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Posts posted by Frostitute

  1. I have moved the draft to Saturday April 12th.  This date is final.  If we have fewer then six coaches the season will not happen.  So if any other coaches want to recruit some new blood.  That would be helpful. Right now I believe I have six coaches.  With Michael having a friend interested that would be seven.


    Again if this date doesn't work let me know.  I have already moved it to April due to some coaches needing more time.

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  2. These are the players than can be drafted after the 1st round.  Rules on the draft are posted here.

    If there is more then 12 coaches for the season.  Then more players will be added. 


    I am either going to have the draft.

    Tuesday 18th of March

    Saturday 22th of March

    Please let me know which one is better for you



    Dekmar Tannfelder: MA6 ST4 AG4 AV8  Pass, Sure Hands, Nerves of Steel, Shadowing.......200,000         

    Hempel Bey: MA6 ST4 AG3 AV8 Pass, Sure Hands, Strip Ball, Leader.......................160,000

    Austein Wester: MA6 ST4 AG3 AV8 Pass, Sure Hands, Tackle, Break Tackle.................170,000

    Wuder Dassel: MA6 ST4 AG4 AV8 Pass, Sure Hands.........................................160,000

    Ramvoldus Hoef: MA6 ST3 AG3 AV8 Pass, Sure Hands, Dump-Off, Hail Mary Pass.............110,000

    Henschel Anders III: MA6 ST3 AG3 AV8 Pass, Sure Hands, Dodge, Accurate.................120,000

    Kristof Hannus: MA6 ST3 AG3 AV8 Pass, Sure Hands, Accurate, Hail Mary Pass.............110,000

    Ropot II: MA6 ST3 AG3 AV8 Pass, Sure Hands, Hail Mary Pass..............................90,000

    Brocuff Koeriner: MA6 ST3 AG3 AV8 Pass, Sure Hands, Accurate............................90,000

    Zoblaus Garssener: MA6 ST3 AG3 AV8 Pass, Sure Hands, Mighty Blow.......................100,000


    Dieterich Schlueter: MA8 ST2 AG3 AV7

    Catch, Dodge, Dirty Player, Sprint, Sure Hands, Kick-Off Return.............................150,000

    Mechtfrid: MA8 ST2 AG3 AV7
    Catch, Dodge, Side Step, Safe Throw, Diving Catch, Diving Tackle.......................150,000

    Berthuld: MA8 ST2 AG4 AV7 Catch, Dodge, Diving Catch, Sneaky Git.......................150,000

    Eckel: MA8 ST2 AG4 AV7 Catch, Dodge, Diving Catch, Sure Feet...........................150,000

    Heinrich: MA8 ST2 AG3 AV7 Catch, Dodge, Leap, Block, Diving Tackle.....................130,000

    Gerlach Furtz: MA8 ST2 AG3 AV7 Catch, Dodge, Block, Leap...............................110,000

    Hildebart Wester: MA8 ST2 AG3 AV7 Catch, Dodge, Sure Feet, Jump Up.....................110,000

    Walt Pappenheimer: MA9 ST2 AG3 AV7 Catch, Dodge, Strip Ball............................120,000

    Oldric Dorner: MA8 ST2 AG3 AV7 Catch, Dodge, Hail Mary Pass, Pro.......................120,000

    Pauwel Kraemer: MA8 ST2 AG3 AV7 Catch, Dodge, Side Step, Fend..........................110,000

    Ermelaus Meyer: MA8 ST2 AG3 AV7 Catch, Dodge, Leader, Sneaky Git.......................120,000

    Rudlo: MA8 ST2 AG3 AV7 Catch, Dodge, Sure Feet, Leap...................................120,000

    Jekil Schatz: MA8 ST2 AG3 AV7 Catch, Dodge, Multiple Block, Stunty.....................130,000

    Ulrichus Zell: MA8 ST2 AG3 AV7 Catch, Dodge, Kick.......................................90,000

    Seibot Helembertus: MA8 ST2 AG3 AV7 Catch, Dodge, Thick Skull..........................100,000

    Ludolf Bohsen: MA8 ST2 AG3 AV7 Catch, Dodge, Side Step..................................90,000

    Eckehart Liphardus: MA8 ST2 AG3 AV7 Catch, Dodge, Diving Catch..........................90,000

