win" - Travis Childs(me).

  3. I love these type of SOS. It means nothing with ME in the league. You switch the teams around and I play the top teams first. What most likely happens is: 1. I destroy their team making it harder for them to succeed. 2. They come to the utter realization their a horrible coach and soon slip into a black hole of depression. Which affects the rest of the scheduled games.


    Where are these variables in the equation.

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