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Posts posted by Nick!

  1. Battlecrusiers are super rare right now- I'd happily take the Basilisk off your hands for 30$, or you can hold out for 50ish on ebay (if you want to deal with that).  Someone would do an exchange for the scourge starter with you.


    Commanders are not that useful right now- the cards are out, but hard to get in the US.  Right now, I would only take one if you had a weird number of points left over.  Also note that there was rules update, should be available on the website (changes a few points values and stats, makes admirals better).


    There is a big 'meta war' going on over drop capacity.  The release of corvettes has made things unstable on that front.  Generally you want to spend 20-40% of your points on drop (and bombardment).  You need at least 4 strike carriers, and if you are taking bulk landers, you want 2 (just one dies too easily).  Note that PHR tend to go troopship heavy (since theirs have so many guns), and Shaltari are just weird!


    I don't think I will get to dropfleet in July, sadly.  However, dropping by the Portland Game store should get you a demo most saturdays!

  2. 3 hours ago, Dvalin said:

    Hey, Nick!

    Interested, indeed! Still need to sort and assemble this all, mind. ;)

    Whereabouts in Portland are you guys? And didn't know about the Portland Game Store! Awesome! It's a lot easier for me to get to than Guardian, it looks like.

    As for trades, I'm still sorting through. I'd been planning to keep Scourge, PHR, and UCM, and drop my Shaltari, but if there's noone playing Shaltari I'd happily, say, trade Scourge like-for-like for Shaltari or PHR. I've got the usual Kickstarter stuff for Shaltari and Scourge, along with the Basilisk BC for the Scourge.

    Meta-wise, how many are there of each faction? And what sorts of points ranges are people usually in? I'm debating how quickly I'll need to fill out with a command deck, battleships, corvettes, etc.


    We are in (whispers) Vancouver!

    Standard games are 1250, although 900 is good for your first couple games.  All factions seem decently represented, with maybe Scourge being a smidge more popular, and Shaltari a smidge less?

    If we do meet up, I would happily trade you my shaltari stuff for scourge.  I will put a message here on ordo when we get closer.

  3. It is still active!


    Lyraeus runs a tournament at The Portland Game Store every other month (The next one is either June 24th or July 1st), and a friend and I play occasionally at my house.  I think the next time for that would be July 2nd or 9th.  

    Are either of you interested?

    I have the kickstarter Shaltari stuff (1 cruiser, 8 frigates, 1 voidgate) for trade as well.  Would take any other of the 3 factions for it!

  4. So, Mantic is doing a summer campaign, starting in Late July.  I have a good 4-5 people interested.  If we set up a bi-weekly game at Guardian, would that interest more folks, or is Kings of War dead except for my little group?

    If it makes it easier, we can do some small point games in July for folks who want to try it out?  You don't have to play in a long term group- Kings of War is simple enough that if you want to take a 2 month break from another game, you can do that easily!

  5. So, Mantic is doing a summer campaign, starting in Late July.  I have a good 4-5 people interested.  If we set up a bi-weekly game at Guardian, would that interest more folks, or is Kings of War dead except for my little group?

    If it makes it easier, we can do some small point games in July for folks who want to try it out?  You don't have to play in a long term group- Kings of War is simple enough that if you want to take a 2 month break from another game, you can do that easily!

  6. On 3/24/2017 at 3:25 PM, Atules said:

    Oh cool! Do you guys have some way to communicate events and things? I'm really curious about the game

    I have sent out the Bat-signal for Lyraeus, he does stuff in Portland weekly.  My group is just two of us in Vancouver, next game probably not until Mid April.

  7. Lyraeus can give you more insight here, but from what I can see...

    Decently.  The February tournament had 8 players, from 3 different play groups.  There were 3ish more that couldn't make that particular event.

    The Portland Game Store has a dedicated night to both Hawk games (Saturday, I think?).

    Hawk is releasing wave two (Corvettes!) next week.  They have also released two erratas so far, so they care about balance.

  8. we played about 2/3 of a 4000 point game.  My Empire of Dust against Gil's Twilight Kin and Charlie's Nightstalkers.

    It was awesomely epic, but I was on a downward spiral at the end (mostly because my Idol of Shobik couldn't kill a standard bearer).  We called it a minor win for the allies.

    The next game I put on will be in May, due to my kitchen remodel.  

  9. Hello,

    I have been getting interested in playing form Kings of War as well. I live over in the Portland area. Wondering if I can get in on this group

    Sorry about that, I haven't checked the thread in a week.


    Send me a PM.  Next game day is the 22nd.

  10. I have a small group that meets in Vancouver 10am-1pm on some Sundays.  Next one is January 22nd- PM me for address.


    I know Rijel (who sometimes comes to my meetup) has a small group over in Portland.  He can say more.

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