    Benusch Kraut: MA8 ST2 AG3 AV7 Catch, Dodge, Kick.......................................90,000
    Ripertus: MA8 ST2 AG3 AV7 Catch, Dodge, Sprint..........................................90,000


    Urban Dunn: MA7 ST3 AG3 AV8 Block, Stand Firm, Guard, Tackle, Mighty Blow..............170,000

    Rudeloff Barwedelmann: MA8 ST3 AG3 AV8 Block, Mighty Blow, Piling on, Jump up..........190,000

    Marx Vonreuter: MA7 ST3 AG3 AV8 Block, Kick, Multiple Block, Mighty Blow, Guard.........170,000

    Matzke Heinricus: MA7 ST3 AG4 AV8 Block, Frenzy, Chainsaw, Secret Weapon................180,000

    Halpern III: MA7 ST3 AG3 AV8 Block, Strong Arm, Kick, Guard............................150,000

    Varl Endal: MA7 ST3 AG3 AV8 Block, Stab, Strong Arm, Juggernaut........................160,000

    Willehalm Algir: MA7 ST3 AG3 AV8 Block, Leader, Frenzy, Piling on......................160,000

    Seidelman: MA7 ST3 AG3 AV9 Block, Kick-Off Return, Mighty Blow.........................160,000

    Mikusch Kelhammer: MA7 ST3 AG3 AV8 Block, Kick-Off Return, Stab, Guard.................160,000

    Eodred Heukerner: MA7 ST3 AG4 AV8 Block, Kick..........................................150,000

    Gerlach: MA7 ST4 AG4 AV8 Block.........................................................180,000

    Waldor Lukas: MA7 ST3 AG3 AV8 Block, Sprint, Strong Arm................................140,000

    Hannos Radische: MA7 ST3 AG3 AV8 Block, Juggernaut, Strip Ball.........................130,000

    Ermelaus: MA7 ST3 AG3 AV8 Block, Strong Arm, Dodge.....................................140,000

    Liebrecht Mohr: MA7 ST3 AG3 AV8 Block, Thick Skull, Mighty Blow........................130,000

    Burgmann Braun II: MA7 ST3 AG3 AV8 Block, Break Tackle, Juggernaut.....................130,000

    Endal Ramvoldus: MA7 ST3 AG3 AV8 Block, Strong Arm, Stand Firm.........................130,000

    Lanric Tubbmann: MA7 ST3 AG3 AV8 Block, Guard, Piling On...............................130,000

    Mengot Ramsauer: MA7 ST3 AG3 AV8 Block, Piling On, Stand Firm..........................130,000

    Jorgl: MA7 ST3 AG3 AV8 Block, Multiple Block, Strong Arm...............................130,000

    Gundel Leonardus Jr: MA7 ST3 AG3 AV8 Block, Multiple Block, Stand Firm.................130,000

    Adolphus Liphardus: MA7 ST3 AG3 AV8 Block, Sprint......................................120,000

    Elmeric Pfeiffer: MA8 ST3 AG3 AV8 Block................................................120,000

    Ingwald Vincencius: MA7 ST3 AG3 AV8 Block, Juggernaut..................................110,000

    Nimandus: MA7 ST3 AG3 AV8 Block, Stand Firm............................................110,000

    Reintsch: MA7 ST3 AG3 AV8 Block, Break Tackle..........................................110,000

    Waldemarr: MA7 ST3 AG3 AV8 Block, Mighty Blow..........................................110,000

    Reikert Haariginer: MA7 ST3 AG3 AV8 Block, Multiple Block..............................110,000

    Hannes Libingus: MA7 ST3 AG3 AV8 Block, Grab...........................................110,000

    Kunemann Ripmann: MA7 ST3 AG3 AV8 Block, Mighty Blow...................................110,000


    Hardrat Dreiflussen: MA6 ST3 AG4 AV8 Pass Block, Nerves of Steel, Fan Favorite.........170,000

    Wiland Aldermann: MA6 ST3 AG3 AV8 Shadowing, Guard, Sure Hands, Accurate...............150,000

    Reinald: MA6 ST3 AG4 AV8 Frenzy, Wrestle, Fend.........................................150,000

    Niclawes: MA6 ST3 AG3 AV8 Pro, Kick-Off Return, Sprint.................................120,000

    Casimir Gundersen: MA6 ST3 AG3 AV8 Wrestle, Pass Block, Fend...........................110,000

    Henricus Konrad: MA7 ST4 AG3 AV8 Kick-Off Return........................................150,000

    Heimar: MA6 ST3 AG4 AV8 Dump Off, Kick-Off Return.......................................140,000

    Faustmann Siffridus: MA7 ST3 AG3 AV8 Tackle, Sure Hands................................120,000

    Ortlip: MA7 ST3 AG3 AV8 Break Tackle, Fend.............................................130,000

    Carolus Tolzen: MA6 ST3 AG3 AV8 Shadowing, Hypnotic Gaze...............................100,000

    Hanmann Siffridus: MA7 ST3 AG3 AV8 Fend................................................100,000

    Gustaf: MA6 ST3 AG3 AV8 Wrestle, Strip Ball.............................................90,000

    Adolphus: MA6 ST3 AG3 AV8 Kick-Off Return, Shadowing....................................90,000

    Tristram Pfieler: MA6 ST3 AG3 AV8 Strip Ball, Sure Feet................................100,000

    Vincencius Eisen: MA6 ST4 AG3 AV8 Frenzy...............................................120,000

    Aldfreid: MA7 ST4 AG3 AV8..............................................................130,000

    Pauwel Gostahoffer: MA6 ST3 AG3 AV8 Wrestle, Fend.......................................90,000

    Ludevicus Dicker: MA6 ST3 AG3 AV9 Fend.................................................100,000

    Gotchalcus: MA6 ST3 AG3 AV8 Sure Hands, Block...........................................90,000

    Lukas Trautenau: MA6 ST3 AG3 AV8 Shadowing, Pro.........................................90,000

    Otmar Mikalsdorfer: MA6 ST3 AG3 AV8 Fend, Dirty Player..................................90,000

    Viggo: MA6 ST3 AG4 AV8..................................................................90,000

    Otmar: MA6 ST3 AG3 AV8 Shadowing........................................................70,000

    Thyrus Dieterich: MA6 ST3 AG3 AV8 Frenzy................................................70,000

    Sigmar Kahl: MA6 ST3 AG4 AV8............................................................90,000

    Rambrecht: MA6 ST3 AG3 AV8 Frenzy.......................................................70,000

    Teutoge Lastkahn: MA6 ST3 AG3 AV8 Shadowing.............................................70,000

    Claus Kalten: MA6 ST3 AG3 AV8 Dirty Player..............................................70,000

    Sigisberht: MA6 ST3 AG3 AV8 Tackle......................................................70,000

    Gundel: MA6 ST3 AG4 AV8.................................................................90,000


    Dekmar: MA6 ST5 AG2 AV9 L, BH, MB, TS, TTM, Break Tackle, Multiple Block, Guard........230,000

    Zaggut Gutsplitter: MA5 ST5 AG2 AV10 L, BH, MB, TS, TTM, Juggernaut, Strong Arm........210,000

    Azrag Bloodbather: MA5 ST5 AG2 AV9 L, BH, MB, TS, TTM, Stand Firm, Break Tackle, Juggernaut...............................200,000

    Yerek Icecruncher: MA5 ST5 AG2 AV9 L, BH, MB, TS, TTM, Grab, Guard.....................180,000
    Tuzrug the Rotund: MA5 ST5 AG3 AV9L, BH, MB, TS, TTM, Strong Arm.......................200,000

    Yegodd Earbiter: MA5 ST5 AG2 AV9 L, BH, MB, TS, TTM, Stand Firm, Grab..................180,000

    Skaren Gorechomp: MA5 ST5 AG2 AV9 L, BH, MB, TS, TTM, Grab, Juggernaut.................180,000

    Megret Mawseeker: MA5 ST5 AG2 AV9 L, BH, MB, TS, TTM, Piling On........................160,000

    Ragew the Devious: MA5 ST5 AG2 AV9 L, BH, MB, TS, TTM, Strong Arm......................160,000

    Muzunn Throatcutter: MA5 ST5 AG2 AV9 L, BH, MB, TS, TTM, Juggernaut....................160,000

  3. An edited version of jollyorks Imperial Cup rules.  These are not final. If enough of the coaches want something changed we can discuss it in this forum.

    The Empire is home to one of the most organized, well-run, and wealthy Blood Bowl leagues in the Auld World. A big reason the league is so wealthy is the sponsorship of every team by one of the Colleges of Magic. Although outright spellcasting has been banned, each College uses its affinity with its favored Wind of Magic to create some on-field advantages for the teams it sponsors. Each year the league hosts a tournament to determine which College-- err, which team, is the greatest of them all.

    Entry Fee

    $15 per coach

    This will all go to pay outs in different categories.

    20% Most Touchdowns

    20% Most Casualties

    20% Most Valuable Player (This will not be determined by cost of player nor final spp.  It will be awarded to the player whose has gained the most spp during the season)

    40% The Champion


    League Roster

    All rosters will be the Humans from the current Living rule book.  All rules that apply for rosters still apply(number of type of position doesn't exceed max. 16 player max.etc.).  The only exception is the new roster selections from the College of Magic sponsors.

    Colleges of Magic Enhancements
    Each College uses its mastery of its Wind of Magic to bring benefits to the teams it sponsors. These benefits include inducing new players to play alongside the humans, as well as using arcane knowledge to improve the team's equipment, performance, or even the very elements!

    Each team must select one College of Magic as its sponsor. This will happen before the draft. The team roster is expanded to include the new player type the College has influence over. The team also receives the designated Special Play card to use during each match of the league.

    College of Life
    Qty Title                      Cost    MA ST AG AV Skills                      Normal Double
    0-2  Imperial Halflings 30,000 5    2   3    6   Dodge, RS, Stunty A          GSP
    Special Play Card: Extra Training. Your team receives one extra team re-roll for this match. (Good Karma, 100K)

    College of Death
    Qty Title                       Cost     MA ST AG AV Skills    Normal Double
    0-2  Enthralled Ghouls 70,000 7    3   3    7    Dodge GA       SP
    Special Play Card: Magic Sponge. Roll a D6. On a 1, the sponge's magic fails. On a 2+, you may heal one player in the Dead & Injured box to move him to Reserves. (Random Events, 200K)

    College of Light
    Qty Title                     Cost     MA ST AG AV Skills     Normal Double
    0-2  Rogue Amazons 50,000 6    3    3    7   Dodge  G          ASP
    Special Play Card: Friendly Fans. Any player on your team that is pushed into the crowd this game is only Stunned, do not roll Injury. (Miscellaneous Mayhem, 50K)

    College of Shadow
    Qty Title                              Cost     MA ST AG AV Skills        Normal Double
    0-2  Renegade Dark Elves 70,000 6    3    4    8   Animosity GA       SP
    Special Play Card: Stolen Playbook. A player of your choice gains Pass Block and Shadowing until the drive ends. (Dirty Tricks, 50K)

    College of Beasts
    Qty Title                                 Cost     MA ST AG AV Skills   Normal Double
    0-2  Domesticated Beastmen 60,000 6    3   3    8    Horns GSM     AP
    Special Play Card: Suicide Blitz. (play after a kickoff to your opponent) A player of your choice not holding the ball may take a Blitz Action immediately. This player suffers from the No Hands skill for this Action only. (Special Team Plays, 50K)

    College of Metal
    Qty Title                   Cost     MA ST AG AV Skills      Normal Double
    0-2  Imperial Dwarfs 70,000 4    3   2    9    B, T, TS GS       AP
    Special Play Card: Chainsaw. A player of your choice on your team gains the Chainsaw, Secret Weapon, and No Hands skills for this game. (Good Karma, 100K)

    College of Fire
    Qty Title                        Cost    MA ST AG AV Skills  Normal Double
    0-2  Rampaging Norse 50,000 6    3   3    7    Block G         ASP
    Special Play Card: Heroic Leap. (play before any player takes an Action) Choose a player with strength four or less. This turn the chosen player may leap, as the skill, with a 3+ to land regardless of that player'
    s agility or skills. (Special Team Plays, 50K)

    College of Heavens
    Qty Title            Cost    MA ST AG AV Skills        Normal Double
    0-2 Aloof Elves 60,000 6    3   4    7   Animosity GA       SP
    Special Play Card: Scutt's Scroll of Weather Magic. Select a weather result. The weather will immediately change to that result and remain there until a Weather Change kick-off roll is made. (Good Karma, 100K)



    1,300,000gp will be the starting treasury for all team coaches. This goes to buy draft players, rookies, rerolls, fan factor, etc.


    The Draft

     A lottery will be held to find the order of draft.  The draft order will go first to last then reverse with last going first.  When the coaches name is selected for order of draft he/she will then notify the commissioner which college of magic he/she has chosen.

    The player's value must be paid at draft. The minimum for a starting roster is 11.  Coaches can use rookies to fill out their roster. The coach doesn't have to have a full team of players from the draft.

    The first round will be a special draft from the colleges of magic. There will be 3 players from each college with random skills. Each coach may only draft one player from their sponsor. The college of magic's draft selections will be unknown, until after each coach has selected a college. This way no one will be persuaded by the college's special draft*. Any remaining college of magic players will not go to the open market. They are drafted to their own race in other leagues.   After the college draft has been revealed coaches may trade their draft order before the official draft starts.  Following the special first round the normal draft selections will then be open to draft. You may select has many players you want to fill your roster.  All unpicked players will then go on the open market.

    *I will roll a dice to determine my college.


    Open Market

    A player on the open market can either be bid on or traded(of equal value) by a coach.

    If traded: The coach post to the blood bowl forums the player he is letting go and which player he is taking. The player that is released will go on open market.

    If bid: You must have enough gold in your treasury to make any bid. The coach that is interested in buying a player from the open market will post the player's name and his amount of bid on the blood bowl forum.  The player will then go up for auction for 4 days. If an another coach wants to counter bid he must make a post on that forum. The new bid must be a minimum of 10,000gp more then the previous bid.  This coach is now locked into the bid. If the original coach that started the bid does not want to continue bidding. He/She may try to bid on a completely different player. The player will then go to the highest bidder. All sales are final.



    Players on rosters may be traded before the half way point of season.  No trading between different colleges. No roster can have two different positions from different colleges.  Also no roster may have more then two of a college position. Any type of position may not exceed max(no more then 4 blitzers). The value of each player can be different.  The coach with the lesser value must make up the difference in value with gold pieces. It is up to both coaches to agree to trade. Trades are final. There will be no borrowing of players for a certain amount of time with compensation or no compensation.  Coaches can offer other coaches gold pieces equal to or more of players current value. With the intent of adding said player to his/her's roster. The final decision to sell player's contract is up to the owning coach.


    Player Contracts

    If a players title reaches or is currently a Star, Super Star and Legend it will activate bonuses to the contract.  The players contract will include incentives if he/she gains a certain amount of spp during a game.

    Star player points gained          Fee                                                       

    5-9spp.                                     10,000gp

    10-14spp.                                   20,000gp

    15-20spp.                                30,000gp

    21-30spp.                                 40,000gp

    This fee will be part of the post-match sequence. The player's contract bonus fees must be payed during step 3. If the coach can not pay the fee. The player will sit out for one drive at the start of the next game. If at the end of that game and including bonuses that incurred during that match. The coach is still unable to pay the player's contract bonuses. That player will be removed from the roster and put on the open market.  That player will only be bid on in the open market at his current value. The open market rules will apply to the player excluding trade. If the player is auctioned and all rules are met per open market.  That player's contract incentive fees will be taken out of total bid then the rest will go to the previous owning coach.



    I used jollorks model of draft from a previous season.  He included extraordinary in the random skills.  I have used it in my random draft.  Whenever i rolled double 1s that player then rolled for an extraordinary skill.

    If the coach rolls double 1s for a player's improvement roll. The coach then may roll on the extraordinary table or just choose any skill from any skill category that is on the double column. Some of these skills have negative effects. If you roll any negative skills he will gain that skill. Your player then can choose from any normal skill of his position as if he didn't roll doubles. If the roll is a weapon. That player also will gain the secret weapon skill. Stakes will be removed from roll table it would count as stab instead. Nurgles Rot is removed also due to over complicated rules that would need to be implemented. Always Hungry is removed.

    Any player of any position can gain; Right Stuff, Throw Team-Mate, Stunty, Titchy.

    Negative Extraordinary Skills; Animosity, Blood Lust, Bone-Head, Decay, Loner, No Hands, Really Stupid, Secret Weapon*, Take Root, Wild Animal.

    *Yes a player can gain secret weapon without having a weapon.  Officials no longer take the verbal and physical assault from player and will kick him out after a drive.


    The Extraordinary Roll Table (D10 and D8)

    11-13 Bone-Head

    14-16 Ball & Chain

    17-18 Wild Animal

    21-24 Stunty

    25-28 Blood Lust

    31-34 Stab

    35-38 No Hands

    41-44 Right Stuff

    45-48 Decay

    51-58 Fan Favorite

    61-64 Hypnotic Gaze

    65-68 Loner

    71-74 Regeneration

    75-78 Animosity

    81-84 Secret Weapon

    85-88 Bombardier

    91-94 Titchy

    95-98 Really Stupid

    101-104 Throw Team-Mate

    105-106 Chainsaw

    107-108 Take Root


    Post Game

    Any and all post game rolls must be viewed by the opposing coach. The commissioner will take all post game rosters after each game. I will try and get OBBLM up and running for the league so all updates to roster will be the coach's responsibility


    After the championship

    After a break and there is interest in starting a new season.  There will be another draft rolled up.  This new draft lottery will then be normal.  Last place team goes first then in order of loss/win record to the champ going last. Every round will start the same way.  The salary cap will increase.  It will be determined by all the teams total value average. With a slight decrease due to ff and rerolls not needed to be purchased again.  This money will be used to purchase the new players in the draft.  Your existing roster players may be purchased with this money also.  Two weeks before the draft any player on your existing roster that you no longer want to pay can be released.  These released players are considered free agents.  This will be posted on a forum so any other coach may pick up this player or players using the open market rules. Any money in your team's treasury may be used for the draft.


    Renegotiating a Contract

    In some cases you might want to save some gold for the new season.  You may renegotiate a contract of a star, super star or legend player on your existing roster. For each player roll a D10.

    1-8 the contract stands.

    9-10 you may remove 30,000 gold pieces of the player's value.

    This reduced price will be taken off the players value when figuring out your purchases before the start of the season. Before the 1st game the players normal value will then be added to team value. and each game after.

    A plus sign will be added to his name. The bonuses on a renegotiated contract have increased. Use the new chart for incentives achieved during game

    Star player points gained          Fee                                                       

    1-5spp.                                     10,000gp

    6-9spp.                                   20,000gp

    10-14spp.                                30,000gp

    15-30spp.                                 40,000gp



  4. Warning:  Do not and I mean do not F*****g read on if you are unable to commit to finishing a blood bowl league. Don't post, don't give ideas and don't be a p***y.    


    It is time to start a new season. I will be the commissioner.  It will be an all human league with some slight changes to Dan's Imperial rule set here.  I am hoping to start this by the last full week of March.  Please post any ideas you might have and your interest.  I have contacted Dan so i can get some help and or changes with the rules.


    Some of the things I am thinking:


    -There will be a draft


    -No Blocker position 0-2 MA4 ST4 AG2 AV9


    -A different dwarf school special play card other then Chainsaw. Replaced with Dogged Defense or Wake Up Call


    -A $10 entry fee. All the money collected would then be split 50% 1st place and then 50% to the Champion.(I will spend the collect money before either happens due to the inevitable)


    -10 weeks only for regular season.  If people can commit to a longer season then maybe longer.


    -Players with more then 3 skills will incur a fee on your income.  Due to drafted players starting with more then 1 skill. If your unable to pay the fee the player will sit out a game.  If you cannot pay the after that game he will leave and be able to be picked up by another team. I am just trying to offset any OP rosters that might arise from draft. Whats the fee? I haven't decided yet.


    -It will happen and most likely we need to prepare for it.  A douche bag will not finish the league or not play his weekly game.  There are no excuses for this in my opinion.  This has happened way to often not to setup some way to fix this.  The week that is not played will be a conceded by the coach that didn't give the time to play.  All rules that apply for conceding will be enforced. If it happens the next week by the same coach. One of the remaining coaches that is interested will sit in and play the roster.  I will not force a coach to play that doesn't want to play two teams a week. The coach will change every week. So there isn't any commitment to the missing coaches team if yours is not doing well. I will make a forum post with coaches scheduling their games.  If one of the coaches does not show up for the scheduled game. The coach that was available posts that it didn't happen. I will follow up with a pm to the no show coach. If he doesn't reply by the new week. I will apply these rules.


    Coaches please post any ideas you might have. 

    Also post that you are interested in finishing a league with a champion. So i can get a head count.

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